Month: 2014-02

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時間:2014-02-03 17:01
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月3日上午9:01 · 達文西傳奇【麗達與天鵝(烏菲茲麗達) Leda and the Swan (Leda of the Uffizi)】最後一週!
達文西(構思)與助手(梅爾奇?)所作,Leonardo (invention) and coworkers (Melzi?)
130×78cm, about 1505-1516, 油彩、木板 Oil on board
借展者:烏菲茲美術館 Galleria degli Uffizi… 更多
著作權(copyright): © Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo / Archivio MILDV
展期(Dates):2013/10/31~2014/02/10 (09:00-17:00)
地點(Venue):故宮展覽區二(圖書文獻大樓一樓特展區), Exhibition Area II 1F , Library Building
(3)在《麗達與天鵝》中,我們可以看見達文西創造了全身赤裸的女子,其雕像般的身軀沿著精準的垂直軸線旋轉,伴隨著她與天鵝的… 更多波浪動態以及四個孩子的旋轉動作。細緻的膚色光澤由明暗相交處散發出來,帶有介於大理石與珍珠母貝之間的珍貴感。
時間:2014-02-04 13:42
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月4日上午5:42 ·   今天是農曆初五立春,也是農曆年假期最後一天,天氣變冷,加上明天就要上班,真的很有假期結束的感覺,介紹一件正在近代名品特展中展出的文物,畫作內容雖然不是立春,不過紅紅的荔枝非常亮眼,希望各位朋友都能來看這次近代名品展的精彩作品,祝福大家開工順利!
近代書畫名品展【民國 齊白石 荔枝(部分)】(陳列室:105)
Current Exhibit:【Lychees (part)】Famous Works of… 更多 Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy (Gallery: 105)
Qi Baishi (1864-1957), Republican period
Qi Baishi (original name Chunzhi, later changed to Huang) went… 更多 by the sobriquets Baishi, Jieshanweng, and Jiping. A native of Xiangtan in Hunan, he not only excelled at landscape, figure, flower, and insect painting, but he was also a renowned calligrapher and seal carver.
This work, donated by Mr. Lin Tsung-i to the National Palace Museum, shows a rattan basket filled with luscious and colorful lychee fruit, which has attracted a rat to come and steal one. The bright red color of the lychees contrasts with the jet-black fur of the rat, creating for an appealing arrangement. The simple and bold manner of "sketching ideas" shown here was popular in Chinese painting during the first half of the twentieth century.
時間:2014-02-08 23:45
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月8日下午3:45 ·   「乾隆潮•新媒體藝術展」即將在3月中旬結束,結束前再介紹幾件新世代藝術家以「潮」的觀點所詮釋的乾隆。藝術家們在這個系列作品中發想了9個子題,有的朋友喜歡,也有朋友不喜歡;無論如何,都是一種嚐試。附圖是【乾隆的小宇宙】的前3個子題,詳細內容請看本則訊息的留言區。
Current Exhibit:【Small Universe-A】- Qianlong… 更多 C.H.A.O. New Media Art (Gallery: 106)
(3)Qianlong and the Float:
Hey, don’t be afraid when… 更多 wings are broken. Don’t panic while losing ways. Lean on balloons full of joy. Make the darkness bright, and let it guide you to a broader sky. Keep in mind, each balloon has its own uniqueness. And in the same way, you too are irreplaceable! It will accompany you through the entire journey and you will not be alone. Whatever it takes, fly to your land courageously!
Inspired by the concept of the Revolving Vase, this design tries to break a balance between antiques and modern products, presenting dynamic acts of lighting.
時間:2014-02-10 13:57
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月10日上午5:57 · 專題演講:西元11至19世紀北蘇門答臘地區印度化藝術與伊斯蘭喪儀藝術(免費入場,毋須事先報名)
Lecture(English): Indianized Art and Islamic Funerary Art in North Sumatra (11th century–19th century CE) Admission Free!
