
Month: 2020-01

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2706006206155880 2020-01-20 17:00 159 2 銀神輪(Silver Spirit)今日首航基隆港!!
銀神輪隸屬於銀海郵輪(Silversea Cruises)集團,於2009年下水並於2017年進行大規模的翻新工程。
銀神輪預計今晚9點出港,喜愛攝影的朋友們趕快來捕捉她美麗的身影喔~ Silver Spirit maiden… 更多 call at Keelung!
It's belonged to Silversea Cruises, and had a complete overhaul in 2017.
Silver Spirit will leave to Kaohsiung port at 21:00 today.
Let's enjoy the snapshots below.
2705962296160271 2020-01-20 15:19 178 6 今日雙輪會是首航的「銀神輪(Silver Spirit)」與「太平洋維納斯(Pacific Venus)」~
有關銀神輪的首航活動及船上設施,晚點整理好後會再發布唷!! There two cruises at Keelung… 更多 Port today, Silver Spirit at W3 and Pacific Venus at E2.
Their voyages are similar, both from Hong Kong to Keelung
The only difference is the next station.
Silver Spirit will leave for Kaohsiung Port at 21:00 today, while Pacific Venus will stay at Keelung tonight, and her next station is Philippines.
2695600420529792 2020-01-15 10:18 203 4 陰雨綿綿的天氣,抹滅不了鑽石公主旅客下船遊玩的熱情🔥
上班的各位也要打起精神喔❤️❤️ Though it’s rainy outside, there’re still many tourists choosing to explore Keelung City.
2675875529168948 2020-01-06 00:40 143 8 🎉2020年的第 1季船期預報出爐囉🎉
The cruise timetable in the 1th quarter, 2020. 本季船期重點預告:
✨03/03 七海航海家 世界夢號 二輪會(需視疫情確認是否入港)
✨03/20 愛達貝拉 諾蒂卡 世界夢號 三輪會(需視疫情確認是否入港)
✨03/23 探索夢 世界夢 盛世公主 三輪會(需視疫情確認是否入港)
✨03/31 水晶合韻 歌詩達威尼斯號 二輪會(需視疫情確認是否入港)
✨首航:01/20銀神輪 03/24歌詩達盛饌號(需視疫情確認是否入港)
🚢 🚢 🚢 🚢🚢 郵輪迷千萬別錯過唷~☺️