分享 香港郵輪俱樂部 Hong Kong Cruise Society 在 Star Cruises' Pictures and News 相簿中新增了 1 張相片。
再見 #天秤星號! 自2005年起經過近十三年在 #麗星郵輪 的歲月,今天她終於完成最後航次,從船隊中退役。天秤星號是麗星郵輪中唯一曾經前往歐洲航行,及到訪過最多港口與城市的成員。 Goodbye! Farewell to #SuperStarLibra! After nearly 13 years of service in #StarCruises, she completes her final sailing… 更多 today and will retire from fleet. She is the only ship in the fleet which had ever sailed in Europe, and is also the ship with most destinations visited.