
Month: 2019-01

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
2078231055600068 2019-01-31 19:03 172 1 基隆港春節不打烊的好朋友們! #還沒決定過年去哪的看過來 Our good friends never off even during Chinese New Year!
2067780093311831 2019-01-24 08:59 51 0 ✨豬年好運到#快來領紅包✨
小編又來報好康囉~即日起到1/31 下午20:00,凡到基港旅運大樓1F 「Easy Mart易便利商店」捐贈發票,就可以帶走手繪紅包袋哦~🧧數量有限,送完為止!
#一同散佈愛❤️ From now to the Jan.31, please come to the E2 terminal donate your receipts,you can get a red envelope!
#donate your receipts to help people in persistent vegetative states.
2063832863706554 2019-01-21 14:50 32 2 #春節Fun起來抽獎活動開獎囉🎉 感謝大家熱情的參與~恭喜以下得獎者!
請於1/23中午12:00前將個人聯絡資訊mail至信箱,以確保權益喔😊😊😊 Congratulations to our lucky winners and thank you all for your participation!
2058140174275823 2019-01-17 19:36 110 0 在台北萬豪酒店的記者會上,星夢郵輪正式宣布探索夢及世界夢將分別於三月及七月開啟基隆港出發的特別航程。對探索夢而言,這將是她全新改裝並從麗星郵輪轉出後第一次載客! In the press conference at Taipei Marriott Hote, Dream Cruises announced Explorer Dream and World dream will have special… 更多 turnaround call at Keelung in Mar. and Jul. respectively. That will be the first voyage for Explore Dream after refurbished and transferring from Star Cruises.
2053713241385183 2019-01-14 19:02 155 81 🎊春節Fun起來#抽獎活動🎊
Cruise Keelung新年紅包袋是不是豪可愛!
喜歡?那就趕快來參加活動!!! 👇活動辦法往下看👇
STEP1 公開分享此篇貼文
STEP2 於留言處貼出自己於基隆港拍的任何一艘郵輪照 完成以上任務者即符合抽獎資格喔~
🎁獎品:… 更多
紅包袋一組(4入) 共10名
🎁活動截止日:2018/1/21 早上10:00 #過年想收誰的紅包快tag他來抽
#心動不如馬上行動 “Cruise Keelung” makes the cutest red envelopes for Lunar Year! Do you want one?
Now, please shared this post publicly and post the cruise ship photos taken in Keelung below. We’ll enter you into the prize draw!!!
2045044118918762 2019-01-08 18:59 223 6 歐洲2號,榮獲2019貝里茲指南評為世界唯二5星+的豪華郵輪(另一艘是她的姊妹歐洲號),今日造訪基隆。岸上觀光行程之一是騎著自行車在市區閒逛,用最在地的方式來體驗這個異國城市!
Europa 2, one of the only two 5-stars-plus rated ships in the Berlitz Cruise Guide 2019, visited Keelung today. One of their shore excision plans is cycling in the downtown, from a local view to experience the exotic city.
2034508246639016 2019-01-01 10:32 234 5 昨天剛送走藍寶石公主,今天一早再度迎接日系血統的太平洋維納斯!
Just saw Sapphire Princess off yesterday, we welcomed Pacific Venus from Japan in this early morning.