時間(Date & Time):2014/02/12(Wednesday 星期三),14:00~16:00
地點(Venue):圖書文獻大樓4樓(英文演講)Library Building 4F
演講者(Speaker):Mr. Daniel PERRET (法國遠東學院吉隆坡中心主任)
時間:2014-02-11 07:39
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月10日下午11:39 · 明四大家–沈周【明 沈周 文閣獨眺】(陳列室:210)
Current Exhibit:【Solitary View from a Literary Pavilion】(Gallery: 210)
Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty: Shen Zhou (1427-1509)
Ming dynasty, 30.1x57.3 cm… 更多
This small landscape painting has an inscription that states it… 更多 was done at the Having Bamboo (Youzhu) manor on an autumn day in the year 1501, making a late work by Shen Zhou. The foreground on the left side includes a cluster of trees on a rocky bank. Shen Zhou here used his distinctive method of ink dotting to delicately render the uneven surface of the rocks, successfully suggesting a volumetric effect. Towards the middle by the water is a pavilion, its roof highlighted even more by being left blank. A person in the building looks out over the stretch of water, providing a visual cue for the direction of the viewer while imparting the blank area of water on the right with a lyrical quality. The compositional construct reverberates, which is Shen Zhou’s key for bringing the viewer into the painting.
時間:2014-02-12 12:59
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月12日上午4:59 ·   進入馬年,在近代書畫名品展中也選了和馬相關的知名畫作。介紹這一件徐悲鴻的「馬」。
近代書畫名品展【民國 徐悲鴻 馬】(陳列室:105)
Current Exhibit: Famous Works of Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy【Horse】(Gallery: 105)
Xu Beihong (1895-1953), Republican period… 更多
Xu Beihong, a native of Yixing in Jiangsu, studied at one point… 更多 or another in such countries as Japan, France, and Germany in his dedicated pursuit of realism in painting. He promoted reform in Chinese painting, advocating creative theories for the combination of Chinese and Western painting. He had a profound influence on modern Chinese art circles and art education.
Xu Beihong was famous for his horse paintings. The horses that he painted are not only works of art, but also often strongly suggesting a nationalistic spirit as well. This work was done at the age of 46 by Chinese reckoning (1940) in the midst of China’s conflict with Japan in the Second Sino-Japanese War. The spirited stance of the proud and powerful horse here is profound and inspirational.
時間:2014-02-13 19:21
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2014年2月13日上午11:21 · 台北市 · 常設展特搜-【瑩白蟠螭把壺】(陳列室:205)
Permanent Exhibit-【Dehua kiln, Teapot with hornless dragons decoration in white glaze】(Gallery: 205)
明代(德化窯) Ming dynasty (1368-1644)
Height: 11.4 cm, Rim diameter: 4.1 cm, Base… 更多 diameter: 13 cm
The Dehua kilns, located in the province of Fujian, became… 更多 renowned both domestically and abroad for the milky white porcelains they produced. This handled hu-pot is a typical Dehua porcelain, featuring two sinuous dragons ingeniously worked into the design to form the spout and handle.
時間:2014-02-14 17:45
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月14日上午9:45 ·   今晚的元宵夜您打算到哪兒過呢?故宮每週五週六延長開館至21:00,溫暖的博物館是寒夜的好選擇喔!為您獻上展出中的「沈周 夜坐圖」,祝福大家都有個美好的夜晚~
明四大家–沈周【夜坐圖 (局部)】(陳列室:210)
Current Exhibit:【Seated at Night (part)】(Gallery: 210) Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty
Shen… 更多 Zhou (1427-1509), Ming dynasty
By the age of 66, Shen Zhou even more freely adapted the styles… 更多 of the Yuan painters Wang Meng and Huang Gongwang, also incorporating the mode of Wu Zhen to reflect his own interpretation. This painting continues in the "studio landscape" method of the Yuan dynasty, with a study tucked away in a landscape setting. Here, the studio is surrounded by mountains with lofty pines on either side. In front is a winding stream, a stone bridge connecting with the foreground slope to indicate the scenery is not disconnected from the outside world. The mountains are rendered with light ink washes, the artist leaving behind blank areas to suggest clouds and mist to give this night scene a pure and elegant feeling.
