文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
1807574515999058 | 2018-07-27 21:26 | 216 | 7 | #任務交接 歷經一個多月的出國深造,寶瓶星號終於自高雄港返回接替處女星號。處女星號則將於今晚空船直航上海開啟上海-日本各港的多元化航程。 處女星號今年總計36次造訪基隆港,入出境旅客達137,634人次,創歷史新高!特別的是,她首創基隆-馬尼拉-石垣島的雙母港航程,引領許多菲律賓旅客認識台灣,也讓台灣旅客首度可以一次暢遊日本及菲律賓,開啟台灣郵輪的新紀元。 期待明年能再見她芳蹤! After several… 更多 voyages out of Kaohsiung, SuperStar Aquarius returned to Keelung and will be substitute for SuperStar Virgo. Virgo will leave for Shanghai tonight and continue her diversified itineraries of Japan. SuperStar Virgo visited Keelung Port for 36 times in 2018 and made a best record of 137,634 pax counts during her operation at Keelung in the recent years. Especially, her brand new itinerary of Keelung-Manila-Ishigaki brought a lot of Filipino to Taiwan and made Taiwanese visit Japan & Manila in an easy way. See you ! |
1804175076339002 | 2018-07-25 18:54 | 218 | 6 | 拖船- 我不是Tom Cruise , 也不在意妳是不是公主或處女,願只默默在妳身邊守著… #郵輪也要趕撩妹金句熱潮 The tug: I'm not Tom Cruise. I don't mind if you're Princess or Virgo, and will guard you alongside forever. |
1802214059868437 | 2018-07-24 13:24 | 281 | 6 | 鑽石公主搭載2882位旅客自橫濱港來到基隆港! #日本太平洋高壓壟罩熱翻還是台灣避暑好 Diamond Princess sailed with 2882 passengers from Yokohama. |
1800291663394010 | 2018-07-23 09:00 | 98 | 1 | 盛世公主離開基隆改載上海客到長崎港,一樣受到當地的注目! Majestic Princess still grabbed attention when she showed in Nagasaki with passengers from Shanghai! https://youtu.be/g9NPJH7H3w8 |
1796795247076985 | 2018-07-21 09:26 | 103 | 5 | 2019年太陽公主4月份以基隆為母港的賞櫻航線結束後,緊接著要從日本出發,由日本首屈一指的旅行社JTB 包船,展開98天20國31港口的環遊世界航程。 基隆,就是這趟旅程由日本出發後的第一個掛靠港! #台幣約66萬起現在開始存錢還來得及 #4月15日予定太陽盛世雙公主首度同時在基隆港 #上次只有在家門外點個頭不算啊 After the Hanami itinerary from Keelung in April… 更多 2019, Sun Princess will have a globetrotting journey in 98 days (including 31 ports of 20 nations),chartered by JTB. Keelung Port will be the first port of call after she leaves Japan! http://www.jtb.co.jp/smartphone/cruise/sunprincessworldcruise2019/ |
1794268780662965 | 2018-07-19 20:00 | 58 | 8 | 旅客中心內近日悄悄多了兩部新玩意。右邊很明顯是ATM,左邊那部呢? #跟郵輪有關也跟錢有關 #有提示也好像沒提示 #基隆港又有創舉了 Two new items in the terminal….Apparently the right one is ATM. Guess what the left one is? |
1792601900829653 | 2018-07-18 19:02 | 210 | 3 | 入港:2,204人 出港:2,228人 #跟太陽一樣火熱的太陽公主 #滿載 Debarkation pax:2,204 Embarkation pax:2,228 A hot cruise ship in the hot weather… |
1787798187976691 | 2018-07-15 18:41 | 240 | 6 | 既然兩位女士今年還有7/22及7/25兩次機會碰面,今天的主角就先交給象徵和平的她吧! Since there will be still 2 meetings on July 22 & 25 this year, let's focus on the dove we bumped into today ! |
1785022354920941 | 2018-07-14 08:00 | 42 | 1 | 炎炎夏日看點清涼的! Hapag-Lloyd 旗下以極地探險郵輪見長的Hanseatic 號郵輪通過挪威北方Spitzbergen群島,一塊塊斷裂的浮冰,對照台灣現在濕熱的天氣看了好療癒… #HapagLloyd不只貨櫃嚇嚇叫郵輪也是公認的五星級 https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2270389406319436&id=150103175014747 影片
1783487125074464 | 2018-07-12 19:54 | 204 | 6 | 今日在基隆母港作業的3艘郵輪。誰的好眼力可以看出來嗎? The aerial view of 3 turnaround cruise ships in Keelung Port today. Could you identify them? 感謝Mars 空拍攝影提供 |
