文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
1722410237848820 | 2018-05-31 20:30 | 84 | 1 | #DiamondPrincess補給篇謎底揭曉 公主遊輪一早卸下舊的被服丟棄,並從從海外買了新的一批被服用貨櫃轉口到船邊裝船。因為是一箱一箱散裝,開櫃後直接用行李籠車取代棧板,還可省掉包膜的成本,很聰明的做法! The disposal linens from Diamond Princess were laiden on the wharf in the early morning. Subsequently,… 更多 the new ones were transhipped in the containers which were demolished alongside the cruise ship. The cages originally utilized for the luggages replaced the pallets, and the cost of PE film was saved as well. What a smart idea! |
1722063797883464 | 2018-05-31 10:43 | 64 | 6 | #DiamondPrincess補給篇 鑽石公主採掛靠港作業模式,理應無行李作業,在碼頭上卻出現一排行李籠,到底是為什麼呢? *提示就在圖片中* What are the cages for since Diamond Princess transits Keelung Port without any luggage handling? |
1721999284556582 | 2018-05-31 09:10 | 189 | 7 | #DiamondPrincess 白帥帥優雅的船身一看就讓人心曠神怡! The elegant hull refreshes the port as well as the city! |
1721506794605831 | 2018-05-30 23:44 | 110 | 2 | #MajesticPrincess 小船散步完回母艦! Back to the mother ship after strolling! |
1685426288213882 | 2018-05-30 12:00 | 61 | 0 | #船期預報 鑽石公主(DIAMOND PRINCESS) 鑽石公主預定於2018/05/31(四) 07:00~18:00靠泊基隆港東3/4碼頭 基本資料如下 隸屬:公主郵輪(Princess Cruises) 船籍:United Kingdom(英國) 船身:290米長 x 38米寬 x 115906總噸 吃水:8.3米 載客量:2700… 更多 上一港:那霸/下一港:橫濱 識別:船呼:2HFZ7/MMSI:235103359/IMO:9228198 建於2004年 https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/DIAMOND-PRINCESS-IMO-9228198-MMSI-235103359 超連結 VESSELFINDER.COM
DIAMOND PRINCESS, Passenger (Cruise) Ship - Details and current position - IMO 9228198 MMSI 235103359 - VesselfinderWhat is the ship's current position? Where is the ship located? DIAMOND PRINCESS current position is 40.83907 N / 140.7257 E on Apr 26, 2018 07:35 UTC. Vessel DIAMOND PRINCESS (IMO: 9228198, MMSI: 235103359) is a Passenger (Cruise) Ship built in 2004 and currently sailing under the flag of United Ki... |
1718972858192558 | 2018-05-30 08:30 | 115 | 5 | Norwegian Bliss 現身L.A. 猛然一見到她的身影就好像基隆港的某位好朋友? #知道的請舉手 #花草入鏡的取景也好像在哪見過 Norwegian Biss @ L.A. Does it look like any good friend in Keelung Port? https://www.facebook.com/norwegiancruiselineinternational/posts/2071297749859698 分享 Norwegian Cruise Line
Hello L.A.! Show some love for the one, the only #NorwegianBLISS.
