文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
10151431780580836 | 2013-06-26 15:46 | 17 | 0 | 大家還記得2012年台灣票選最值得一遊的十大觀光小城嗎?趁著暑假,快將還沒有玩過的地方通通拜訪一遍吧! http://2012town.gvm.com.tw/votelist.php |
10151431416550836 | 2013-06-26 09:53 | 10 | 0 | On the National Geographic magazine There is an chapter about going to night market in Taiwan Mei-Ling Hopgood is the author of Lucky Girl and How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm She left Taiwan when she was an… 更多 eight-months old infant and raised by an American family in Detroit. after 23 years, the first time she went back to her birthplace - Taiwan. she wrote down her feelings, thoughts, and things that she got impressed. By Mei-Ling Hopgood "I pass through the turnstile at the exit of the Jiantan elevated train stop and follow a throng of thousands down the stairs and into Shilin, one of Taiwan’s most famous night markets across the Keelung River, near the heart of Taipei. Above me,… 更多 |
10151427749365836 | 2013-06-24 11:50 | 13 | 0 | 你知道在台灣,有許多隱身巷弄中,卻又無法忽略的潮牌服飾店嗎?這些服飾店可是大有來頭喔!其實,在充滿創意點子的寶島台灣,不僅是新銳設計師們,時常接觸流行圈的藝人朋友們,也結合自己的時尚觀點,創造出符合個人特色的潮牌,創造自己的「態度」! 想要走在時尚最尖端,又有機會見到大明星本人嗎?快來台灣發掘更多意想不到的吧。快報名第六屆青年壯遊家大募集,就有機會拿到2000~3000美元逛遍臺灣大街小巷,完成你的夢想! http://www.youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker/
The 6th Youth Trekkers Wanted CampaignThe 6th Youth Trekkers Wanted Campaign, Itineraries must be at least 10 days in length for a chance to win up to US$3,000 toward travel to Taiwan! For activity details and all the fine print, please visit our official website at: http://youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker. Taiwan is waiting for you! |
10151423003570836 | 2013-06-21 14:46 | 22 | 1 | Taipei 101 is the tellest building in Taiwan since 2004 and it becomes well-known building to all. The Taipei 101 tower is 1669.6 fts. It's also the best location to celebrate your New year. The view of taipei… 更多 101 day and night. come and visit Taiwan to embrace the beauty of Taipei 101~ http://www.youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker/ Taiwan is waiting for you~~ |
10151418093920836 | 2013-06-18 14:43 | 54 | 0 | 推薦I-want夢想小旅行活動:國內五天行程規劃(限定台灣、澎湖、金門、馬祖、蘭嶼、綠島) http://www.i-want.tw/event/index/page/20130617 只要在I-Want發表笑想, 介紹遊玩地點、特色、行程規劃、並附上照片,就有機會得到出遊必備【富士instax mini 8】拍立得,經由旅遊達人評選的優良行程,還送你【旅遊補助金】(總獎金高達6萬元以上) 有興趣的青年趕快報名參加! |
10151417904875836 | 2013-06-18 11:12 | 9 | 0 | What's your next stop after graduation? How about taking a break to travel around the world, to explore unknown, and to take adventure?! Taiwan now is offering all age 18-30 up to $3,000 to travel Taiwan. Check this out: http://www.youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker/ #ucla2013 |
10151407308355836 | 2013-06-11 15:44 | 101 | 0 | |
10151405639520836 | 2013-06-10 14:24 | 16 | 0 | The 6th Youth Trekker Wanted Campaign is back!!Let's be friends! http://www.youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker/
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10151401336595836 | 2013-06-07 17:02 | 4 | 0 | 你知道今年在美國美食網站The Daily Meal「亞洲101家最佳餐廳」排行榜中奪冠的「鼎泰豐」餐廳發源地嗎?沒錯,就是臺灣。 「鼎泰豐」是臺灣一家以小籠包聞名的餐廳,位於臺北市信義區的鼎泰豐的本店,入口處懸掛中國近代大書法家于右任親題的「鼎泰豐油行」五字。每到用餐時分,店門口附近總是擠滿國內外觀光客或老饕,可說是永康街的特殊景觀之一。剛蒸出來的小籠包,薄透飽滿的外表,鮮甜多汁的內餡,是讓喜愛美食的朋友們一試成主顧的原因。 臺灣還有更多美食等你來發掘,快報名第六屆青年壯遊家大募集,就有機會拿到2000~3000美元吃遍臺灣大街小巷,完成你的夢想! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds2x0ZtulXQ |
