Month: 2014-03

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時間:2014-03-02 14:49
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2014年3月2日上午6:49 · 台北市 · 常設展特搜-【清 乾隆 粉彩鏤空雲龍紋轉心冠架】(陳列室:205)
Permanent Exhibit-【Hatstand with openwork of dragon and clouds in fencai polychrome enamels】(Gallery: 205)
Qianlong reign (1736-1795), Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
Length: 6.9… 更多 cm Height: 4 cm Thickness: 0.33 cm
The Hatcrown stands was were made especially for the Qing court… 更多 to place hatscrowns used by members of the imperial family, with those of the Qianlong reign being ingeniously designed by Tang Ying to combine openwork carving, a revolving part, and movable rings. The round part of the openwork censer not only served as a crown hatstand butand also was a censer, also being capable of being turninged for appreciation.
時間:2014-03-03 11:39
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月3日上午3:39 ·   在進入艾雪展的展間前,大大的牆上,有幅放大的【白天與黑夜】,它也是艾雪至今最受歡迎的作品之一。
Current Exhibit:【Day and Night, 1938】- The Enigma of M.C. Escher: Prints from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Gallery: Exhibition Area II 1F , Library Building
日期(Exhibit dates):2014/02/27~2014/06/02
1937年艾雪的畫風轉變,創作題材不再侷限於風景及人物,他開始嘗試變形。畫作中他巧妙地利用了黑與白的方格田地,將造型形體… 更多漸變為飛翔於空中的飛鳥;右邊的田地變為飛翔於夜空的白鳥;左邊的田地則變為飛翔於白晝的黑鳥,由左到右為白晝到黑夜的逐步過渡,黑鳥與白鳥相互交錯鋪填畫面空間,那麼…您的第一眼是先看到黑鳥還是白鳥呢?
時間:2014-03-04 19:07
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2014年3月4日上午11:07 · 台北市 · 常設展特搜-【清 雍正 青花菊瓣花澆】(陳列室:205)
Permanent Exhibit-【Ewer with chrysanthemum petal design in underglaze blue】(Gallery: 205)
Yongzheng reign (1723-1735), Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
Height: 31cm, Rim diameter: 8cm
This underglaze blue ewer, which was originally intended for… 更多 watering plants, was produced by the imperial kilns at Jingdezhen during the reign of the Yongzheng emperor. The remarkable advancements in porcelain technology witnessed during the Yongzheng reign can be largely credited to the imperial officials tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the imperial kilns. The inspector of the early Yongzheng reign was a man named Nian Xiyao, who edited a book on three-dimensionality entitled Studies in Vision. The illustrations in this book featured ceramics crafted under his supervision, and include a picture of a ewer almost identical to the vessel on display here.
時間:2014-03-05 12:00
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum2014年3月5日 · 艾雪的魔幻世界畫展-【陽台 Balcony,1945】
Current Exhibit:【Balcony, 1945】- The Enigma of M.C. Escher: Prints from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Gallery: Exhibition Area II 1F , Library Building
日期(Exhibit dates):2014/02/27~2014/06/02
(3)在《艾雪的版畫藝術》一書中艾雪自述:「當紙張看起來平整之時,作品中間凸起的地方可視為錯視的一種。」為了呈現錯視,艾… 更多雪在繪製草圖之初,即將作品分割成許多正方形,然後再將位於中心的正方形之邊線變形成曲線,且連結成一個圓,所以圓心周圍會產生膨脹,而部分邊緣則被壓縮,如此造就出作品中央凸起放大的效果。
時間:2014-03-07 10:23
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月7日上午2:23 · 艾雪的魔幻世界畫展-【天與水(二) Sky and Water II,1938】
Current Exhibit:【Sky and Water II, 1938】- The Enigma of M.C. Escher: Prints from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
  昨天提到這次艾雪展有六個展區,天與水系列的兩件作品正在第六展區(主題:心理遊戲)。當形狀互補的兩組圖案交錯排列在同一畫面時,觀者往往無法同時辨識兩組圖案,就像艾雪《天與水》(Sky and Water, 1938)作品中,白色的魚和黑色的鳥彼此形狀互補、緊密嵌合,但觀者往往只能看見其中一種形狀一樣~
Gallery: Exhibition Area II 1F , Library… 更多 Building
日期(Exhibit dates):2014/02/27~2014/06/02
時間:2014-03-08 11:43
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月8日上午3:43 · 明四大家–沈周【花下睡鵝 軸】(陳列室:210)
Current Exhibit-【Goose Sleeping under Flowers】Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty: Shen Zhou (Gallery: 210)
Shen Zhou (1427-1509), Ming dynasty, 130.3 x 63.2 cm… 更多
時間:2014-03-09 12:12
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2014年3月9日上午4:12 · 台北市 · 常設展特搜-【商後期 嵌綠松石獸面紋鉞】(陳列室:305)
Permanent Exhibit-【Yue battle ax with animal mask pattern and turquoise inlay】(Gallery: 305)
Late Shang Dynasty (c. 13th to 11th century B.C.E.)