1685429971546847 | 2018-05-29 12:00 | 64 | 3 | #船期預報 #雙輪會 一、盛世公主(MAJESTIC PRINCESS) 2017年夏季全新開啟以旗艦船艘,首艘專為亞洲貴賓量身定制、融合國際元素和中國文化的設計。盛世公主號將以美麗全新客艙、拉斯維加斯風格娛樂,以及世界各地的道地美食和其它旗艦級的設施,來迎接貴賓。 基本資料如下 盛世公主預定於2018/05/30(三)07:00-17:00靠泊基隆港(東2-3碼頭) 基本資料如下 隸屬:Princess… 更多 Cruises(公主遊輪) 船籍:United Kingdom (英國) 船身:330 米長 x 38米寬 x144,216總噸 吃水:8.05米 載客量:4000 上一港:石垣/下一港:沖繩 識別:船呼:MABI4/MMSI:232002990/IMO:9614141 https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/MAJESTIC-PRINCESS-IMO-9614141-MMSI-232002990 二、寶瓶星(SUPERSTAR AQUARIUS) 寶瓶星預定於2018/05/30(三)16:00-22:00靠泊基隆港(西2/3碼頭) 基本資料如下 隸屬:麗星郵輪(Star Cruises ) 船籍:巴哈馬(BS, Bahamas) 船身:230米長 x 29米寬 x 51,309總噸 吃水:7.01米 載客量:1400(本次為臺灣客為主) 識別:船呼:C6LG6/MMSI:308273000/IMO:9008421 建於1993年 https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/SUPERSTAR-AQUARIUS-IMO-9008421-MMSI-308273000 超連結 VESSELFINDER.COM
MAJESTIC PRINCESS, Passenger (Cruise) Ship - Details and current position - IMO 9614141 MMSI 232002990 - VesselfinderWhat is the ship's current position? Where is the ship located? MAJESTIC PRINCESS current position is 25.28383 N / 122.2274 E on Apr 21, 2018 11:41 UTC. Vessel MAJESTIC PRINCESS (IMO: 9614141, MMSI: 232002990) is a Passenger (Cruise) Ship built in 2017 and currently sailing under the flag of United.... |
1719026764853834 | 2018-05-29 10:00 | 113 | 4 | 沒有碼頭也能靠泊郵輪?讓我們看看挪威的Geiranger是怎辦到的? #意圖使人秒刷北歐峽灣郵輪 #什麼絕景都沒看到光看這個移動碼頭就值回票價了 How could a cruise ship be berthed without a wharf? Let's check what happened in Geiranger, Norway. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjEOWH_LE-I |
1718894861533691 | 2018-05-28 19:45 | 63 | 0 | #一張簡圖看透2017郵輪市場 國際郵輪協會(Cruise Lines International Association, CLIA) 公布了2017年全球郵輪的成果。2017全球郵輪旅客2670萬人次,其中北美市場佔了49%,歐洲市場佔了26%,亞洲緊追在後佔了15%。值得一提的是,亞洲的年成長率高達20%,無人能出其右!平均航程天數7.2天較去年下滑了2%,也許和新興市場嘗鮮客首選短天期航程有關。… 更多 2018年受惠於新船持續下水,全球市場預計將達2800萬人次! https://cruising.org/docs/default-source/annual-reports/clia-yr-infographic-2018-v3-02.jpg?sfvrsn=2 |
1716935731729604 | 2018-05-27 18:00 | 79 | 3 | 歌詩達威尼斯號由義大利經基隆港到日本的首航之旅經過哪些港口? #用馬可波羅當包裝亞洲旅客會買單 https://youtu.be/iiTF3iIvOzE |
1716880191735158 | 2018-05-26 23:39 | 106 | 1 | 歌詩達亞洲旗艦新船-威尼斯人號預計2019年4月26日首航基隆港!配合威尼斯號的造船廠位於義大利東北方的Monfalcone,3月8日的首航特別規劃從鄰近的Trieste港出發,預計4月29日抵達終點橫濱港。53天52夜的半環遊世界航程,沿途靠泊了她未來可能的重要母港及掛靠港,基隆港很榮幸名列在其中。 #在母港航次出現以前就會以掛靠港之姿首航基隆港 #最近看太多環遊世界郵輪但就缺一個刷下去的勇氣 #總旅費大約台幣20多萬元起小資族可以考慮只買新加坡到橫濱那段17天大約台幣6萬至7萬 #詳細航程請參閱連結 The maiden call of Costa Venezia to Keelung Port is scheduled to be on April 26, 2019. She will… 更多 depart from Trieste, Italy on Mar. 8 and arrive Yokohama, Japan on Apr. 29. The 53-day journey includes her major home ports as well as transit ports in the near future. Port of Keelung is proud to be enrolled! https://www.costajapan.com/special/costavenezia/ |
