
Month: 2019-06

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
2314010745355430 2019-06-30 18:57 286 18 星夢郵輪世界夢號將於7/8首航基隆港囉,並在今年以基隆為母港兩航次!
7/8及7/11恰好都有盛世公主號,雙大型郵輪將於基隆港雙輪會!各位神攝手請準備好唷~ #倒數8天
#世界盛世在基隆 Dream Cruises ‘World Dream’ will make her maiden call at Keelung on Jul.8! Also lunch homeport operation in Keelung… 更多 on Jul.8 and Jul.11.
On Jul.8 , Jul.11 two largest cruise ships‘World Dream’ and ‘Majestic Princess’will get together in Keelung!
Let’s get ready for that day to take amazing photos!
2309854562437715 2019-06-28 08:12 124 2 即便被這波歐洲熱浪掃到尾,冰島的阿克雷里港仍然只有22度!好適合郵輪旅遊的天氣! #已羨慕
分享 Port of Akureyri
We are getting some of the heatwave that is storming through Europe these days. Well, a small portion of it at least. We are „only“ getting 22°C, which is nice to us the locals but also to the people on board Costa Mediterranea which were our guests today
2305439202879251 2019-06-25 20:25 159 6 在大雨傾盆的午后想念上午炙熱的盛世!
Missing the warm weather in the morning when the shower in the afternoon.
2299132490176589 2019-06-22 05:49 122 5 基隆港6/21與仁川港簽署合作備忘錄。兩個同為首都門戶的港口約定未來在郵輪產業上將有更密切合作。 #台韓美食PK
#旗袍VS韓服你愛哪一味 Port of Keelung signed MOU with Incheon Port Authority on June 21. Both the gateways of the capitals of Taiwan and Korea will have closer exchanges and cooperation in the cruise industry!
2293909890698849 2019-06-19 10:48 184 14 🎉2019年的第 3 季船期預報出爐囉🎉
The cruise timetable in the 3rd quarter, 2019. 本季船期重點預告: ✨07/08 世界夢號 首航基隆
07/08 & 07/11世界盛世雙輪會
07/24 太陽 鑽石 寶瓶 三輪會
✨09/29 拉彼魯茲號 首航基隆 🚢 🚢 🚢 🚢🚢 郵輪迷千萬別錯過唷~☺️
2283487811741057 2019-06-13 09:10 120 2 2019/6/5 GW-5號旅客橋正式退役,一起來回顧吧! Jun.5, 2019 GW-5 boarding bridge end her career and officially retire.
2282247901865048 2019-06-12 18:29 156 10 鑽石公主號完成了今年最後一個來自神戶的航程,很快又將自橫濱出發在7/6造訪基隆!
Diamond Princess finished her last call from Kobe and will return to Keelung from Yokohama in the near future(July 6).
2275041172585721 2019-06-08 15:58 217 10 終於擺脫雨神同行,盛世公主今天享受睽違已久的在港全時晴天!
Getting rid of the rain, Majestic Princess enjoys a complete sunny day during her port stay!
2271750766248095 2019-06-06 18:25 251 10 基隆港最資深,編號GW-5接船旅客橋昨晚服務完太平洋維納斯號後正式退役。基隆港邀請了許多位退休的旅客橋駕駛員回家,在她最後一次收起踏板時全體致最高敬意!
The boarding bridge GW-5 retired last night. Several retired operators who worked with her came back to… 更多 express their highest respect when her ramp was lifted for the last time! In the past 26 years, she served countless passengers and witnessed the development of cruise industry in Taiwan!
2270419573047881 2019-06-05 22:52 139 6 歡迎日本國際青商會成員搭乘太平洋維納斯號造訪!
在碼頭迎接年輕旅客下船的數百位成員居然是事前從日本飛過來的!這應該也是基隆港最有活力的一天,整個旅客中心充滿了歡呼跟笑聲。 #這團來拉低平均年齡的無誤 Welcome JC Japan from Pacific Venus today. Hundreds members flew to Taiwan in advance and welcome the young… 更多 members from the ship this morning. Full of acclimation and laugh, it should be the most vibrant day of the cruise terminal.