長20公分 肩寬10.7公分 刃線寬13.5公分… 更多 Length:20cm Width:10.7cm
(3)In addition to the turquoise, this object is also decorated… 更多 with one of the most commonly seen decorative motifs of the Shang and Zhou dynasties--the animal mask design. This abstracted form of decoration probably represents a mythological beast derived from the imagination of the ancients, perhaps used as a kind of medium in religious rites between them and the gods and ancestors. It may have also been a kind of protective deity for precious bronze ritual objects, serving the purpose of averting evil influences. Craftsmen at the time apparently spared no effort to overcome the technical difficulties in this art form, casting this form of decoration in great numbers on bronze objects. Not only does this reveal a reverent attitude towards the spirit world, but also the importance with which they attached to ritual ceremonies.
時間:2014-03-10 10:08
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月10日上午2:08 · 艾雪的魔幻世界畫展【戈里亞諾西科利,阿布魯佐 Goriano Sicoli, Abruzzi,1929】
Current Exhibit:【Goriano Sicoli, Abruzzi, 1929】- The Enigma of M.C. Escher: Prints from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
  艾雪展中第五區是「南歐風景」,而這一幅【戈里亞諾西科利‧阿布魯佐】是艾雪創作的第一幅石版畫作品,作品描繪他在義大利阿布魯齊(Abruzzo) 旅遊時途經的一個小鎮。艾雪版畫技巧的學習始於中學時期,為了使作品更容易複印,他在南歐旅遊時便開始學習石版畫。
「構圖」:有寫生經驗的朋友或許也經常從單一角度作畫,但艾雪這… 更多幅作品,如果僅僅只是從單一角度作畫很難有如此的立體感,合理的猜測艾雪作畫時,對於當地風景一定有相當的觀察後才開始畫草稿及製版。(以上訊息轉自艾雪的魔幻世界facebook:
時間:2014-03-10 16:26
動畫分享(Video sharing):Who is Escher?

Who is Escher?

艾雪展 in Taiwan粉絲團: 【破解 藝術家之謎】 到這裡,大多數人內心第一個OS都會是 『Escher到底是誰?』 小編也廢話不多說,大家一起追隨影片中的線索 探索 國際知名藝術家 艾雪(M.C. Escher) 之謎~ 影片中的作品,您...
(註)荷蘭藝術家艾雪(Maurits Cornelis Escher,1898-1972)被視為二十世紀藝術繁盛時代… 更多的奇葩,其獨樹一幟且無法歸類的美感風格,由數學界率先發掘,近年來成為全球最受觀迎的展覽之一,2011年於巴西里約展出時,創下每日平均參觀人數高到9,700人次的驚人紀錄,為該年度全球之冠,全球排名第三則為故宮所舉辦的「山水合璧—黃公望與富春山居圖特展」。
時間:2014-03-11 17:00
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月11日上午9:00 · 近代書畫名品展【民國 張大千 蘇花攬勝圖 (局部)】(陳列室:107)
Current Exhibit:【Panoramic View of the Suao-Hualien Roadway (part)】(Gallery: 107)
Famous Works of Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
Chang Dai-chien (1899-1983),… 更多 Republican period
(2) This work, done in 1965 at the age of 67 by Chinese… 更多 reckoning, was donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Chang Ting-chung. After Chang Dai-chien had traveled between Suao and Hualien, he revisited memories of that trip to capture the misty rain-filled scenery in this painting.