1685427884880389 | 2018-05-26 12:00 | 52 | 2 | #船期預報 #三輪會 一、處女星(SUPERSTAR VIRGO) 預定於2018/05/27(日) 07:00~17:00靠泊基隆港東2/3碼頭 基本資料如下 隸屬:麗星郵輪(Star Cruises) 船籍:Bahamas(巴哈馬) 船身:268米長 x 32米寬 x 75338總噸 吃水:7.9米 載客量:2500… 更多 識別:船呼:C6AV6/MMSI:311000165/IMO:9141077 建於1999年 https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/SUPERSTAR-VIRGO-IMO-9141077-MMSI-311000165 二、中遠之星(COSCO STAR) 預定於2018/05/27(日)08:00~18:00靠泊基隆港西16碼頭 基本資料如下 隸屬:中國遠洋(COSCO) 船籍:香港(HK, Hong Kong) 船身:178米長 x 26米寬 x 26847總噸 吃水:6.6米 載客量:514 識別:船呼:VRFQ7/MMSI:477559700/IMO:9073440 建於1993年 https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/COSCO-STAR-IMO-9073440-MMSI-477559700… 更多 超連結 VESSELFINDER.COM
SUPERSTAR VIRGO, Passenger (Cruise) Ship - Details and current position - IMO 9141077 MMSI 311000165 - VesselfinderWhat is the ship's current position? Where is the ship located? SUPERSTAR VIRGO current position is 24.8911 N / 122.20035 E on Apr 22, 2018 11:27 UTC. Vessel SUPERSTAR VIRGO (IMO: 9141077, MMSI: 311000165) is a Passenger (Cruise) Ship built in 1999 and currently sailing under the flag of Bahamas. Be... |
1715445161878661 | 2018-05-25 13:15 | 40 | 0 | #MSCSeaside 以歐洲市場為主的MSC 郵輪旗下首艘針對北美市場設計的郵輪Seaside! (2017下水,總噸15萬,載客5100人) 一同快速瀏覽! The first purpose ship for north-American market. Let's have a quick preview! (Launched in 2017, 150,000GT, capacity of 5100 pax) https://www.facebook.com/MSC.Cruises.International/videos/10155160651281315/ 影片
1712831555473355 | 2018-05-23 12:00 | 60 | 0 | Mirror Mirror on the Wharf, Who Is the Fairest of Them All? https://www.facebook.com/groups/578362622299686/permalink/1238719172930691/ |
1712571195499391 | 2018-05-22 23:11 | 222 | 3 | #CostaVenezia #又將是忙碌的五月 #歌詩達公主麗星三強鼎立 明年度將有兩艘14萬噸級郵輪以基隆港為母港! The second cruise ship of 140K GT will be based at Keelung Port in 2019! https://www.google.com.tw/amp/www.epochtimes.com/b5/18/5/22/n10416335.htm/amp |
1712255578864286 | 2018-05-22 19:00 | 173 | 4 | 又到了盛世公主與處女星船期的公倍數! #懶得去算第幾次了 Once again, Majestic Princess and SuperStar Virgo called at Keelung Port on the same day! |
1712210545535456 | 2018-05-22 17:54 | 269 | 15 | 盛世公主首度在牛稠港迴船出港!繼今年度14次在外港錨地迴船後首度嘗試改在牛稠港執行! #船長330米前後只剩15米空間佩服領港跟船長技術真高超 Majestic Princess turned around at 牛稠港. It's her first trial after turning at the outer anchorage for 14 times. |
