Month: 2014-05

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時間:2014-05-05 18:28
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年5月5日上午10:28 · 近代書畫名品展【民國 張大千 墨荷】(陳列室:105)
Current Exhibit:【Ink Lotuses】(Gallery: 105)
Famous Works of Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
Chang Dai-chien (1899-1983), Republican period
Framed painting, ink on paper, 65.6… 更多 x 161.1 cm
時間:2014-05-06 15:30
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年5月6日上午7:30 · 四月開展不久臉書這邊介紹過文徵明書法作品【四體千文】的楷書和草書,接下來我們來看看另外兩種字體:隸書和篆書。
明四大家–文徵明【四體千文 (隸書)】(陳列室:206)
Current Exhibit: Wen Zhengming【"Thousand-Character Essay" in Clerical Scripts】(Gallery: 206)
Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), Ming… 更多 Dynasty
Handscroll, ink on silk, 27.9 x 52.5 cm
  千字文本是兒童啟蒙教材,全文千字,由於內容包羅廣泛,沒有一字重覆,後遂成為書法習字的素材。文徵明此卷始作於嘉靖乙未(1535) 六十六歲,費時年餘乃成。文氏自言,年輕時以臨寫千字文為日課,故所流傳千文作品甚多。全卷分別以楷、草、隸、篆四體書寫,楷、草筆鋒挺秀,法度嚴謹純熟,至於隸、篆則多顯楷法,用筆銳利勁挺,反映出當時的時代風格。
The "Thousand-Character Essay" was originally a primer for… 更多 teaching children. Comprised of a thousand characters, the contents are all embracing without a single character repeated, which is why it later became a subject for practicing calligraphy. Wen Peng's son, Wen Yuanfa (1529-1605), once said that his grandfather, Wen Zhengming, did the "Thousand-Character Essay" in four script types, but they had been scattered among the people with "hundreds if not thousands" of versions extant.
Taking more than a year to finish, this handscroll by Wen Zhengming was done in the "yiwei" year of the Jiajing reign (1535) at the age of 66 by traditional count. Wen Zhengming himself said that copying the "… 更多
時間:2014-05-08 09:26
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年5月8日上午1:26 · 多媒體下載/靜態月曆桌布–馬年系列 5 月
Download/Static Calendar Desktops (Year of the Horse Series: May)
  五月份故宮官網提供了出自本院文物「宋 李公麟… 更多 畫麗人行」的桌布,這一幅畫是根據杜甫〈麗人行〉一詩,描繪秦、韓、虢三國夫人出遊的景象。女子體態豐腴,額鼻皆留白。馬匹肥壯,縱轡徐行,優遊閒適。本幅無作者款印,後人或因李公麟(1049-1106)擅畫人馬,便傳稱此作出自李公麟之手,但從畫風來看,此畫完成的時間當在南宋以後。本圖是1024*768,其他大小的桌布請至下方連結下載:
This work is based on the poem “Beauties on an Outing” by the… 更多 famous Tang poet Du Fu, who described therein the opulent beauty of noble ladies from the states of Qin, Han, and Guo. The figures of the ladies here are plump and their faces done with white makeup. The horses are muscular as the ladies proceed on horseback in a leisurely and carefree manner. In fact, all the figures and horses, as well as the clothing, hairstyles, and coloring method, are in the Tang dynasty style. A late Northern Song copy of a Tang rendition on this subject by the Painting Academy (“Copy of Zhang Xuan’s ‘Spring Outing of Lady Guo’”) is very similar in composition to this painting. Though this work bears no seal or signature of the artist, later connoisseurs attributed it as coming from the hand of Li Gonglin (perhaps because he specialized in figures and horses). However, judging from the style here, it was completed probably sometime after the Southern Song period.
時間:2014-05-12 09:00
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年5月12日上午1:00 · 今天要介紹艾雪一件非常經典的作品,而且,它非常具有故事性!