1783325578423952 | 2018-07-12 17:20 | 318 | 8 | *基隆港一日3母港作業郵輪* 一早盛世公主打頭陣,緊接今年度首航的太陽公主及處女星! 感謝MARS 空拍攝影提供美圖 ~3 turnarounds in 1day~ Majestic Princess returned in the early morning and was followed by Sun Princess for her inaugurated season. At the same time, SuperStar Virgo was also ready to be berthed. Photo by Drone Aerial Photography |
1782957521794091 | 2018-07-12 10:52 | 315 | 18 | 應觀眾要求,今年最後一趟盛世出港歌唱道別! 感謝Leo 大分享 影片
1782767015146475 | 2018-07-12 07:26 | 358 | 27 | 盛世公主今年度最後一次靠泊基隆港,相約2019年4月15日再見! (中午前將空船不載客直航上海開始新的一季母港航程) The final call in Keelung this year. See you on Apr. 15, 2019. (She will homeport at Shanghai in the following season) |
1782738848482625 | 2018-07-12 06:56 | 100 | 1 | 這下總不會有鄰居來敲門抗議了吧! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1591717890937282&id=282600341849050 分享 Marella Cruises
All six ships are watching the World Cup semi final, nail biting stuff ⚽ 🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢🚢
1782245565198620 | 2018-07-11 23:27 | 167 | 8 | 明天即將歸位基隆的三艘郵輪! #同樣預報12點靠碼頭的處女星及太陽公主揪竟是誰先靠呢 3 cruise ships approaching Keelung Port ! |
1781197745303402 | 2018-07-11 06:43 | 98 | 3 | 因為瑪利亞颱風的緣故, 所有預定前往台灣的郵輪全部在香港大集結!(太陽公主、處女星-基隆,寶瓶星-高雄) 尤其間接造成麗星品牌中有三艘同時返回香港述職的罕見奇景! #沒颱風假了預計712乖乖到基隆高雄報到上工囉 Due to Typhoon Maria, all cruises bound for Taiwan get together in Hong Kong! It's a rare setting that 3… 更多 of Star Cruises berthed in Hong Kong simultaneously. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1748385021911645&id=104074319676065 分享 香港郵輪俱樂部 Hong Kong Cruise Society 在 2018 Cruise Ships Calling at Hong Kong 相簿中新增了 1 張相片 — 在 Kai Tak Cruise Terminal 。
(2018/07/10) 今天三艘郵輪繼續停泊在香港,等待颱風過後才能前往台灣,其中在啟德郵輪碼頭有 #公主郵輪 #太陽公主號 及 #麗星郵輪 #寶瓶星號。前者的啟航時間預料延遲至黃昏,後者則暫定維持在 23:59。 Three cruise ships continue staying in Hong Kong today and waiting to sail to Taiwan after the… 更多 typhoon. At Kai Tak Cruise Terminal there are #SunPrincess and #SuperStarAquarius. The former will depart in the late afternoon as currently expected, while the latter will remain as 23:59. #PrincessCruises #StarCruises
1780103358746174 | 2018-07-10 13:27 | 67 | 5 | #船期通知 因應颱風來襲,原訂7/11的太陽公主與處女星作業時間延遲至7/12。 7/12當天各郵輪作業時間如附圖喔! Due to the typhoon, the scheduled Sun Princess and the Superstar Virgo departing on July 11 will delay to July 12. The working hours of the cruises on the July 12 are as shown in the drawing! |
1773987669357743 | 2018-07-09 08:00 | 94 | 1 | 位在美國佛州的、海洋綠洲級的母港Port Everglades 在1962年時迎接了當時全世界最大、嚇死人的30,000噸級郵輪,對照今天世界最大的海洋和悅號(226,000總噸),只能說科技真的進步太快! https://www.facebook.com/255433271161799/posts/1874833269221783/ 分享 Port Everglades
#TBT in 1962 S.S. Hanseatic at 30,000 tons was the largest cruise ship sailing from #PortEverglades. Today, Royal Caribbean International's Harmony of the Seas at 226,963 tons is the largest cruise ship sailing from #PortEverglades the #90yrPowerhouseport