時間:2014-03-12 12:44
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月12日上午4:44 · 乾隆潮•新媒體藝術展-【十全乾隆】(陳列室:106) 展覽即將結束!
Current Exhibit:【Qianlong of the Ten Great Campaigns】- Qianlong C.H.A.O. New Media Art (Gallery: 106)
(2)This mini Qianlong sits in the cockpit, controlling the… 更多 robot by deejaying (DJ-ing?). The robot is a collage of the past and present/east and west, which is as well a symbol of our core exposition: “Cultural Remix”.
The mini Qianlong has a very innocent smile, like the comment he wrote for a Chinese painter “Simple and Innocent”, which as well brings up a question for ourselves: Is art something that we would fully understand if we come back to our simplest thoughts?
時間:2014-03-12 14:49
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月12日上午6:49 · 艾雪的魔幻世界畫展【相對論 Relativity,1953】
Current Exhibit:【Relativity,1953】- The Enigma of M.C. Escher: Prints from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
日期(Exhibit dates):2014/02/27~2014/06/02
  這一件《相對論》(Relativity;1953) 也是在第六區【心理遊戲】區,探討「心理遊戲般的視覺幻象」。
(3) 第三組人:作品下方有個人正在上樓,他可依樓梯向上走到作品中央的那座花園,也可右轉往另一個樓梯到達作品右上方的塔樓。
時間:2014-03-13 15:07
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月13日上午7:07 · 明四大家–沈周【寫生冊 萱花(第三開)】(陳列室:)
Current Exhibit:【Album of Sketching from Life- Day Lily (3rd)】(Gallery: 208)
Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty: Shen Zhou
Album leaf, ink on paper 34.3 x 58.1 cm, 明孝宗弘治七年(1494)… 更多
(3) The brushwork throughout ranges dramatically from light to… 更多 dark, faithfully capturing the essence of the subject. Shen Zhou scrupulously adhered to Confucian principles in his life and was quite filial to his mother. In fact, he once wrote a poem that stated, “My mother loved day lilies; Thousands of their blossoms were in front of the hall. I make a present of this idea; I grind the ink and dot the flowers of spring.” This painting is thus not only a sketch from life, but also a lodging of the artist’s sentiments and an expression of remembrance for his mother.
時間:2014-03-16 15:45
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月16日上午7:45 · 艾雪的魔幻世界畫展【版畫畫廊 Print Gallery,1956】
Current Exhibit:【Print Gallery, 1956】- The Enigma of M.C. Escher: Prints from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
日期(Exhibit dates):2014/02/27~2014/06/02
Gallery:… 更多 Exhibition Area II 1F , Library Building
(2) The recent scientific attempt to continue the sequence… 更多 using computer graphics produced a blurred outcome. Yet there is another explanation of the mystery: The artist may have encountered an unsolvable problem at the picture's center, and, realizing he could not merge all the work's planes, decided to cancel the plate, that is, create a defect so it could no longer be used. Escher often cancelled printing plates using the same method – by creating a round hole in a strategic place. Apparently, in this case he regretted his decision, camouflaging the flawed area so he could continue printing from the plate.
時間:2014-03-19 21:29
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月19日下午1:29 · 艾雪的魔幻世界畫展【蜥蜴 Reptiles,1943】
Current Exhibit:【Reptiles,1943】- The Enigma of M.C. Escher: Prints from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem… 更多
日期(Exhibit dates):2014/02/27~2014/06/02
地點:國立故宮博物院圖書文獻大樓一樓… 更多
Gallery: Exhibition Area II 1F , Library Building
時間:2014-03-21 10:03
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月21日上午2:03 · 艾雪的魔幻世界畫展【畫廊 Gallery,1946】
Current Exhibit:【Gallery, 1946】- The Enigma of M.C. Escher: Prints from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
日期(Exhibit dates):2014/02/27~2014/06/02
  這件作品運用交點透視法(Linear… 更多 perspective,或稱為直線透視法)創造無限延伸的隧道。運用上下左右四個牆面創造出更多樣化的空間世界,每面牆都點綴一隻波斯人鳥,造型源於艾雪岳父自俄羅斯買回的贈禮。在這個共通點下,每面牆又各自代表不同的世界,下方為宇宙的樣貌,其餘三方則為不同的星球表面,中間無止盡的隧道,可推測為天頂或是地平線,藉由隧道的聯結,將四個不同的空間同時呈現於單一平面中。
Gallery: Exhibition Area II 1F , Library… 更多 Building
時間:2014-03-21 16:58
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月21日上午8:58 · 明四大家-【明人書畫扇(卯) 冊 沈周 書詩】(陳列室:212) 最後10天!