艾雪的魔幻世界畫展【遭遇, Encounter, 1944】
Current Exhibit:【Encounter, 1944】- The Enigma of M.C. Escher: Prints from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
石版畫 Lithograph, 342 x 467mm… 更多
  作品印刷之時,由於畫中的人物與當時荷蘭非常受歡迎的首相科萊恩(Hendrikus Colijn,1869-1944)非常相似,因此藝術商對販售此作再三猶豫,但艾雪表示創作時並無此意圖。
日期(Exhibit dates):2014/02/27~2014/06/02
Gallery: Exhibition Area II 1F , Library Building
This print, executed at the height of World War II, reflects… 更多 the artist’s feelings, struggling between hope and despair. Escher described the depicted scene as a forced encounter between the white optimist and the black pessimist. The figures are marching along a surface surrounding an empty space, into which they are in danger of falling. This threat obliges them to keep moving in a circle toward each other and to shake hands as they meet. The figures emerging from the background illustrate some of Escher's typical themes: They fuse with each other, creating a regular division of the plane; they move in an endless circle; and they are reflected in the gaping space at the center. The viewer is unable to perceive both figures at one and the same time, obliging him to choose between them, and between the worldviews they represent. As the optimistic figure is light and smiling, and the pessimistic one dark and demonic, Escher's guidance of his viewers is clear.
時間:2014-05-13 09:13
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年5月13日上午1:13 · 這次的文徵明特展以「書法發展」和「書法入畫」二個單元來呈現文徵明書風變化與其書法對繪畫的影響。策展人舉了幾個例子,今天要介紹的這一件便是「書法入畫」主題的其中一件。
明四大家–文徵明【畫蘭竹(局部) 軸】(陳列室:208)
Current Exhibit: Wen Zhengming【Orchids and Bamboo (part)】(Gallery: 208)
Wen Zhengming (1470-1559),… 更多 Ming Dynasty
Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 62.0 x 31.2 cm
This painting, done on Mount Jinsu sutra paper, uses the manner… 更多 of Zhao Mengfu (1254-1322) to depict orchids and bamboo on a slope in the wind. The bamboo bends slightly as orchid blades appear like ribbons swaying in the breeze with a lively manner. The brushwork for rendering the bamboo and orchids is vigorous and powerful, turning naturally at ease with a notion of calligraphy. Having the touch of a calligrapher wielding the brush, this work fully reflects the common origins of painting and calligraphy in brush and ink.
The bamboo and orchids here are dense yet orderly without a sense of chaos, the dark bamboo and light orchids also creating a sense of layering front and back to suggest… 更多
時間:2014-05-14 10:23
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年5月14日上午2:23 · 近代書畫名品展【清 康有為 行書五言聯】(陳列室:105)
註:本件因故已於六月移出,改以【清 康有為 行書四屏 軸】展出。
Current Exhibit:【Five-Character Couplet in Running Script】(Gallery: 105)
Famous Works of Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy
Kang Youwei… 更多 (1858-1927), Qing dynasty
Hanging scroll, ink on paper, 147 x 38.7 cm
時間:2014-05-16 10:20
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年5月16日上午2:20 · 明四大家–文徵明【雨餘春樹(局部) 軸】(陳列室:210)
Current Exhibit: Wen Zhengming【Spring Trees After a Rain (part)】(Gallery: 210)
Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), Ming Dynasty
Hanging scroll, ink and colors on paper, 94.3 x 33.3 cm… 更多
時間:2014-05-18 06:45
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年5月17日下午10:45 · 今天是「518博物館日」,故宮開放【正館】免費參觀!(不含第二展區的 艾雪的魔幻世界畫展)
明四大家–文徵明【松壑飛泉(局部) 軸】(陳列室:210)
Current Exhibit: Wen Zhengming【Flying Cascades in a Pine-Filled Ravine (part)】(Gallery: 210)
Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty:… 更多 Wen Zhengming (1470-1559)
A rushing stream winds its way among slopes and banks with… 更多 pines that form a grove, where scholars roam, converse, or sit listening to the waters. A deep valley in the mountains features a flying cascade split into streams that plunge to the depths below, a solitary man sitting there viewing it on a lofty cliff. The dots and strokes in this painting reveal a meticulous touch with much dry brushwork, appearing similar to the idea of Wen Zhengming's brushwork in "Thatched Hall in Verdant Shade" from 1516, but without its sense of fluidity.