1776765505746626 | 2018-07-08 08:44 | 144 | 3 | 受颱風影響,昨日出發原訂前往鹿兒島、高知的盛世公主號改為那霸航線。(旅客可選擇參加或退票) 今日出發的處女星則將改為香港行! (圖為昨日意外的雙輪會) Due to the typhoon, the itinerary of Majestic Princess departing yesterday was altered as Naha (passengers could refund or join in it). SuperStar Virgo departing today will replace her scheduled itinerary with Hong Kong! |
1775870619169448 | 2018-07-07 16:49 | 223 | 8 | 今天算不期而遇嗎? Meeting out of schedule! |
1774980542591789 | 2018-07-07 01:14 | 238 | 7 | 歷經颱風、旅客緊急就醫事件,處女星號終於返抵基隆港。在和平理性的氛圍中! Eventually, SuperStar Virgo went back Keelung Port, under a peaceful atmosphere! |
1774240919332418 | 2018-07-06 13:50 | 49 | 2 | 【15:50 更正最新消息】 麗星郵輪通知: 因天候因素,處女星號7月6日入境時間延遲為23:00。 預定停靠西岸旅客中心。 預計7/7 早上11:00開放出港上船作業,14:00開航,實際時間依當天作業情形為主! 後續將繼續追蹤最新消息,請繼續關注通知唷! Notice from Star Cruises Due to the bad weather, the ETA of SuperStar Virgo will be postponed to 23:00. She will be berthed at West Passenger Terminal. The embarkation will start at 11:00 and the ETD will be at 14:00 on July 7. |
1773307906092386 | 2018-07-05 22:33 | 82 | 11 | 處女星號7月6日到基隆港時間預計延後至23:00! 後續將持續追蹤最新消息! (圖片擷取自Find Ship) The ETA of SuperStar Virgo will be postponed to 23:00 on Jul. 6. Keep following the latest news with us! |
1772961632793680 | 2018-07-05 18:13 | 110 | 1 | 今晚來基隆港不看郵輪、看表演! ⭐️舞味雜陳⭐️ 同學們好優秀啊!✨✨✨ |
1769828956440281 | 2018-07-03 18:15 | 486 | 12 | 獨特的道別方式! 今日盛世公主號出境旅客高達4304人,經求證船方,已破公主遊輪全船隊、全世界各單一航次中最高的紀錄! 今日入境人次,也就是上一趟出境載客數4284人則是史上第二高! #暑假威力真的驚人 #難怪要補上一趟要補這麼多鳳梨 A special way to say goodbye! The embarking passenger number today is recorded as 4304. The… 更多 best record ever among any specific call among Princess fleet (according to Carnival PLC, Taiwan Branch) The disembarking passenger number of 4284 today (embarking on last Saturday) is the 2nd largest one! |
1766279710128539 | 2018-07-01 18:06 | 33 | 3 | 受巴比倫颱風影響,處女星號7月1日原訂出發前往沖繩、大阪的航程更改為石垣島、大阪。 (颱風潛勢圖摘自日本氣象廳) SuperStar Virgo replaces her itinerary of Okinawa & Osaka with Ishigaki & Osaka due to Typhoon Prapiroon. |
1765825106840666 | 2018-07-01 12:58 | 250 | 14 | Amazing Keelung Port as well as the city! https://www.facebook.com/groups/Keelungpeople/permalink/10155402979527595/ |
1764508886972288 | 2018-07-01 08:57 | 147 | 5 | 再見了天秤星! 打開小編陳舊的統計資料,2007至2010夏季以基隆港為母港營運的天秤星總共載運了735,975入出境人次,多少台灣人的郵輪初體驗都在這艘當年基隆港最亮眼的焦點上發生! 謝謝妳,天秤星! https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1729036717179809&id=104074319676065 分享 香港郵輪俱樂部 Hong Kong Cruise Society 在 Star Cruises' Pictures and News 相簿中新增了 1 張相片。
再見 #天秤星號! 自2005年起經過近十三年在 #麗星郵輪 的歲月,今天她終於完成最後航次,從船隊中退役。天秤星號是麗星郵輪中唯一曾經前往歐洲航行,及到訪過最多港口與城市的成員。 Goodbye! Farewell to #SuperStarLibra! After nearly 13 years of service in #StarCruises, she completes her final sailing… 更多 today and will retire from fleet. She is the only ship in the fleet which had ever sailed in Europe, and is also the ship with most destinations visited.