時間:2014-02-15 12:21
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2014年2月15日上午4:21 · 台北市 ·   這次的定窯展分成三個單元,第二個單元是談定窯的裝飾,在十一世紀中葉前後,定窯的窯工開始以劃花裝飾瓷器,而劃花花紋間,最常見的是蓮花或萱花,今天看的這一件是蓮瓣劃花的定窯盤。
定州花瓷【定窯 蓮瓣劃花蓮荷螭紋盤】(陳列室:203)
Current Exhibit:【Dish with carved lotus petals and incised decor in white glaze】(Gallery:… 更多 203)
White Ding wares from the collection of the National Palace Museum
北宋 十一世紀~十二世紀初, Northern Sung dynasty (11th century)
Height: 3.5 cm, Rim diameter: 15.2 cm, Base diameter: 5 cm
時間:2014-02-17 18:42
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2014年2月17日上午10:42 · 台北市 · 常設展特搜-【清 康熙 紅釉尊】(陳列室:205)
Permanent Exhibit-【Vase in red glaze】(Gallery: 205)
Kangxi reign (1662-1722), Qing dynasty (1644-1911)
Height: 25.6cm, Rim diameter: 7.3cm, Base diameter: 11.1cm… 更多
(2)The firing process of this type of red glazed ware was long… 更多 and complicated. The glazing material did not adhere easily during firing, and frequently ran off the body of the vessel as it melted. As a result, potters had to apply many layers of glaze to achieve the desired affect. Furthermore, the coloration of the glaze was readily affected by the atmosphere of the kiln, and it was not easy to control the final color. Therefore, an exquisite ruby-red glazed piece such as the one seen here was rare indeed.
時間:2014-02-18 18:51
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月18日上午10:51 ·   「乾隆潮•新媒體藝術展」將在下月中旬結束,新世代藝術家們以「潮」的觀點詮釋乾隆。繼上回(2/8)【乾隆的小宇宙】系列的前3個子題後,今天介紹的是【乾隆的小宇宙】系列作品的第4~6子題,詳細內容請看本則訊息的留言區。
Current Exhibit:【Small Universe-B】- Qianlong C.H.A.O. New Media Art (Gallery: 106)
(6) Qianlong and His Memories
Concept: You’re aging like… 更多 corrosion; your present is the past of your next second.
The longer objects stay in your mind, the more corroded they become. But why do memories always turn out to be nostalgic? I keep checking at all the details to find the meaning of words and magnify their tracks , but what I get is the stories you brought me from the burden of time.
時間:2014-02-19 13:56
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月19日上午5:56 · 明四大家–沈周【參天特秀 軸(部分)】(陳列室:202)
Current Exhibit: Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty: Shen Zhou
【Great Excellence Reaching to the Heavens (part)】(Gallery: 202)
Shen Zhou (1427-1509), Ming dynasty, 156 x 67.1 cm… 更多
This painting depicts a lofty pine tree, but the composition is… 更多 quite unusual in that it differs from the traditional arrangement of this subject matter in Chinese painting. Here, Shen Zhou chose not to depict the entire pine tree, only the upper portion and its limbs. Neither the root area nor the top are depicted, just a partial view of the trunk with a few branches.
Shen Zhou also used bold brushwork to outline the trunk and branches with finer touches of the brush for the pine needles. He then employed wet ink washes to create a contrast of light and dark, fully conveying a mighty and expressive pine tree reaching for the heavens. The form of the pine precisely echoes the line "With unusual energy striving straight for the heavens" in the poem that Shen Zhou wrote on the painting. Shen also used this as a metaphor to praise the "great talent" of the recipient of the painting. According to Shen Zhou's inscription, he did this hanging scroll in 1479 for Liu Xianzhi, and seven years later Liu presented it as a gift to Chen Fengxiang.
