文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
1900235450066297 | 2018-09-30 11:08 | 341 | 12 | 2018年太陽公主最後一次與寶瓶星相會,也是最後一次出現在基隆港!太陽公主完成了22航次的高載客率母港航程,平均每航次出港約2000至2200人間。今日入境作業完成後,將不載客開往香港,最終抵達澳洲開啟她南半球的夏季航程。下次在基隆港見到她時將會是2019年3月24日的賞櫻系列首航,巧的是當天又將再碰上寶瓶星號! #明年春暖花開日,就是我們再會之時 。保重! The last call of Sun Princess… 更多 as well as her last meeting with SuperStar Aquarius in 2018! Sun Princess just finished her 22 turnaround calls out of Keelung and reached a high loading factor of 2000-2200 passengers per call. After the disembarkation today, She will be bound for Hong Kong and eventually arrive Australia for several sails during the summer time of southern hemisphere. Looking forward to seeing her on Mar. 24, 2019 when she launches the first call for cherry blossom viewing. Coincidentally, on that day she will meet SuperStar Aquarius again. |
1896650390424803 | 2018-09-27 10:59 | 214 | 4 | 2018年的第 4 季船期預報出爐囉! 🎉 🎉 🎉 本季船期重點預告: ✨10/21 珊瑚公主 首航基隆 ✨11/02 阿姆斯特丹 首航基隆 ✨11/06 偉特丹 首航基隆 🚢 🚢 🚢 🚢 想看郵輪、拍郵輪、畫郵輪的朋友千萬不要錯過唷😍 |
1889686267787882 | 2018-09-21 20:20 | 220 | 8 | 基隆港東岸2號纜柱Bye→岸邊的新朋友! The interesting bollard painting on Wharf E2! |
1874722809284228 | 2018-09-09 07:21 | 352 | 4 | 大雨滂沱中太陽公主緩慢進港… #港口的背景全被大雨P掉了 Sun Princess is approaching in the shower… |
1870260993063743 | 2018-09-05 18:57 | 159 | 2 | 台灣公主遊輪在太陽公主號上歡慶5週年生日! 公主遊輪在基隆港從2014年的15航次,55,774人次成長到2018年預估64航次,323,330人次,並成為台灣家喻戶曉的郵輪品牌。 ~PRINCESS CRUISES TAIWAN 5TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION @ Sun Princess~ In 2018, Princess Cruises will be expected to… 更多 record 323,330 pax on 64 ships in Keelung Port, up from 55,774 pax on 15 ships in 2014. She has become a well-known cruise brand in Taiwan.😊 |