
Month: 2019-03

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
2165161576907015 2019-03-31 09:55 336 15 睽違6年,歌詩達大西洋號再度回歸基隆安排母港航程。兩趟中的第一趟就是安麗集團的包船獎勵旅遊!
郵輪行就是這麼輕鬆,無論是參加的成員或是行程的規劃者都鬆了一口氣,再也不必擔心2000多人的集結,用餐,交通,住宿等問題!基隆港也特別準備了客製化的佈置歡迎這些貴賓。 #大家快回去跟老闆說員工旅遊就是要來基隆搭郵輪
#另一個頭條是基隆港今天單日先後三母港操作 After 6 years, Costa Atlantica… 更多 has turnaround calls in Keelung again. The first one of the 2 calls is a special chartered by Amway for the incentive travel. The staff as well as the planners are relieved since they do not have to worry about the assembly, dining, ground traffic, hotels of the 2000 members.
We prepare the customized decoration to welcome every honored guest.
2162572613832578 2019-03-29 17:37 186 9 探索夢在調換隊伍、重新整修後,船上的享樂設施也全面更新。小編今天特別向有幸登輪參訪的’線人”挖到第一手的照片!
郵輪上隨處可見星夢郵輪專屬的美人魚及太空人圖騰,更有皇宮等級的豪華套房,而據船方表示:光是船上的地毯就換了6個足球場大小的面積!可見星夢郵輪對於提供旅客們最細緻享受的極致追求。… 更多
登輪活動除了邀請基隆港務分公司致贈首航牌外,更安排了船上活力四射的表演給貴賓們觀賞。除此之外,岸上也有成功國小的管弦樂表演歡迎郵輪旅客們到來~快來一賞熱騰騰的照片唷♥ Explorer Dream is well refurbished with the brand new interior decorating. The image of mermaid and astronaut is everywhere on the ship, and according to the staff: the carpets are also different in every floor. The following pictures are the decorations and Performance on ship and the welcome orchestra play at the terminal.
2162106250545881 2019-03-29 08:59 176 19 我有一個夢~探索世界的夢 ❤
探索夢就是原本的處女星號,在離開麗星郵輪後,轉加入星夢郵輪行列!在新加坡重新整裝後,直奔基隆進行母港航程! 跟大家說聲抱歉,因為空拍器材的緣故,無法照原定計畫進行直播,
改為附上影片給大家觀賞 !
熱騰騰影片出爐囉~一起來看看吧😍 Explorer Dream is now at Keelung, this is also her first time… 更多 here as this brand new name! She had been called SUPERSTAR VIRGO, and is new to Dream Cruise in 2019. Keelung Port is the first stop where she starts her new journey beyond the world!
2160665734023266 2019-03-28 08:45 216 12 鎖定德國市場的AIDABella又來了,這趟從新加坡出發經基隆前往上海,馬上換客再經基隆回新加坡,所以短短7天後基隆又將再中獎一次!
今天跟她搭配雙輪會的是老朋友寶瓶星,預計下午1點進港喔! AIDABella is now at Keelung again! For this trip, AIDABella started from Singapore via Keelung to Shanghai, and… 更多 will turn back immediately, which means we’ll see AIDABella again in just 7 days! By the way, Aquarius will also be berthed at E2 today, let's look forward to these two ladies' meeting!
2159872550769251 2019-03-27 20:21 156 3 太陽公主與歐洲號先後入港!
之後太陽一路向北往釜山 長崎賞櫻,歐洲號則南向繼續東南亞行。 Sun Princess and Europa entered Keelung Port in turn. Sun Princess heads north for cherry blossom viewing in Busan & Nagasaki while Europa sails south for her South-East Asia journey.
2156448914444948 2019-03-25 12:58 279 13 基隆港榮幸列在大洋郵輪英希格號的174晚環遊世界航程中!船上600多位旅客中約有300名旅客居然是1月11日就從紐約出發,一直要到7月才回到紐約,多少人夢寐以求的環遊世界航程! It's our pleasure to be enrolled in the 174-night world cruise of Oceania Insignia. 300 out of 600 passengers onboard got started from New York on Jan. 11 and will return New York in July. What a dream globetrotting itinerary!