1711470495609461 | 2018-05-21 22:33 | 120 | 0 | 鑽石公主號5月19日搭載2900名旅客自神戶港出發(幾乎滿載)!希望這個豐碩的紀錄可以在5月31日再次由神戶出發抵達基隆港時繼續保持! Diamond Princess was taking 2900 passengers on board from Kobe Port on May 19. Wish the fruitful record will repeat again when she visit Keelung Port on May 31. https://www.facebook.com/KobePort1958/posts/1898108023575395 分享 神戸観光局 港湾振興部 KobePort 新增了 2018年5月19日的 9 張相片。
やっぱり晴れの出港は最高です!<br> 年々旅客数が増えている 大人気の「DIAMOND PRINCESS」<br> 約2900名を乗せて!いってらっしゃいませ~~!!👸
1706716849418159 | 2018-05-18 10:50 | 88 | 1 | #史上穿越巴拿馬地狹最大的郵輪 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2063619623960844&id=1679051252417685
1707230039366840 | 2018-05-17 20:26 | 226 | 2 | 鑽石公主號滿載超過2600位日本及其他來自世界各地的旅客造訪那霸、石垣島後,接著來到基隆港,最後經過兩天全日航海回到神戶港。這條熱門的航線馬上將再有一趟,鑽石公主再次從神戶港出發,預計5月31日重訪基隆港。 Over 2600 Japanese and other global passengers visit Keelung by Diamond Princess after calling at Naha and Ishigaki , and will be back to Kobe. The popular itinerary will repeat and the next call will be on May 31. |
1705565919533252 | 2018-05-16 12:00 | 28 | 1 | 以德國市場為主軸的TUI Cruises 全新旗艦郵輪Mein Schiff 1於5月11日配合漢堡829週年港慶舉辦下水典禮。 華麗煙火及貨櫃橋式機一起助陣超震撼! #只想看煙火可快轉至2分36秒 #德國市場就是TUI跟AIDA的天下 #MeinSchiff就是英文MyShip真好不用花太多時間在命名 #… 更多影片中橫條紋衣服那兩位不是路人是受邀擔任教母的奧運沙灘排球冠軍選手KiraWalkenhorst和LauraLudwig https://youtu.be/SoJbVcRM87I Mein Schiff 1, the new flagship of TUI Cruises was christened on May 11, during the 829th anniversary of Hamberg Port! Kira Walkenhorst and Laura Ludwig, two of Germany’s Olympic and World Champion beach volleyball players, are godmothers of the ship and shows in the film as well. The fireworks backgrounded by the container gantry cranes were stunning! |
1685424851547359 | 2018-05-16 12:00 | 65 | 2 | #船期預報 #雙輪會 一、處女星(SUPERSTAR VIRGO) 預定於2018/05/17(四) 07:00~17:00靠泊基隆港東2/3碼頭 基本資料如下 隸屬:麗星郵輪(Star Cruises) 船籍:Bahamas(巴哈馬) 船身:268米長 x 32米寬 x 75338總噸 吃水:7.9米 載客量:2500… 更多 識別:船呼:C6AV6/MMSI:311000165/IMO:9141077 建於1999年 https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/SUPERSTAR-VIRGO-IMO-9141077-MMSI-311000165 二、鑽石公主(DIAMOND PRINCESS) 鑽石公主預定於2018/05/17(四) 07:00~18:00靠泊基隆港西16碼頭 基本資料如下 隸屬:公主郵輪(Princess Cruises) 船籍:United Kingdom(英國) 船身:290米長 x 38米寬 x 115906總噸 吃水:8.1米 載客量:2700 上一港:石垣/下一港:神戶 識別:船呼:2HFZ7/MMSI:235103359/IMO:9228198 建於2004年 https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/DIAMOND-PRINCESS-IMO-9228198-MMSI-235103359 超連結 VESSELFINDER.COM
SUPERSTAR VIRGO, Passenger (Cruise) Ship - Details and current position - IMO 9141077 MMSI 311000165 - VesselfinderWhat is the ship's current position? Where is the ship located? SUPERSTAR VIRGO current position is 24.8911 N / 122.20035 E on Apr 22, 2018 11:27 UTC. Vessel SUPERSTAR VIRGO (IMO: 9141077, MMSI: 311000165) is a Passenger (Cruise) Ship built in 1999 and currently sailing under the flag of Bahamas. Be... |
