
Month: 2019-02

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
2119038318186008 2019-02-26 13:41 134 3 絕讚的2/19三輪會紀錄!
Stunning record for 3 cruise ships in Keelung on Feb. 19.
2118022364954270 2019-02-26 12:00 152 5 超萌檢疫犬!
What a cute quarantine detector dog!
2117956764960830 2019-02-25 20:00 187 7 600多位旅客搭乘飛鳥二號郵輪環遊東亞。基隆港是返回日本前的最後一站!
More than 600 passengers travel around East Asia with Asuka II. Keelung is the last stop before they return to Japan.
2115804181842755 2019-02-24 10:36 273 11 情深深、雨濛濛的基隆港,今日迎來嬌客銀葉號🌟
圖爲基港工作人員於旅客下船後,打傘為旅客們遮風擋雨的畫面喔~ Silver Whisper is now at W3. Though it’s rainy outside, we can also enjoy the most beautiful scenery in Keelung Port, just like the snapshots below!
2111431918946648 2019-02-21 15:50 243 0 來複習2/19三艘郵輪盛況。
3 cruise ships in Keelung Port on Feb. 19.
2109996175756889 2019-02-20 18:21 194 23 昨天千禧輪著新裝造訪,您看得出新舊船身塗裝的差異嗎? #以下開放票選哪個塗裝好看結果轉知船方表達民意 Millennium visited Keelung with her new dress yesterday. Could you identify the difference from the old hull?
2108659109223929 2019-02-19 22:27 203 2 基隆港邀請郵輪旅客參加慶安宮元宵節活動!
Port of Keelung invited the cruise passengers to join in the activities in Chin An Temple for Lantern Festival!

難得!三艘郵輪同時停基隆港 推行程留客

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2108444109245429 2019-02-19 19:22 372 6 ✨基隆港三輪會feat.寶瓶星、千禧輪、鑽石公主✨ #單日再度突破萬人大關 The aerial view of 3 cruise ships in Keelung Port today. Superstars Aquarius, Celebrity Millennium & Diamond Princess.
2107165732706600 2019-02-18 22:09 98 5 最新通知,2/19鑽石公主號到港時間延後至11點。(旅客12點入境通關) #三輪會再等等
#期待好天氣 The arrival time of Diamond Princess will be postponed until 10am, Feb. 19.
2106699406086566 2019-02-18 14:07 156 3 🎉🎉🎉噹噹噹~久違的三輪會來囉~ 在2/19當天首先將迎來以歐美客為主的千禧輪,停泊於西16號碼頭。接著9點進港的是停泊於東2的鑽石公主,為今年度首趟多母港航程。 在明天早上的6點、8點都將有船陸續進港,因天氣因素停留在港內的寶瓶則將在今日下午5點轉停泊於西3碼頭,原本三3天兩2夜的行程也更改為4天3夜遊宮古-那霸,在2/22才會駛回基隆(原訂2/21的靠港取消)。各位船友們千萬別錯過~ #… 更多單日入出境人次又有機會破萬 Celebrity Millennium, SuperStar Aquarius and Diamond Princess will get together in Keelung on Feb. 19! Aquarius now stays at E2, and will transfer to W3 at 5pm. The berths and ETA tomorrow of the other two ladies will be W16 at 6am(Millennium) ,and E2 at 8am (Diamond Princess), respectively.
Besides ,the itinerary of Aquarius out of Keelung will be revised as a four-night journey to Miyakojima & Naha before returning on Feb.22. Let’s check it out!
2105090546247452 2019-02-17 13:38 78 1 受天候因素影響,寶瓶星號取消了2/17-2/19的航程。也就是說自今日起將停留在基隆港3天,直到2/19號再度開航。 Due to the bad weather, SuperStar Auarius has cancelled the voyage during Feb. 17-19. That reveals she will stay at Keelung Port for three days and sail on Feb. 19.
2092219390867901 2019-02-09 17:56 249 3 鑽石公主完成她在新加坡數個母港航程後,開始北漂服務日本市場。今天在她進入日本前掛靠基隆港,之後2月19日再度造訪基隆時將會是數個多母港航程的開端。屆時台灣旅客又可以從基隆登船輕鬆享受8晚的日本郵輪假期!
Diamond Princess just completed her several itineraries out of Singapore and is repositoned to Japan market.… 更多 Today she transitted at Keelung Port on the way back to Japan. She will have several interport calls at Keelung since Feb.19, and Taiwanese passengers could embark at Keelung Port to enjoy their eight -night Japan cruise holidays easily.
2091271414296032 2019-02-09 01:41 349 30 今晚基隆港有個罕見狀況,威士特丹號兩名旅客錯過開航時間,抵達碼頭時船已離開碼頭。船務代理緊急聯絡駕駛艙並獲同意重新靠上碼頭。幸運的兩位旅客趕上了船,也省下了飛到下一港-那霸-的兩張機票!
A rare case occurred in Keelung Port this evening. Two passengers were late for boarding and… 更多 MV Westerdam just left the pier. The port agent contacted the bridge in time and got the permission to return to the pier. Eventually, the two lucky passengers catched up with the ship and saved the additional flight to the next port: Naha.
2090486231041217 2019-02-08 18:06 245 9 繼高雄港後,威士特丹號今天造訪基隆並且預計待到深夜11點。在今年春天前往阿拉斯加以前,她還有一次機會回到基隆。(下趟將是火力全開地一趟靠滿台灣三港)
After Kaohsiung, MV Westerdam visits Keelung today and will stay until the late evening.… 更多 Before proceeding Alaska this spring, she will have one more call at Keelung. As for Star Aquarius, thanks for Chinese New Year holidays, she carried more than 800 passengers though it was a cruise-to-nowhere call.