壯遊體驗學習網, 台北市。 63,690 個讚 · 15 人正在談論這個。壯遊體驗學習網(youthtravel.tw/)為教育部青年發展署建置的網站,提供青年壯遊體驗學習活動與服務相關資訊,鼓勵青年認識鄉土,行遍臺灣。
On the National Geographic magazine
There is an chapter about going to night market in Taiwan
Mei-Ling Hopgood is the author of Lucky Girl and How Eskimos Keep Their Babies Warm
She left Taiwan when she was an… 更多 eight-months old infant and raised by an American family in Detroit. after 23 years, the first time she went back to her birthplace - Taiwan. she wrote down her feelings, thoughts, and things that she got impressed.
By Mei-Ling Hopgood
"I pass through the turnstile at the exit of the Jiantan elevated train stop and follow a throng of thousands down the stairs and into Shilin, one of Taiwan’s most famous night markets across the Keelung River, near the heart of Taipei. Above me,… 更多

Going Home: Taiwan -- National Geographic Traveler

A writer traces her family roots back to Taiwan.