10151401309725836 | 2013-06-07 16:17 | 5 | 0 | The 6th Youth Trekker Wanted Campaign Wanted: all international youth aged 18-30 Prize: best 20 entries can earn $2,000-$3,000 to travel Taiwan!! Official activity website: http://www.youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker/ Taiwan is waiting for you~ Let’s be friends~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ds2x0ZtulXQ |
10151399845660836 | 2013-06-06 15:52 | 7 | 0 | 6th Youth Trekker Wanted Campaign is back!! 【Taiwan’s popular Youth Trekkers Wanted Campaign is back again!】 We’re inviting all international youth backpackers from age 18~30 to get creative and make Taiwan… 更多 their own with a custom-made Taiwan trek. Let's be friends! you could win up $3,000 to traveling to Taiwan by designing your own creative and unique Taiwan trek itinerary !! For more information, please go to the official activity website http://www.youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker/ or email to hottaiwan801@gmail.com 超連結 YOUTHTRAVEL.TW
The 6th Youth Trekkers Wanted CampaignThe 6th Youth Trekkers Wanted Campaign, Itineraries must be at least 10 days in length for a chance to win up to US$3,000 toward travel to Taiwan! For activity details and all the fine print, please visit our official website at: http://youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker. Taiwan is waiting for you! |
10151399801295836 | 2013-06-06 14:43 | 5 | 0 | 【제6회 청년 여행자 대모집】나만의 여행에 대한 꿈을 가지고 떠나는 개성있는 여행! 대만 교육부 청년발전서 주관, 전 세계 청년들의 열렬한 환영을 받은 「청년 여행자 대모집」행사가 새롭게 시작되었습니다! 세계 청년 배낭여행객들을 위해 특별히 마련된 여행 학습 체험! 자신만의 개성있는 여행 계획서를 제출하기만 하면, 대만여행을 떠날 수 있는 US 2,000달러가 내 손 안에! 더 자세한 내용과 신청 안내는 공식홈페이지를 참고해주세요! http://www.youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker/ |
10151399521345836 | 2013-06-06 10:10 | 6 | 0 | 【第六回青年トラベラー大募集】アイデアを携えて自分なりの夢の旅へ! 世界の青年たちに親しまれてきた台湾教育部青年発展署主催「青年トラベラー大募集」活動がまた始まりましたよ!世界のバックパッカーの若者に旅行学習体験をしてもらうには、台湾旅行計画のアイデアを考えて提出するだけで2000~3000米ドルの旅行実践奨金を得るチャンス! 詳しくはウェブサイトhttp://www.youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker/ 超連結 YOUTHTRAVEL.TW
The 6th Youth Trekkers Wanted CampaignThe 6th Youth Trekkers Wanted Campaign, Itineraries must be at least 10 days in length for a chance to win up to US$3,000 toward travel to Taiwan! For activity details and all the fine print, please visit our official website at: http://youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker. Taiwan is waiting for you! |
10151398304735836 | 2013-06-05 17:00 | 29 | 1 | 【第六屆青年壯遊家大募集】背著創意去旅行 踏出屬於自己的旅遊夢! 臺灣教育部青年發展署辦理最受國際青年喜愛的「青年壯遊家大募集」活動又開跑了!專為國際青年背包客打造的旅遊學習體驗,只要提出具創意的壯遊臺灣實踐計畫,就有機會獲得實踐獎金美金2000~3000元旅行臺灣! 更多內容及報名請至活動網站查詢http://www.youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker/
The 6th Youth Trekkers Wanted CampaignThe 6th Youth Trekkers Wanted Campaign, Itineraries must be at least 10 days in length for a chance to win up to US$3,000 toward travel to Taiwan! For activity details and all the fine print, please visit our official website at: http://youthtravel.tw/youthtrekker. Taiwan is waiting for you! |