2155354527887720 2019-03-24 19:11 198 3 太陽公主剛結束在澳洲的夏季航程,經香港移航至東北亞。基隆成為她今年春季在東北亞第一個載客出發的母港。1900位旅客將出發參加那霸及石垣島的短天期郵輪。這是雄獅旅遊獨包的4趟航程之一,緊接著是日本JTB 包船的環遊世界航程,且將再次掛靠基隆港。 #春天來了基隆港好朋友陸續歸隊 Sun Princess just finished her season at Australia and was repositioned… 更多 to Northeast Asia. Keelung is her first embarking port this spring. Today, 1900 passengers will be onboard and enjoy a short cruise vacation to Naha & Ishigaki. This is also one of the four consecutive special cruises chaptered by Lion Travel. After that, she will launch her world cruise out of Japan and Keelung will be her first port of call.
2153742771382229 2019-03-23 16:32 251 10 鑽石公主完成今年最後一趟在基隆港的多母港航程,之後將返回日本開啟橫濱、神戶出發航程。船方也在這最一趟旅程中安排船員專屬觀光行程,只要約10美元的佛心價就可享有台北觀光行!
鑽石公主5月份將以掛靠港姿態再度造訪基隆港。 Diamind Princess finishes her last interport call at Keelung and will launch her summer season out of… 更多 Yokohama & Kobe. The cruise liner arrange a farewell tour for the crew to visit Taipei at a fair price level (say, 10 USD). Diamon Princess will call at Keelung in this May.
2148917015198138 2019-03-20 15:38 446 152 #看看是誰要回來了
盛世公主將在4/15強勢回歸囉!她將返回基隆度過第二個春夏航程!相信大家在去年也目睹了她的美!並讓基隆有了主打歌成為亞洲郵輪之都! #盛世駕到 #一起來留言歡迎她
即日起至4/5(五)在留言處貼上自己拍的盛世公主照,我們會將這些照片於盛世歡迎儀式影片中撥放~並抽出留言中的10位幸運兒送出公主遊輪摺疊傘唷!心動不如馬上行動🎉🎉🎉 Big event! Majestic Princess will… 更多 return on Apr. 15 for her second spring and early summer season in Keelung. We believe most of people in Taiwan have witnessed the magnificence and elegance of her and are pround that Keelung has been one of the cruise capitals in Asia. Please post any pictures for Majestic Princess in Keelung below before April 5, and we'll include them in the video clip for our precious memory. 10 lucky posters will have the souvenirs from Princess Cruises according to the lucky draw!
2147896805300159 2019-03-19 14:19 321 11 🎉2019年的第 2 季船期預報出爐囉🎉
The cruise timetable in the 2nd quarter, 2019. 本季船期重點預告: ✨04/24 維京獵戶星 首航基隆
✨04/26 威尼斯號 首航基隆
05/01 盛世 寶瓶 輝煌 三輪會 🚢 🚢 🚢 🚢🚢 想看郵輪、拍郵輪的朋友們千萬不要錯過唷☺️
2146891272067379 2019-03-18 20:56 258 5 Awesome pics!
2146760945413745 2019-03-18 18:47 250 6 千禧輪今日首次靠泊在剛完成浚深至-11米的西3西4碼頭。在她結束亞洲春季航程前往阿拉斯加以前,這是最後一趟靠泊基隆,再來要等到今年冬季再見了!
The first time Celebrity Millennium calling at Wharf W3 & W4, which were just dredged and got the depth alongside of -11m. Before Millennium leaving for Alaska, it's the last time she visiting Keelung. See her in this winter!
2145253858897787 2019-03-17 17:37 105 0 明日造訪基隆之千禧輪,因故將改泊於西3西4碼頭。
Celebrity Millennium will be revised to berth at Wharf W3 & W4 tomorrow.