時間:2014-02-21 18:08
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月21日上午10:08 ·    沈周的寫生冊受到大家相當的喜愛,除了動物以外,寫生冊中也有多幅花鳥作品,介紹這一幅寫生冊中的第一開「玉蘭」。
明四大家–沈周【沈周寫生冊 玉蘭(第一開)】(陳列室:208)
Current Exhibit: Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty: Shen Zhou
【Album of Sketching from Life- A Magnolia Tree… 更多 (1st)】(Gallery: 208)
Album leaf, ink on paper 34.6 x 57.2 cm
Shen Zhou, a native of Changzhou, went by the style name Qi’nan… 更多 and the sobriquet Shitian. Gifted at calligraphy and excelling at poetry, his paintings all ranked in the “spirited” category. He was ranked as one of the Four Ming Masters. Magnolias (translated literally in Chinese as “Jade orchid”) were often planted in the yards of residences in the old days, symbolizing the notion of “Pure as jade and clear as ice” and “Wealth and position in halls of jade.” In early spring the magnolia often blooms before its leaves emerge, hence its alternate names of “Flower tree” and “Flowers anticipating spring.” This work, from “Album of Sketching from Life,” features a sketchy rendition of magnolias in light colors. Very slight washes of blue were applied to the background, leaving the paper blank to make the pure white of the blossoms stand out. The artist used short, blunt lines to depict the branches and bark. Long arcing lines delineate the soft and tender quality of the flower petals, making them appear pure and refined while giving them a strongly calligraphic touch as well.
時間:2014-02-22 23:16
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片 — 在國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 。2014年2月22日下午3:16 · 台北市 ·   定窯展的第二個單元是談定窯的裝飾,上次介紹過窯工以劃花裝飾瓷器,這次介紹的是印花定窯,工匠以蘑菇樣的模子同時整飭造型並笵印花紋,可大量重複製作同形同紋的作品,來供應市場需求。
定州花瓷【定窯 印花嬰戲圖折沿盤】(陳列室:203)
Current Exhibit:【Plate with impressed design of children at play】(Gallery: 203)
White Ding… 更多 wares from the collection of the National Palace Museum
北宋~金(十二~十三世紀)Northern Song to Jin dynasties, 12th -13th centuries
Height: 2.5 cm, Rim diameter: 22.8 cm, Base diameter: 15 cm
時間:2014-02-24 16:58
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月24日上午8:58 · 明四大家–沈周【明 沈周 溪橋訪友(部分) 軸】(陳列室:210)
Current Exhibit: Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty: Shen Zhou
【Crossing a Bridge to Visit Friends (part)】(Gallery: 210)
Shen Zhou (1427-1509), Ming dynasty
策展人的話:… 更多
This painting is undated, but scholars on the basis of style… 更多 suggest it was done by Shen Zhou around the age of 54 (ca. 1480). In the distance is a peak that slants off to one side, featuring an outcropping formed by leaving the top blank and suggesting the landscape formula of Huang Gongwang. Shen Zhou's brushwork here, however, is more simplified and closer to the manner of Wu Zhen. The layering and texture dots of the mountain forms reveal Shen's familiarity with Wu's painting style.
This work was done for Zhenfu, who is thought to be Mao Cheng, an official serving in Nanjing at the time. Shen Zhou in his poem states, "Baixia is different from Changzhou (Suzhou)," Baixia being an ancient… 更多
時間:2014-02-25 10:19
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月25日上午2:19 ·   「乾隆潮•新媒體藝術展」即將在3/16結束,新世代藝術家們分別以「潮」的觀點詮釋乾隆的作品。在【乾隆的小宇宙】系列中,我們先前已介紹過第1到第6個子題,附圖是最後3個子題,詳細內容請看本則訊息的留言區。
Current Exhibit:【Small Universe-C】- Qianlong C.H.A.O. New Media Art (Gallery: 106)
(9) Qianlong and His Childlike Innocence
Original Relic:… 更多 Toad-shaped Inkstone in Celadon Glaze
Do we unconsciously fall into a survival game with fellows in this material world full of temptation?