1705536042869573 | 2018-05-16 03:26 | 43 | 1 | 漢堡港每年5月份配合建港週年慶施放煙火,搭配郵輪服用無人能敵!(2018尚未見精美空拍版,請先參閱2016) https://youtu.be/4ENT5u6QtPk |
1704202239669620 | 2018-05-14 17:40 | 190 | 0 | 全球最大23萬噸海洋交響號 2018年4月地中海首航 https://www.ttnmedia.com/?p=11644 |
1703463573076820 | 2018-05-13 23:46 | 149 | 1 | #基隆港郵輪艦隊 複習5月2日基隆港三輪會! 讚嘆其絕佳的時間點以及角度! Review of 3 cruise ships meeting up in Keelung Port on May 2 2018. The great timing and viewpoint make it! https://www.facebook.com/groups/578362622299686/permalink/1232293196906622/ |
1702427953180382 | 2018-05-13 00:18 | 245 | 2 | 23:00環遊世界郵輪自基隆港啟航! 23:00 May 12, the launch of the world cruise! |
1701979243225253 | 2018-05-12 15:01 | 104 | 1 | 神速有海洋夢幻號壯觀的進港空拍畫面分享! https://youtu.be/KrU51qmNYxw |
1701971283226049 | 2018-05-12 14:50 | 244 | 7 | #從基隆港出發也能輕鬆環遊世界! 146位旅客自基隆港登上海洋夢幻號,與其他上千位夥伴會合後開啟為期102天的環遊世界郵輪。海洋夢幻號下一港將前往新加坡,接著造訪地中海,波羅的海地區港口,並在格陵蘭附近進入北極圈,最後造訪北美地區後橫跨太平洋在日本橫濱或神戶結束環球旅程。全程靠泊25個世界知名港口並經過蘇伊士運河,挪威峽灣,北極圈,巴拿馬運河這些過去只在課本上看過的地名。基隆港很榮幸成為旅客們環遊世界的起點!… 更多 更多詳情請參閱官方連結 http://www.pbcruise.jp/cruiseList/98th/index.html 146 passengers embark Ocean Dream and launch their 102-day world cruise with the other 1000 above members. She will first head toward Singapore, then to Miditeranean, Baltic Sea, and touch Arctic Circle near Greenland. Finally visit the North America and end at Yokohama or Kobe, Japan. Will call at 25 famous ports around the world and pass Suez Canal, Arctic Circle, Norweigian fjord,and Panama Canal, where you might glance in the textbook before . Keelung Port is pleasure to become one of the departure ports making your globetrotting dream comes true! http://www.pbcruise.jp/cruiseList/98th/index.html |
1701688379921006 | 2018-05-12 08:27 | 202 | 5 | 清晨薄霧中又見3郵輪同靠基隆港… 3 cruise ships are berthed in the slight fog of early morning! |
1685411224882055 | 2018-05-11 12:00 | 38 | 1 | #船期預報 #三輪會 一、盛世公主(MAJESTIC PRINCESS) 2017年夏季全新開啟以旗艦船艘,首艘專為亞洲貴賓量身定制、融合國際元素和中國文化的設計。盛世公主號將以美麗全新客艙、拉斯維加斯風格娛樂,以及世界各地的道地美食和其它旗艦級的設施,來迎接貴賓。 基本資料如下 盛世公主預定於2018/05/12(六)07:00-17:00靠泊基隆港(東2-3碼頭) 基本資料如下 隸屬:Princess… 更多 Cruises(公主遊輪) 船籍:United Kingdom (英國) 船身:330 米長 x 38米寬 x144,216總噸 吃水:8.05米 載客量:4000 識別:船呼:MABI4/MMSI:232002990/IMO:9614141 https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/MAJESTIC-PRINCESS-IMO-9614141-MMSI-232002990 二、處女星(SUPERSTAR VIRGO) 預定於2018/05/12(六)07:00-17:00靠泊基隆港(西2/3碼頭) 基本資料如下 隸屬:麗星郵輪(Star Cruises) 船籍:Bahamas(巴哈馬) 船身:268米長 x 32米寬 x 75338總噸 吃水:7.9米 載客量:2500(本次為香港出發,各國國際客皆有) 識別:船呼:C6AV6/MMSI:311000165/IMO:9141077 建於1999年… 更多 超連結 VESSELFINDER.COM