2145207082235798 2019-03-17 16:56 129 3 P&O 郵輪Aurora 靠泊位在北緯70度的挪威阿塔(Alta), 皚皚白雪覆蓋在原本做日光浴用的甲板上形成超強對比! #看吧冬天來基隆搭郵輪一點都不冷
2145207048902468 2019-03-17 16:56 85 0 P&O 郵輪Aurora 靠泊位在北緯70度的挪威阿塔(Alta), 皚皚白雪覆蓋在原本做日光浴用的甲板上形成超強對比! #看吧冬天來基隆搭郵輪一點都不冷
2140094076080432 2019-03-13 21:34 213 2 #星夢郵輪探索夢新裝亮相
探索夢於新加坡Sembawang 船廠裝修後直奔基隆港載客營運!3/29見! #基隆港將搶先成為世界上第一個可以在客運碼頭目睹全新塗裝的港口
After the makeover in Sembawang Shipyard, Singapore, Explore Dream will sail to Keelung directly and launch her maiden call!… 更多 See you on March 29!

Genting Unveils Hull Art for Explorer Dream

Dream Cruises and Genting Cruise Lines have unveiled the hull art for the Explorer Dream, which is currently being converted to Dream Cruises service from...
2139306429492530 2019-03-13 06:36 246 3 基隆飛鳶 VS 德國鳳凰
A Kite of Keelung & A Phoenix from Germany.
2138593199563853 2019-03-12 18:11 298 9 大家有發現今天又有三艘郵輪同日在港嗎?
這次雖然沒有三輪會,但特別的三輪不同的操作模式,純母港作業的寶瓶星、掛靠作業的威士特丹,以及同時具母港及掛靠作業的信天翁,可說是非常難得的機會阿! What a wonderful day! 3 cruise ships visit… 更多 Keelung again! Westerdam and Albatros got together in Keelung this morning. Aquarius took over Wharf E2 in the afternoon after Albatros left for Ishigaki. Keelung Port collected a turnaround call, an interport call, and a transit call in the same day though three ladies didn’t meet up at the same time.
2137382389684934 2019-03-11 20:12 254 12 在港過夜的信天翁!
Albatros staying overnight!
2137304693026037 2019-03-11 18:38 286 8 以服務德國旅客為主的信天翁今天首次以基隆港作為中繼母港,也是她第一次在基隆港過夜。超過500位旅客2月11日從雪梨出發,在今天結束旅程。其中部分旅客將與今天從歐洲飛來的新加入旅客一同開啟新的21晚航程,造訪日-韓-中-港等地。
Albatros 's first turnaround as well as overnight call in Keelung. More than 500 passengers… 更多 (Germany account for the major propotion) departing from Sydney on Feb. 11 and finish their long journey today. Some transit passengers along with some new passengers coming from Europe will launch the next 21-night journey to Japan, Korea, China, and Hong Kong.
2134326479990525 2019-03-09 07:50 222 5 擊掌接力!短暫的雙輪會…High five! Star Legend & Oceania Nautica
2133601380063035 2019-03-08 19:26 224 1 因天候影響,臨時在港過夜的傳奇!
An unexpected overnight call of Star Legend.
2132160403540466 2019-03-07 18:14 87 7 因天氣因素,3/8傳奇輪將延至12點進靠泊完成,靠泊西3碼頭。出港時間亦延後至3/9上午7點,在港過夜。3/8晚間6點後,傳奇輪將移泊至西4碼頭。3/9上午將接棒西3碼頭的是諾的卡號郵輪。
Due to the bad weather, the arrival time of Star Legend will be postponed until 12am, Mar. 8 (berthed… 更多 at Wharf W3)and the departure time will be postponed until 7am, Mar. 9. After 6pm, Star Legend will be shifted to Wharf W4. Nautica will be berthed at Wharf W3 in the morning of Mar. 9.