Cruise Keelung 基隆港旅客服務, 基隆市。 11,990 個讚 · 13 人正在談論這個。「基隆港旅客服務」由基隆港務分公司提供 基隆是臺灣國內最大郵輪港 因此我們格外重視旅客服務 也希望藉由此粉絲專頁 讓大家更了解郵輪旅遊、以及相關港口服務
盛世公主將在4/15強勢回歸囉!她將返回基隆度過第二個春夏航程!相信大家在去年也目睹了她的美!並讓基隆有了主打歌成為亞洲郵輪之都! #盛世駕到 #一起來留言歡迎她
即日起至4/5(五)在留言處貼上自己拍的盛世公主照,我們會將這些照片於盛世歡迎儀式影片中撥放~並抽出留言中的10位幸運兒送出公主遊輪摺疊傘唷!心動不如馬上行動🎉🎉🎉 Big event! Majestic Princess will… 更多 return on Apr. 15 for her second spring and early summer season in Keelung. We believe most of people in Taiwan have witnessed the magnificence and elegance of her and are pround that Keelung has been one of the cruise capitals in Asia. Please post any pictures for Majestic Princess in Keelung below before April 5, and we'll include them in the video clip for our precious memory. 10 lucky posters will have the souvenirs from Princess Cruises according to the lucky draw!
  • 宋程傑