
Month: 2019-08

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
2411830388906798 2019-08-27 18:07 298 12 2000位來自香港的旅客隨著海洋航行者造訪基隆並且逗留到深夜。趁現在動身到港口補捉這條船難得的夜景吧!
#2000人只有四台遊覽車香港人超愛台灣自由行 2000 passengers from Hong Kong travel with Voyager of the Seas and visit Keelung today! They will stay until the midnight. Come to the port and catch the rare night view of her in Keelung !
2406739749415862 2019-08-24 20:48 65 0 受白鹿颱風影響,8/25郵輪靠港時間均受影響。太陽公主延後至12點靠泊,寶瓶星號則延後至13:30。
Typhoon Bailu disrupts the cruise schedule on Aug. 25.
The arrival time of Sun Princess will be postponed to 12:00 while SuperStar Aquarius will be revised to 13:30.
2403523883070782 2019-08-23 00:27 58 0 寶瓶星因颱風影響,微調8/23到離港時間!
分享 Star Cruises (麗星郵輪)
【今日15:40更新】<br> 【重要通知 – 寶瓶星號2019年8月23日出發航程】<br> 「寶瓶星號」今日(8月23日) 出發的3天2晚航次將如期啟航。 【重要通知 – 寶瓶星號2019年8月25日出發航程】<br> 由於颱風白鹿及相關的惡劣天氣迫近,「寶瓶星號」週日(8月25日)出發的4天3晚航次登船手續將改為下午5時開始,閘口將於同日下午7時關閉。<br> 敬請留意麗星郵輪網頁及此帖的最新公告:
2384259328330571 2019-08-11 16:06 201 7 貼背!
今日太陽公主延遲進港,形成寶瓶星緊追在後的罕見景象! Sun Princess was delayed this morning and SuperStar Aquarius was at her heels!
2379564005466770 2019-08-08 20:57 52 2 寶瓶星號8/9航班因颱風順延至8/10出發。 SuperStar Aquarius has postponed the call on 8/9 and revised to 8 /10 for the sake of the typhoon.
2377627325660438 2019-08-07 16:49 209 8 期中考!
Due to the typhoon, we could inspect the progress of the renovation on East Terminal.
2376085582481279 2019-08-06 17:25 113 4 利奇馬颱風來襲,明日(8/7)寶瓶星號將不載客離港,而太陽公主號將維持正常出航! Due to Tropical Storm Lekima, SuperStar Aquarius berthed at Wharf W3 will be out of service tomorrow. However, Sun Princess will be berthed at E2 to carry on as usual.
2367990736624097 2019-08-01 18:16 163 19 意外的驚喜!基隆也能搭到亞洲第一大郵輪!
Quantum of the Seas will keep some cabins for Taiwan market during repositoned to Singapore.