
Month: 2020-07

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
3152020978221065 2020-07-29 16:16 352 7 全球第一艘復航郵輪,探索夢號,航經澎湖和馬祖後
今天再次回到基隆!🥰 在國際疫情持續蔓延的時刻,旅客能搭郵輪去離島遊玩放鬆
體驗類出國的行程,相信這會是您一輩子難忘的經驗。 First cruise tourism resumes since COVID-19 broke out, today back to Keelung again. Demestic travel is a popular choice in… 更多 Taiwan now, especially outlying island, such as Penghu, Matsu etc,. Join us, I believe you will have a unforgettable experience.
3144039535685876 2020-07-26 19:50 327 3 探索夢號出發跳島囉😍😍
預計到澎湖、馬祖,7/29再回來唷~ Say goodbye to Explorer Dream~
She will be back on 7/29.
3143297489093414 2020-07-26 13:09 192 8 大家引頸期盼的跳島行程就在今天!!!雲頂集團也特別舉辦跳島航程首航記者會~ 現場看到好多長官們,都是促成這系列航程的重要推手喔!
探索夢號預計於今天下午18:00左右出港,大家記得來揮揮手~祝福航程順利阿😍 This the very first cruise sail around the offshore islands of Taiwan without any foreign destination in… 更多 this trip. Genting Cruise Lines also hold a press conference to celebrate today! Explorer Dream is going to depart at 18:00 this afternoon. Welcome to take beautiful photos here🥰
3128548030568360 2020-07-21 09:11 212 4 更新探索夢夜間照片~ 美美的😍😍😍
感謝網友洪敦智先生提供美照喔~ Let's see how Explorer Dream looks like at night~~
3126951670727996 2020-07-20 19:55 279 9 探索夢號移泊囉!!為了7、8月的跳島行程做準備,探索夢號於今天移泊到東2碼頭~因為東3.4的改建工程正在進行中,接下來的跳島行程依然會使用原有的東2旅運中心~等之後正式完工後,旅客就有機會享受到東3.4的全新設備喔! 祝福探索夢號接下來的行程一切順利~~♥ Today, Explorer Dream has transfered to Wharf E2 because of the following sails… 更多 in July and August, and the guests are going to use the terminal at E2. Once the whole new ternimal at E3, E4 is completed, the guests will get the chance to use the new equipment. Let's wish Explorer Dream good luck and may all the guests will enjoy their travel!