 Wen sometimes took several years to complete a painting, this being an example of such. Here, he wrote that in the capital he would often reminisce about scenes of old pines and flowing waters at home. After returning to his hometown in 1527, he talked about this with his close friend, Wang Chong (1494-1533), upon which he started doing this work. Painting on and off, he did not finish the scroll until five years later.
時間:2014-05-19 10:51
  在艾雪年輕時,他以寓意的方式描繪這個世界,反應出他對宇宙秩序的興趣,以及其於虔誠的天主教背景之下對宗教題材的喜愛。他的部份版畫作品表現基督教對《聖經》〈創世紀〉篇章的闡釋,這些作品受到19世紀後半期流行於歐美的新藝術風格(Art Nouveau style)影響,背景以系統化方式切割成不同深度的平面,以黑色與白色的鮮明對比強調作品的戲劇化效果。
  這次展品中《創世紀第一天》(The First Day of Creation;1925)到《創世紀第六天》(The Sixth Day of Creation;1926)這一系列的木刻版畫作品(本次未展出「創世紀第四天」),是以盤旋於大地上的虛構鳥類形象,描述聖靈在六天內展開創造世界的過程。這一系列作品是以描繪快樂和諧的亞當與夏娃,在伊甸園中祥和地凝視著新創造的世界做為結束,流露出年輕藝術家最新連結的樂觀主義。
The painting posted in this morning was one of “The Enigma of… 更多 M.C. Escher: Prints from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem/Section IV/Legend and Religion
  In his youth, Escher created allegorical depictions of the world, reflecting his interest in cosmic order and his attraction to religious themes, consonant with his pious Catholic background. Some of the prints address the Christian interpretation of the Book of Genesis, while others illustrate the lives of the Christian saints. These works display the influence of the Art Nouveau style popular in Europe and the United States during the second half of the nineteenth century. The images appear against a background that is schematically divided… 更多
時間:2014-05-23 13:44
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年5月23日上午5:44 · 明四大家–文徵明【自書七言律詩(局部) 卷】(陳列室:204)
Current Exhibit: Wen Zhengming【Transcription of My Seven-Character Regulated Verse (part)】(Gallery: 204)
Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), Ming Dynasty
Handscroll, ink on paper, 44.5 x… 更多 317.5 cm
Wen Zhengming was gifted in all the major forms of calligraphy,… 更多 but most of his surviving works were done in semi-cursive script. Connoisseurs have indicated that his brushwork derives from the study of Su Shi (1037-1101), Huang Tingjian (1045-1105), Mi Fu (1051-1107), and the "Sacred Teachings Preface." This work represents a transcription of Wen's own seven-character regulated verse entitled "Reverently Awaiting the Emperor's Return from the Southern Altar." Recorded in chapter ten of his literary collection, Anthology of Futian, it was done in the capital during the "jiashen" year (1524). Wen Zhengming often transcribed his own poetry, a habit even in old age.
 The large characters in… 更多
時間:2014-05-29 10:07
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年5月29日上午2:07 · 明四大家–文徵明【關山積雪圖(局部)卷】(陳列室:212)
Current Exhibit: Wen Zhengming【Deep Snow in Mountain Passes (part)】(Gallery: 212)
Wen Zhengming (1470-1559), Ming Dynasty
Handscroll, ink and colors on paper, 25.3 x 445.2 cm… 更多
時間:2014-05-31 13:52
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年5月31日上午5:52 · 艾雪的魔幻世界畫展【變形(二),Metamorphosis II,1939-1940】最後3天,錯過可惜!
Current Exhibit:【Metamorphosis II; 1939-1940】Only three days left!
The Enigma of M.C. Escher: Prints from the Israel Museum, Jerusalem
Color woodcut, 192 x… 更多 3875 mm
日期(Exhibit dates):2014/02/27~2014/06/02
Gallery: Exhibition Area II 1F , Library Building
  艾雪曾兩次造訪西班牙阿罕布拉宮(Recuerdos de la Alhambra),被摩爾人(Moors)設計的鑲嵌圖案與其規律性深深吸引,1936年他與妻子於阿罕布拉宮日夜臨摹鑲嵌圖案,並將這些圖版帶回家鑽研…(未完,請看留言區)
第一階段由文字與圖形組成,以英文單字「變形」(Metamorphosis)為開端,而後轉為… 更多由「變形』所組成的文字方框。