
Month: 2018-12

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
2033065656783275 2018-12-31 13:56 245 7 老朋友藍寶石公主趕在2018年的最後一天回到基隆港。雖然因為天候關係造成進港時間延誤,出港時間仍維持下午6點不變。船上超過2900位旅客明天將在公海上享受2019年的第一天然後抵達下一站釜山。
這個冬季檔期,藍寶石公主將有數個從新加坡出發的航程,然後在2019年4月又回到歐洲。 #感謝船長頂著外海6米高的浪努力進基隆港見老朋友 Our old friend, Sapphire Princess visit… 更多 Keelung on the end of 2018. The bad weather caused the the delay of arrival time though the departure time will still be at 6pm. More than 2900 passengers will enjoy their new year day on the high seas before getting Busan, Korea.
In this winter, she will have several calls out of Singapore before returning Europe in April, 2019.
2028906253865882 2018-12-28 17:41 161 8 2019年的第 1 季船期預報出爐囉!
🎉 🎉 🎉 🚢 🚢 🚢 🚢
2027416574014850 2018-12-27 17:01 121 3 基隆港今天舉辦臺灣港群旅客破120萬歡慶活動🎉🎉🎉
現場請來魅力四射的麗星舞蹈團及韓系型男林子安 林子安 Tz An / 小提琴家 Violins Artist 為我們帶來超級精彩的表演~
打卡拿好康的活動也備受現場民眾歡迎喔~~有沒有誰也拿到獎項的 ?快浮出水面讓小編羨慕一下呀🤩🤩 The accumulated Pax Number around Taiwanese Ports exceeds 1.2m today!
Appreciate the dancers from Star cruises and Tz An, the violins artist, for the inspiring shows!
2025652747524566 2018-12-26 13:58 56 0 12/27臺灣港群旅客破120萬活動,
Let's meet up at 2pm @ 基港大樓

林子安 Violin Artist〖告白汽球 周杰倫〗小提琴演奏 信義區香堤大道

2024404457649395 2018-12-25 17:45 263 72 真的假的!?
台灣國際客輪旅客今年要破120萬? 12/27 14:00@基隆港東岸旅客中心邀您見證歷史
到現場就有機會拿好康! Fabulous!
The accumulated Pax Number around Taiwanese Ports will exceed 1.2m by the end of 2018, surpassing the record of 1m last year. Join us @ East Cruise Terminal, Port of Keelung at 2pm on Dec.27 and get your special gift!
2024357460987428 2018-12-25 16:57 23 1 #CruiseKeelung第二波抽獎活動開獎囉🎉🎉🎉 感謝大家熱情的參與~恭喜以下得獎者!
請於12/31前將個人聯絡資訊mail至信箱,以確保權益喔! 🎄🎄🎄#聖誕節快樂 #MerryXmas🎄🎄🎄 Congratulations to our lucky winners and thank you all for your participation!
Wish you a merry Christmas~✨✨✨
2007329552690219 2018-12-13 09:34 232 87 #CruiseKeelung白色饗宴第二波抽獎活動來囉🎉🎉🎉 基隆港與公主遊輪一同邀請乳癌病友協會姐妹登上鑽石公主號走秀圓夢。每位身著白紗的姊妹都像名模在伸展台上散發堅毅與自信✨台下的參與者也能感受到滿滿的正面能量! 即日起至12/25(二)中午12:00,只要「公開」分享本篇文章,讓更多未能親臨現場的朋友感受這股正面能量,就有機會再抽中公主遊輪及基隆港的紀念小禮喔~🎁
#… 更多上次沒中的這次就是你了 #The 2nd round Lucky Draw Port of Keelung and Princess Cruises invited the princesses with breast cancer to walk the runway on Diamond Princess today. Every runway model wearing the wedding dress looked resolute and confident and all the attendants were infected with the positive vibes. Please shared the post publicly by Dec.25 and you’ll be entered into the prize draw.
2006494596107048 2018-12-12 18:57 297 13 鑽石公主號今年在基隆最後一個多母港航程。接著她將前往東南亞享受溫暖的聖誕節假期。期待明年二月再見!
The last interport call at Keelung this year. Bound for South-East Asia to enjoy a warm X'mas. See you in Feb,2019!