
Month: 2019-09

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
2469421449814358 2019-09-28 15:01 56 3 原明(9/29)拉彼魯茲號首航基隆港,因受颱風影響,將取消靠泊基隆! Due to Tropical Storm Mitag, Le Laperouse will cancel the call on Keelung!
2463311090425394 2019-09-25 10:45 264 8 太陽公主今日結束2019年在基隆港的母港航程囉~
下次見到她就要等到2020年囉! Sun Princess has been berthed at Keelung Port for 25 times in this year. Today, she has left for Hong Kong and Australia. Good bye and see you in 2020.
2448676745222162 2019-09-17 11:49 203 0 涼爽的秋天把掛靠港航線帶回基隆港了!
The cool autumn is coming with the transit cruise ships. Viking Orion is the first one visiting Keelung. More than 800 western passengers departing from Tokyo and some of them will finish their journey at the next port: Hong Kong.
2429646813791822 2019-09-06 17:39 134 21 🎉2019年的第 4 季船期預報出爐囉🎉
The cruise timetable in the 4th quarter, 2019. 本季船期重點預告: ✨10/11 鑽石 寶瓶 海洋量子 三輪會
✨11/03世界號 新浪漫號 威士特丹 寶瓶星 四輪會
✨12/31日本丸 太平洋維納斯 寶瓶星 三輪會 🚢 🚢 🚢 🚢🚢 郵輪迷千萬別錯過唷~☺️
2425854480837722 2019-09-04 14:10 69 1 颱風玲玲來襲,今(9/4)日太陽公主號出發航程將取消停靠沖繩及奄美大島;而寶瓶星號將提前於14:00到港,並更改為公海遊! Typhoon Lingling disrupts the cruise schedule on Sep. 4. Sun Princess canceled the call on Okinawa and Amami Ōshima. However, The SuperStar Aquarius will arrive at 14:00 and the schedule will be revised at seas.