Do we try to satisfy our needs for materials so much that we forget the satisfied mind we should have had?
The toad fights hard to move forward because of the temptation he sees, like those who work day and night for the immediate interests right under their nose, not realizing that it’s actually a race without an end.
時間:2014-02-26 15:51
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月26日上午7:51 · 專題演講:錯覺藝術大師─艾雪的魔幻世界畫展(免費!自由入場)
Lecture: The Enigma of M. C. Escher (Free Admission)
時間(Time):2014/03/01(Sat. 週六) 14:00
主講(Speaker):Sivan Eran-Levian耶路撒冷以色列博物館國際巡迴展主任(Director of Traveling Exhibitions)
聯絡人:時藝多媒體 向小姐(+886-(2)-66303888 ext 2321)
「錯覺藝術大師─艾雪的魔幻世界畫展」明天即將和大家見面了!特展的第一個週六特別安排了專題講座,由這次借展的「耶路撒冷以色… 更多列博物館」國際巡迴展主任 Sivan Eran-Levian 女士親自為大家說明(備有中文翻譯,只此一場),您將有機會更完整地了解艾雪作品,及耶路撒冷以色列博物館之獨特館藏。機會難得,請勿錯過!
時間:2014-02-26 17:41
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月26日上午9:41 · 近代書畫名品展【清 吳昌碩 行書中堂(局部)】(陳列室:105)
Current Exhibit:【Central Panel in Running Script (part)】Famous Works of Modern Chinese Painting and Calligraphy (Gallery: 105)
Wu Changshi (1844-1927), Qing dynasty
策展人的話:… 更多
Wu Changshi (original name Jun) went by his style name Changshi… 更多 after the age of seventy. A native of Anji in Zhejiang, at the age of 22 he passed a civil service examination and by the time he was 53 was recommended to serve as county magistrate of Andong, serving only a month before giving up his post.
At the age of 29, he traveled to Suzhou and was able to view bronzes, calligraphy, and paintings at the residences of such prominent figures as Pan Zuyin, Wu Yun, and Wu Dacheng. He later studied art under Yang Xian, specializing in researching poetry, calligraphy, and seal carving. He was most noted for his calligraphy in the style of Stone Drum script inscriptions. His brushwork and character forms transformed the styles of the ancients with a force that penetrates the paper, creating a manner of his own, as seen in this work donated to the National Palace Museum by Mr. Tsai Chen-nan.
時間:2014-02-27 18:25
國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2014年2月27日上午10:25 · 明四大家–沈周【明 沈貞吉 書詩】(陳列室:204)
Current Exhibit-【Poetry Shen Zhenji】Four Great Masters of the Ming Dynasty: Shen Zhou (Gallery: 204)
Shen Zhenji (1400-after 1482), Ming dynasty
展期(Dates):2014/01/10~2014/03/31 … 更多
Shen Zhen (style name Zhenji; sobriquets Nanzhai and Taoran… 更多 daoren, later going by his style name), a native of Xiangcheng in Changzhou (modern Suzhou, Jiangsu), was an uncle of Shen Zhou. In painting landscapes, he followed Dong Yuan, being second to Liu Tingmei (Jue). Shen Zhenji and his younger brother, Hengji, were both good at Tang regulated verse and also gifted at painting, being known as “Complementary Instruments.” This work is from “Album 61 of Yuan and Ming Calligraphy” and features a seven-character regulated poem presented as a gift for a doctor named “Renzhai” and done by Shen Zhenji at the age of 83. The method of brushwork is exacting, with the edges strong and clear, the appearance also upright and beautiful. The Shen family background in calligraphy is very deep, a glimpse of it evident in this work.