
Month: 2018-10

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
1942780335811808 2018-10-31 16:56 58 10 ❗❗阿姆斯特丹號原訂11/2(五)停靠基隆港,因颱風影響提前於明日靠泊 🚢🚢🚢
Due to typhoon , the scheduled Amsterdam arriving on Nov. 2 will be revised to arrive tomorrow!
1929937343762774 2018-10-23 00:34 394 4 回顧珊瑚公主10月21日首航基隆港的夜色! #感謝MARS空拍 Review of Coral Princess at Keelung Port in the evening of Oct. 21.
1928237847266057 2018-10-21 17:26 276 3 🎉與珊瑚公主號互贈首航紀念牌🎉 特別感謝 楓香舞蹈團/孫翠玲舞蹈班(Feng Hsiang Dance)可愛的女孩們甜美亮相,為珊瑚公主號的旅客帶來歡樂又道地的迎賓舞蹈表演 ❤️ 同時也祝福珊瑚公主號的航行一切愉快順利,期待下次再相見✨ Thanks Feng Hsiang Dance for the great show!
Wish Coral Princess has smooth sailing during her following voyage and look forward to meeting her in Keelung in the near future!
1928119163944592 2018-10-21 15:09 349 3 10月21日Coral Princess珊瑚公主號首航基隆港!
Maiden call of Coral Princess on Oct.21.
1923118927777949 2018-10-17 20:20 311 4 睽違已久,寶瓶星號回歸東岸旅客中心!
Eventually, SuperStar Aquarius returns to East Cruise Terminal of Keelung Port.
1920248778064964 2018-10-15 13:53 90 2 #港務公司邀您一同散佈愛 #用愛繫上希望 開啟一場旅行,是許多乳癌病友最想完成的心願 ❣️
港務公司邀請您一起送愛心,幫助病友們圓夢💞🚢 立即至活動網站
還有機會獲得公主遊輪施華洛世奇鑰匙圈乙個喔💎🎁 Many breast cancer patients dreamed to start a journey in their life. ✨
"Cruise Keelung" invites you to leave encouraging messages for the patients. Let's click the event website now.👇 💌

公主遊輪 白色饗宴 用愛繫上希望

公主遊輪「白色饗宴 用愛繫上希望」乳癌病友圓夢計畫。即日起至2018年10月31日,只要勾選愛的小語為乳癌病友打氣並分享,即可抽公主遊輪愛心好禮!
1915299821893193 2018-10-11 19:27 304 14 海洋贊禮號靠泊於西16貨櫃碼頭!
完成了部署在天津的夏季航程後,她即將轉往澳洲展開南半球的夏季航程,基隆是她這趟長途旅行中的第二個掛靠港! #風雨中作業玩的人工作的人追船的人都辛苦了 Ovation of the Seas was berthed at W16 of container terminal. She just finished the summer sailings at Tianjin and is… 更多 repositioned to Australia for the summer of southern hemisphere. Keelung is the 2nd port of call during her long journey.
1913312518758590 2018-10-10 11:22 210 9 隨著涼爽的秋季到來,基隆港10月)也準備迎接4趟鎖定假期較長的旅客(主要還是歐美客)開發出的長程航線。搭載2321旅客入港、航行天數達17天的Norwegian Jewel成為秋季首艘造訪基隆的郵輪! With the coming of cool autumn, we will welcome four ships with longer cruise duration which target the… 更多 passengers with longer vacation (especially the western countries)in Keelung. Norwegian Jewel with 2321passengers sailing 16 nights is the first one in October!
1904139953009180 2018-10-03 18:15 157 2 寶瓶星原訂10/5(五)停靠基隆港,因颱風康芮影響改靠香港,延於10/7(日)回基隆~ 🚢🚢🚢 Due to typhoon Kong-rey, the scheduled SuperStar Aquarius departing on Oct 5 will be revised to visit Hong Kong and return Keelung Port on Oct 7.