Current Exhibit:【Poetry】(Gallery: 212) Only ten days left!
Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty: Shen Zhou
Shen Zhou (1427-1509), Ming dynasty… 更多
This fan was written by Shen Zhou in the last year of his life.… 更多 Though it does not feature his magnanimous and spirited quality of trembling brushwork or strokes elongated on the left and right, it nevertheless reflects his frame of mind and realm of art at the time. The characters throughout the work are steady and upright, the brush movement heavy and condensed with nothing missing from the dots and strokes. Overall, the style is vigorous and solemn with an unadorned beauty of simplicity pervading it everywhere. Compared to works of the same period in the mature manner of Huang Tingjian, the calligraphy in this fan by Shen Zhou is sedate and introverted, the forms of the dots and strokes not explicitly expressive. The natural manner of moderation and introspection here perfectly expresses the composure of Shen’s attitude in seeking neither fame nor wealth.
時間:2014-03-22 17:32
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月22日上午9:32 · 近代書畫名品展【清 趙之謙 篆書七言聯】(陳列室:105)
Current Exhibit:【Seven-character Couplet in Seal Script】(Gallery: 105)
Famous Works of Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
Zhao Zhiqian (1829-1884), Qing dynasty… 更多
Zhao Zhiqian (style name Yifu; sobriquets Huishu and Bei'an), a… 更多 native of Shaoxing in Zhejiang, early in his study of calligraphy followed that of Yan Zhenqing (709-785), later focusing on the writing on Northern Steles. He followed the style of Deng Shiru (1743-1805), incorporating and fusing it to form his own manner.
The character forms in this couplet are graceful in terms of pose with great movement. In the curving and fluid shapes is a unique and elegantly classic atmosphere that perfectly reflects Zhao Zhiqian's style of calligraphy.
時間:2014-03-29 17:42
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月29日上午9:42 · 艾雪的魔幻世界畫展【三個球體(二) Three Spheres II,1946】
Current Exhibit:【Three Spheres II, 1946】- The Enigma of M.C. Escher: Prints from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
日期(Exhibit dates):2014/02/27~2014/06/02
Gallery: Exhibition Area II 1F , Library Building
(2)畫中三個大小相同球體,代表著不同的材質與意涵,最右邊的球體由裝滿水的玻璃製成,可清楚的反射或放大桌子的結構;如鏡面… 更多般的中間球體,一方面反射出艾雪坐於桌前創作此幅作品的畫面,另一方面也反射出其身處的空間;左邊的球體由金屬製成,相較於其他兩個球體,其表面反射出亮面與暗面。畫作中的三個球體反射出不同的三個面向,亦呈現出艾雪創作環境的光線與空間。
時間:2014-03-31 01:02
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年3月30日下午5:02 · 明四大家–沈周【秋景山水】(陳列室:210) 最後一天!即將結束!
Current Exhibit: Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty: Shen Zhou
【Autumn Landscape】(Gallery: 210) Closing today (March 31st )!
  這件【沈周 秋景山水】是《明 文徵明、沈周、唐寅、仇英 便面合裝冊》中的第二幅,沈周愛好描寫田園生活,紀錄週遭事物與心靈的感應,是一位真實而自然的文人藝術家。(其他說明請看留言區)
A high hill on which sits a thatched pavilion rises abruptly. A… 更多 single tree with red leaves leans over the pavilion. To the left is a grove of several trees, dense and tall, painted with a dripping brush. To the right of the hill the base of a lofty mountain is visible, partly screening an expanse of wall, behind which stands a grove of bamboo, Host and guest are standing bowing to each other in front of the gate; they seem about to part. Throughout the painting the use of brush and ink is vigorous and blunt, but full and elegant. The handling of color is fresh and refined. “Autumn Landscape” is dated the 8th month of 1489, when Shen Chou was 62.