Month: 2012-09

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
10151033232375836 2012-09-26 14:02 13 1 Sea Tea Tour is a journey through one of Taiwan finest products Wanna get a chance to travel in the energetic Taiwan FREE and with an award of USD2,000 or USD3,000?
Check the website for detailed info
470114529678326 2012-09-26 13:58 5 0 Wanna get a chance to travel in the energetic Taiwan FREE and with an award of USD2,000 or USD3,000?
Check the website for detailed info

The 5th Youth Trekkers & Working Holiday Campaign III

The 5th Youth Trekkers & Working Holiday Campaign From today until October 8th, 2012, 12:00 p.m. (Taiwan Standard Time), i...
142955109184379 2012-09-26 11:39 3 1 Youth trekkers in Taiwan~~

The 5th Youth Trekkers & Working Holiday Campaign IV

The 5th Youth Trekkers & Working Holiday Campaign From today until October 8th, 2012, 12:00 p.m. (Taiwan Standard Time), i...
406275912760319 2012-09-25 17:47 7 1 The best destination- TAIWAN

The 5th Youth Trekkers & Working Holiday Campaign I

The 5th Youth Trekkers & Working Holiday Campaign From today until October 8th, 2012, 12:00 p.m. (Taiwan Standard Time), i...
366764143404674 2012-09-25 17:43 1 1 Youth Travel in Taiwan!

The 5th Youth Trekkers & Working Holiday Campaign II

The 5th Youth Trekkers & Working Holiday Campaign From today until October 8th, 2012, 12:00 p.m. (Taiwan Standard Time), i...
10151030432420836 2012-09-24 10:10 24 4 【青年旅遊卡玩家 與優惠商家大合照】得獎名單出爐嘍! 一、台灣-香港經濟艙來回機票一張 (共 1 名)
洪○翎 二、Holiday Inn飯店(台灣地區)住宿券(雙人房)一張 (共 2 名)
張○齊、江○潔 三、陶板屋餐券2張 (共 3 名)
李○璇、翁○源、林○揚 四、青年壯遊造型隨身碟一個 (共 10 名)
林○婷、黃○憶、胡○文、莊○君、E○○ Wang、蔡○吟、古○文、B○○、劉○瑄、陳○心 五、青年壯遊名片型隨身碟一個 (共 10 名)
陳○瑾、王○任、蔡○弦、薛○農、蕭○文、林○庭、楊○柔、鄭○鴻、程○菁、郭○豪 若有任何問題請盡快與專管中心聯繫,謝謝。
10151017047125836 2012-09-12 14:53 16 0 제 5 회 청년 여행자 및 워킹홀리데이 대모집 전세계의 18세 이상 30세 이하의 청년 여행자들로부터 많은 사랑을 받아 온 청년 여행자 대모집 행사가 곧 시작됩니다! 행정원 청년보도위원회는 관심이 있는 세계 각국의 모든 젊은 베낭여행객들을 위해 친절하고 편리하고 저렴한 여행 서비스를 제공하고 있습니다. 대만에… 更多 관심이 있는 젊은 여행객들은 이 서비스를 통해 대만과 대만의 문화를 더욱 잘 알게 되고, 독특하고 의미깊은 여행을 즐길 수 있을 것입니다. 여행과 나눔에 열정이 있는 18세 이상 30세 이하 젊은이라면 오늘부터 2012년 10월8일까지 (대만시각 12시 접수 완료) 워킹홀리데이 동영상 공모전 또는 대만 여행계획서 공모전에 참가할 수 있습니다. 수상자에게는 $2,000 USD 또는 $3,000 USD 상당의 상금이 마련되어 있습니다. 여러분의 창의성을 뽐내보세요! 또한 저희 이벤트 소식을 친구들에게 전해주시면 추첨을 통해 대만 왕복항공권 혹은 상환권을 드립니다!
대만으로 떠납시다! 모두 친구가 됩시다!
10151017021600836 2012-09-12 14:39 40 0 第五回青年トラベラー&ワーキングホリデーキャンペン 18~30歳の青年が大好きなトラベラー募集活動が始まり! 行政青年輔導委員会からフレンドリー・便利・安いな青年旅行サービスを提供します。台湾の社会・文化・環境の各方面にわたって、台湾を体験してください。… 更多 今日から2012年10月8日12:00まで、18~30歳、旅行好きな国際青年が誰でもワーキングホリデー応募やアドベンチャー台湾企画応募に参加できるます。優勝者には2000ドルか3000ドルの実行奨金がもらえます。クリエイティブな形で台湾で遊ぼう! さらにメッセージを転送した方には来台チケット(往復)が当たるよ!
アドベンチャー台湾、今出発!!Let’s be friends!
10151016896445836 2012-09-12 11:35 63 0 The 5th Youth Trekkers & Working Holiday Campaign A big chance to win $2,000 USD or $3,000 USD.
266659123453118 2012-09-06 15:48 31 5
10151009971200836 2012-09-06 15:23 43 0 The 5th Youth Trekkers & Working Holiday Campaign The Youth Trekkers Wanted Campaign, which is widely loved by international youth backpackers primarily aged between 18-30 years old, is back again! From today… 更多 until October 8th, 2012, 12:00 p.m. (Taiwan Standard Time), if you are the international youths between 18-30 years old, with passion in travelling and sharing can participate in the Working Holiday Contest or Taiwan Trek Contest and you will gain the opportunity for the awards of $2,000 USD or $3,000 USD. Creativity is highly encouraged! Participants that forward the campaign information to friends will gain the opportunity for a round trip flight ticket to Taiwan or voucher!
Here we go, Taiwan Trek! Let’s be friends!
10151009931665836 2012-09-06 14:23 253 18 第五屆青年壯遊家大募集 廣受18-30歲國際青年所喜愛的青年壯遊家大募集活動又開始囉!
即日起至2012年10月8日中午12:00止。(以台灣當地時間為準),只要你是18-30歲、且熱愛旅遊與分享的國際青年,可參加打工度假或壯遊台灣計畫徵選,有機會獲得美金2,000元或3,000元的實踐獎金,創意玩台灣,方式由你來決定! 另轉寄活動訊息者還有機會獲得來台機票(來回)乙張或禮券!
壯遊台灣,即刻出發!!Let’s be friends! 趕快告訴國內外青年這個壯遊台灣的好機會唷!