146位旅客自基隆港登上海洋夢幻號,與其他上千位夥伴會合後開啟為期102天的環遊世界郵輪。海洋夢幻號下一港將前往新加坡,接著造訪地中海,波羅的海地區港口,並在格陵蘭附近進入北極圈,最後造訪北美地區後橫跨太平洋在日本橫濱或神戶結束環球旅程。全程靠泊25個世界知名港口並經過蘇伊士運河,挪威峽灣,北極圈,巴拿馬運河這些過去只在課本上看過的地名。基隆港很榮幸成為旅客們環遊世界的起點!… 更多 更多詳情請參閱官方連結
http://www.pbcruise.jp/cruiseList/98th/index.html 146 passengers embark Ocean Dream and launch their 102-day world cruise
with the other 1000 above members. She will first head toward Singapore, then to Miditeranean, Baltic Sea, and touch Arctic Circle near Greenland. Finally visit the North America and end at Yokohama or Kobe, Japan. Will call at 25 famous ports around the world and pass Suez Canal, Arctic Circle, Norweigian fjord,and Panama Canal, where you might glance in the textbook before . Keelung Port is pleasure to become one of the departure ports making your globetrotting dream comes true! http://www.pbcruise.jp/cruiseList/98th/index.html