SUPERSTAR VIRGO, Passenger (Cruise) Ship - Details and current position - IMO 9141077 MMSI 311000165 - VesselfinderWhat is the ship's current position? Where is the ship located? SUPERSTAR VIRGO current position is 24.8911 N / 122.20035 E on Apr 22, 2018 11:27 UTC. Vessel SUPERSTAR VIRGO (IMO: 9141077, MMSI: 311000165) is a Passenger (Cruise) Ship built in 1999 and currently sailing under the flag of Bahamas. Be... |
1697808486975662 | 2018-05-08 18:55 | 280 | 3 | 歌詩達賽琳娜號首航基隆港!令人瞠目結舌的希臘神話主題及義式混搭風!超過2700位韓國旅客透過這趟樂天旅行社包船享受基隆假期。 #基隆港史上最多歐巴的一天 #搭配盛世公主號當日旅客又破萬人次 The maiden call of Costa Serena! The amazing combination of Greek mythology theme & Italian style decoration. Over 2700 Korean passengers on the charter cruise of Lotte Tour enjoy their holiday around Keelung! |
1697083633714814 | 2018-05-07 23:25 | 130 | 3 | 4,000隻龍蝦的啟示:每一噸餐背後都是有旅客看不到的戰爭,珍惜桌上的每一道餐,即便我們知道,在郵輪上永遠沒有餓肚子的那一秒! The revelation of 4,000 lobsters: When we enjoy our fabulous meals on board, there must have been a "war" in the galley. Cherish every dish… 更多 despite we'll never be hungry at every moment on the cruise ship. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10156552977564170&id=146402569169 影片
1685399441549900 | 2018-05-07 12:00 | 64 | 6 | #船期預報 #雙輪會 一、歌詩達-賽琳娜號(COSTA SERENA) 歌詩達-賽琳娜號預定於2018/05/08(二)07:00-16:00靠泊基隆港(西16碼頭) 基本資料如下 隸屬:Costa Cruise(歌詩達郵輪) 船籍:Italy (義大利) 船身:290 x 36 m x 114,261 總噸 吃水:8.2米 載客量:3400… 更多 上一港:石垣/下一港:釜山 識別:船呼:ICAZ/MMSI:247187600/IMO:9343132 建於 2007年 https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/COSTA-SERENA-IMO-9343132-MMSI-247187600 二、盛世公主(MAJESTIC PRINCESS) 2017年夏季全新開啟以旗艦船艘,首艘專為亞洲貴賓量身定制、融合國際元素和中國文化的設計。盛世公主號將以美麗全新客艙、拉斯維加斯風格娛樂,以及世界各地的道地美食和其它旗艦級的設施,來迎接貴賓。 基本資料如下 盛世公主預定於2018/05/08(二)07:00-17:00靠泊基隆港(東2/3碼頭) 基本資料如下 隸屬:Princess Cruises(公主遊輪) 船籍:United Kingdom (英國) 船身:330 米長 x 38米寬 x144,216總噸 吃水:8.05米 載客量:4000 上一港:石垣/下一港:沖繩 識別:船呼:MABI4/MMSI:232002990/IMO:9614141 https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/MAJESTIC-PRINCESS-IMO-9614141-MMSI-232002990 超連結 VESSELFINDER.COM
COSTA SERENA, Passenger (Cruise) Ship - Details and current position - IMO 9343132 MMSI 247187600 - VesselfinderWhat is the ship's current position? Where is the ship located? COSTA SERENA current position is 33.89213 N / 129.58445 E on Apr 25, 2018 13:22 UTC. Vessel COSTA SERENA (IMO: 9343132, MMSI: 247187600) is a Passenger (Cruise) Ship built in 2007 and currently sailing under the flag of Italy. Below you... |
1692635587492952 | 2018-05-03 16:55 | 193 | 0 | 超過2700位日本旅客搭乘 #NorweigianJewel 歡度黃金週假期,造訪基隆港週邊故宮、忠烈祠、九份、十分等著名景點! Over 2700 Japanese passengers enjoyed their Golden Week holidays on #NorweigianJewel and had a day tour around Keelung Port! |
