
Month: 2019-07

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
2361535990602905 2019-07-28 21:11 81 13 不是只有馮錫范才會玩六合童子! #這梗真測年齡
#以下開放史提芬周粉解惑 World Dream on July 11.
2355599891196515 2019-07-26 17:30 234 9 7/24的三場雙輪會。兩場發生在港內,一場只有港外才能看到!
3 rounds of double cruise ships' meeting on July 24. 2 rounds in the port as well as 1 out of the port!
2354463757976795 2019-07-24 19:42 269 24 又是三艘郵輪的一天!
今天東2碼頭產能利用率極高,從早上6點到晚上10點兩艘船接力作業達14小時! #一天出現兩次雙輪會
We received 3 cruise ships on the… 更多 same day again!
Sun Princess will travel with 1962 passengers visit and Naha and Jeju for her 5-night journey while Diamond Princess took 2836 passengers from Yokohama to visit Taiwan. After the departure of Sun Princess, SuperStar Aquarius took over Wharf E2 for her regular liner to Ishigaki. Wharf E2 is almost fully occupied today during 6am-10pm!
2352632091493295 2019-07-23 18:28 235 14 基隆市政府與基隆港務分公司針對以搭載外籍旅客來台為主的掛靠港郵輪合作推出市區觀光巴士。7/24鑽石公主靠泊於西2碼頭時首發。 Keelung City and Port of Keelung launch a brand new sightseeing bus for the cruise passengers from the transit call. The first service will be on July 24 when Diamond Princess alongside Wharf W2.
2349489405140897 2019-07-21 23:15 200 10 結束三個多月的環遊世界航程後,太陽公主今天回到基隆開始夏季母港航程。不像盛世公主第一趟空船到港,太陽公主第一趟就從神戶載來1965位旅客在基隆結束旅程,再換上2280位旅客開始新的航程。 #把握太陽公主最後一季母港航程 Sun Princess launched her summer season in Keelung today after the globetrotting cruise for 3… 更多 months. Unlike Majestic Princess, she did a full turnaround for the first call with 1965 debarking passengers from Kobe and 2280 embarking passengers out of Keelung.
2344300265659811 2019-07-18 21:50 137 2 太陽公主結束為期100天的環遊世界航程返抵神戶港。隨後馬上動身前往基隆開始新一季的母港航程! #721基隆見
#颱風走了太陽回歸 Sun Princess returned to Kobe and finished the 100-day world cruise. She is leaving for Keelung and will launch her new turnaround season!
分享 JTB (クルーズ 本店/予約制)
サン・プリンセス世界一周クルーズ<br> 団長齋藤です。 昨日は名古屋、本日は神戸に<br> 帰港🛳️皆様無事に下船されました。<br> 「目的地は地球」でした🌏<br> 地球って丸いんだな。<br> 世界は繋がってるんだな。<br> 世界の7割りは海なんだな。<br> そんなことを改めてお感じになられと思います。… 更多<br> そして「地球って案外小さいんだな」と感じた方もいらっしゃったと思います。<br> この地球の限られた資源を大切にしなければと強く思いました。<br> 100日間のFacebookをご覧頂きありがとうございました!<br> 「世界の7割は海でした!<br> 一周しましたね船旅で🌏🛳️」
2342656912490813 2019-07-17 22:48 49 0 也是因為颱風,神戶出發前往基隆開始母港營運的太陽公主,將原訂靠泊宮崎日向港的航程修改為連續兩個全日航海直達基隆…
Due to the typhoon, Sun Princess departing from Kobe on July 17 will be revised to arrive Keelung after 2 sea days, skipping Port of Hyuga, Miyazaki.
2342215622534942 2019-07-17 17:15 127 4 丹娜絲颱風來襲!今日寶瓶星號不載客離港!
Due to Tropical Storm Danas, SuperStar Aquarius will be out of service today.
2340434919379679 2019-07-16 16:03 314 21 盛世公主在今天結束了今年度在基隆的母港航程並空船前往上海囉!
從4月15日盛世公主回歸基隆港至今,持續了3個月的母港操作共帶來27航次、217,236入出港人次,旅客數較去年成長8.4%!今天特別安排一同慶祝旅客人次的成長突破,並相約明年再見! #盛世謝謝你
#今年有搭到的來話聲 The final call in Keelung this year. Majestic princess… 更多 will homeport at Shanghai in the following season! Since she returned Keelung on Apr.15 this year, the three-month homeport operation has brought 27 voyages and 217,236 passengers! The number of pax has grown by 8.4% compared with last year! Today we celebrate this good news and look forward to seeing you on Mar.23, 2020! #ThankyouMJ
2338143856275452 2019-07-15 07:29 263 5
2336580186431819 2019-07-14 08:56 460 22 分享更多7/8盛世公主&世界夢雙母港郵輪會的照片!
More pictures on the day Majestic Princess & World dream met up! We accomplished a historical record of 16,258 embarking & debarking passengers on July 8.
2332892906800547 2019-07-12 09:00 274 9 7/11世界夢再度同框盛世公主!
結束四千多位旅客的3晚日本行後,世界夢再度載著三千多位在台灣渡過3晚旅程的旅客返航香港。盛世公主則準備完成今年度在基隆港的最後一趟母港航程,帶著四千三百多位旅客前往鹿兒島及釜山。 隨著台灣郵輪市場的蓬勃發展,兩大郵輪下次的碰面不會讓大家等太久,預計在2020/3/23又可以在海洋廣場同時捕捉到兩尊龐然大物!… 更多 傍晚盛世公主離港時,船長罕見地又拿出內港迴船的美技讓大家再按按已經過熱的快門!
On July 11, World Dream and Majestic Princess were berthed at Keelung simultaneously for the second time! After the 3 - night journey for Japan with 4000 passengers , World Dream was ready for returning to Hong Kong with more than 3000 passengers who just finished their 3-night tour in Taiwan. Majestic Princess was preparing for her last homeport call bound for Kagoshima, Japan and Busan, Korea. These two mega cruise ships will meet up on Mar. 23 in 2020 and their meetings are expected to be more frequent since the market is booming! In the evening, Majestic Princess turned around in the inner harbor uncommonly when she was departing, drawing much attention of the pedestrians!
2327534327336405 2019-07-08 22:48 492 26 今晚我們享有一個非常不同的夜景!
In this evening, we had a much different night aerial view of Keelung Port.
2327459217343916 2019-07-08 21:51 344 15 華燈初上的世界夢!
World Dream in the evening! #ILoveKeelung
2326976224058882 2019-07-08 14:27 383 27 世界夢首航基隆!
基隆港首度有兩艘14萬噸級以上郵輪同時母港作業! #世界盛世在基隆
#期待華燈初上的港景 Maiden call of World Dream! The first time we receive 2 mega cruise ships over 140,000 gross tonnage for turnarounds at the same day!
2322692097820628 2019-07-05 23:45 154 0 今日在盛世公主上舉行的聯合婚禮。來自30對新人的30個故事,交集於此!
The group wedding on Majestic Princess today. 30 love stories from the 30 new couples combined here!
2315168638572974 2019-07-01 10:53 221 11 世界夢搶先看~
7/8將蒞臨基隆港唷!🎉🎉 World Dream is now at Kaohsiung Port, and will be at Keelung Port on 7/8!