
Month: 2018-11

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
1984502458306262 2018-11-27 15:21 52 2 💥2018船舶貨物裝卸承攬業徵才活動來囉💥 報名網址如下:
南區場次: 名額有限,有興趣的朋友們趕快動動手指報名唷!!✨
1977245182365323 2018-11-22 09:31 269 247 #CruiseKeelung粉絲福利社 (抽獎活動來啦🎁🎁🎁) 臺灣港務公司與公主遊輪為喚起對乳癌防治的重視,12月12日將邀請乳癌協會病友於鑽石公主號上圓夢❣️✨ 根據乳癌病友協會調查,乳癌病友最想完成的心願就是長途旅行~🚢
📣什麼旅遊方式會提供長程天數、一次遊覽多個名勝景點又免舟車勞頓呢? 即日起至12/4中午12:00只要留言回答以上問題,就有機會抽中公主遊輪官方施華洛世奇鑰匙圈及港務公司精美紀念品喔!!💎… 更多本篇將抽出3位幸運兒,就是你了還等什麼!!🎊🎊🎊
#趕快樓頂揪樓咖阿母揪阿爸逗陣來唷 #好康逗相報
(中獎後須於一週內提供聯絡方式確保權益喔!) Many breast cancer patients dreamed to start a long journey in their life.✨What's the best way to travel for patients? Leave your comment below👇 We'll enter you into a prize draw!!!🎁🎁🎁
1975405095882665 2018-11-20 18:41 388 12 千禧號帶著兩千多位旅客掛靠基隆港在港過夜!這趟14晚的航程即將結束在下一港-香港。有趣的是,雖然這趟航程自橫濱出發,船上載的台灣籍旅客居然多於日本籍!!
Over 2000 passengers on Celebrity Millennium enjoy an overnight stay at Keelung. This voyage of 14 nights will end at the next port,… 更多 Hong Kong. What interesting is the number of Taiwanese passengers onboard is more than Japanese though this cruise departed from Yokohama, Japan.
1961671537256021 2018-11-10 18:15 227 5 公主遊輪在基隆第一趟正規多母港操作亮相!11月及12月份鑽石公主共計連續有5個航次在橫濱,名古屋,大阪,那霸,基隆繞行。更威的是除了那霸以外,旅客可以選擇任一個港口做為母港!
The first interport sailing of Princess Cruises in Keelung Port! Diamond Princess will have… 更多 5 consecutive round trips among Yokohama, Nakoya, Osaka, Naha, and Keelung. Except for Naha, every port enrolled is available for embarkation!
1957691184320723 2018-11-07 20:34 303 6 偉特丹、歌詩達新浪漫號11/7在基隆港的雙輪會空拍!
Aerial view of two ladies' meeting in Keelung on Nov. 7.
1956297844460057 2018-11-06 18:11 398 10 偉特丹號於11月6日首航基隆港,停靠於西3-4號碼頭🛳
Maiden call of Westerdam!She was berthed at W3-4 during Nov.6~Nov.7
Let’s admire her elegant style!
1949179105171931 2018-11-04 15:34 234 5 傳奇輪停靠於東3-4碼頭!
此趟航程共22天,由天津出發至曼谷,基隆為這趟旅行中第五個掛靠港🚢🚢🚢 Star Legend was berthed at E3-4 terminal. She departed from Tianjin and will arrive Bankok after 22 days. Keelung is the fifth port of call during her journey.
1946593425430499 2018-11-02 19:31 249 2 一起來看看阿姆斯特丹號獨特之美吧✨✨✨
Ship tour on ms Amsterdam. Unique and elegant!
1945476178875557 2018-11-01 23:13 278 3 阿姆斯特丹號與寶瓶星意外的雙輪會!
An unexpected meeting of Amsterdam and Aquarius !