文章ID | 時間 | like | comment | 內容 |
495312680835 | 2011-01-28 18:18 | 22 | 0 | 冬季正是苗栗大湖草莓盛產的時節!去觀光果園採完草莓,還可至附近泰安、卓蘭玩玩呦~ 來看看持青年旅遊卡至這三個地區的優惠商家消費可享什麼折扣吧! http://tour.youthtravel.tw/travel2009/iblog/docshow.php?id=61261&did=1834 |
491267465835 | 2011-01-21 16:28 | 33 | 6 | 本週開始在高雄美濃有「迎聖蹟‧字紙祭」的活動,歡迎青年持「青年旅遊卡」至優惠商家消費,體驗客家文化、品嚐客家美食。http://tour.youthtravel.tw/travel2009/iblog/docshow.php?id=61261&did=1831 |
132929260103872 | 2011-01-12 16:58 | 11 | 3 | 來看看第二屆壯遊家-陳廷潔Tara,在台灣台東體驗WWOOF的分享。 Tara from Malaysia, one of the winners of "The 2nd Youth Trekkers Wanted" campaign, shared her WWOOF experience in Taitung, Taiwan. |
486491435835 | 2011-01-11 18:45 | 9 | 0 | 今天是臘八節,在寒流來襲的冬天正適合吃臘八粥喔~ Today's Laba Rice Porridge Festival (the 8th day of the last lunar month), what a nice day to have a bowl of warm porridge in the freezing winter. And also means Chinese New Year is around the cornor! 圖片來源:Courtesy of Google |
141218905935024 | 2011-01-03 18:38 | 12 | 2 | 「第三屆青年壯遊家大募集」優勝者名單出爐,恭喜這些即將來台灣實踐壯遊計畫的青年! The winners of 「The 3rd Youth Trekker Wanted」has been announced, we are looking forward to having you guys traveling in Taiwan! |