1692251757531335 | 2018-05-03 06:51 | 190 | 1 | 複習5月2日三艘郵輪及一艘渡輪同時在港的風和日麗! Reviews of 3 cruise ships and 1 ferry berthed in Keelung Port at the same time on May 2. #SuperstarVirgo #SuperstarAquarius #CostaNeoRomantica https://www.facebook.com/groups/578362622299686/permalink/1227139897421952/ |
1691995164223661 | 2018-05-03 00:59 | 33 | 1 | "推理要在晚餐後":2013年一部以麗星郵輪處女星號為背景的推理喜劇電影。推薦給還沒能登上這艘麗星郵輪旗艦的朋友搶先參觀!(劇中連殺人手法都運用上郵輪知識!) "The After-Dinner Mysteries " -A Japanese detective comedy movie filmed on #SuperstarVirgo. Recommended for those who could not travel with the flagship of Star Cruises. https://youtu.be/e4UrEVWH6LE |
1691775967578914 | 2018-05-02 20:45 | 120 | 3 | 今日的三輪會 ✨✨✨ 更是風平浪靜好拍照的好天氣唷~ <3 3 cruise ships were berthed in Keelung Port simultaneously! #SUPERSTARVIRGO #COSTANEOROMANTICA #SUPERSTARAQUARIUS |
1685393591550485 | 2018-05-02 12:00 | 40 | 2 | #船期預報 挪威寶石 (NORWEGIAN JEWEL) 預定於2018/05/03(四) 08:00~18:00靠泊基隆港東3/4碼頭 基本資料如下 隸屬:挪威郵輪(Norwegian Cruise) 船籍:巴哈馬(BS, Bahamas) 船身: 294米長 x32米寬 x 93,502總噸 吃水: 8.6米 載客量:2500 上一港:石垣/下一港:橫濱 識別:船呼:C6TX6/MMSI:311827000/IMO:9304045 建於 2005年 https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/NORWEGIAN-JEWEL-IMO-9304045-MMSI-311827000 超連結 VESSELFINDER.COM
NORWEGIAN JEWEL, Passenger (Cruise) Ship - Details and current position - IMO 9304045 MMSI 311827000 - VesselfinderWhat is the ship's current position? Where is the ship located? NORWEGIAN JEWEL current position is 34.65733 N / 135.43085 E on Apr 26, 2018 06:33 UTC. Vessel NORWEGIAN JEWEL (IMO: 9304045, MMSI: 311827000) is a Passenger (Cruise) Ship built in 2005 and currently sailing under the flag of Bahamas. B... |
1691301377626373 | 2018-05-02 08:42 | 95 | 8 | #船期預報 2018年的第2季船期預報"更新"囉! 最新船期預報消息請以此篇發文為準唷~ 🎉 🎉 🎉 母港方面共有三天同時有兩艘以上的郵輪 4/17(二)盛世公主、處女星 5/12(六)盛世公主、海洋夢幻號、處女星 5/22(二)盛世公主、處女星 掛靠方面同時有兩艘郵輪… 更多 5/2(三)歌詩達新浪漫號、處女星 5/17(四)鑽石公主、處女星 🚢 🚢 想看郵輪、拍郵輪、畫郵輪的朋友千萬不要錯過! |
1685391848217326 | 2018-05-01 12:00 | 53 | 4 | #船期預報 #三輪會 一、處女星(SUPERSTAR VIRGO) 預定於2018/5/2(三) 07:00~17:00靠泊基隆港東2/3碼頭 基本資料如下 隸屬:麗星郵輪(Star Cruises) 船籍:巴哈馬(BS, Bahamas) 船身:268米長 x 32米寬 x 75338總噸 吃水:7.9米 載客量:2500… 更多 識別:船呼:C6AV6/MMSI:311000165/IMO:9141077 建於1999年 https://www.vesselfinder.com/vessels/SUPERSTAR-VIRGO-IMO-9141077-MMSI-311000165 二、歌詩達-新浪漫號(COSTA NEOROMANTICA) 新浪漫號以紫色作為主視覺顏色,展現浪漫號低調奢華的獨特氣質,是歌詩達船隊中裝潢和餐飲排名前三的精緻船艙。優雅適中的新浪漫號可以直接停靠宮古島、石垣島等度假勝地,免去轉搭接駁船時間和不便,豪華郵輪也可玩出新趣味! 船上的風格設施更是營造休閒娛樂氣氛的重要元素: 多個不同型態的歡樂酒吧,來自全世界各地的酒品,邀情貴賓團聚度過美好時光;佔地超過千坪的水療中心,各式新穎設備,增添海上假期的豐富性。典雅的歐式風格郵輪邀請您共享愉快的身心靈輕鬆之旅。 歌詩達-新浪漫號預定於2018/5/2(三)15:00-21:00 靠泊基隆港(東3/4碼頭) 基本資料如下 隸屬:Costa Cruise(歌詩達郵輪) 船籍:Italy (義大利) 船身:221 x 31 m x 56,769 總噸 吃水:7.8米… 更多 |