
Month: 2011-11

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144680852301439 2011-11-30 11:04 2 0 英語小天使說:be used to + V-ing (習慣);used to + V (過去習慣) My parents used to do a lot of traveling when they were younger.
我父母年輕一點的時候常旅行。 They were not used to eating with knife and fork.
他們不習慣用刀叉吃飯。 I’m not used to… 更多 driving in New Zealand. 我不習慣在紐西蘭開車。 I’m not used to driving on the left. 我不習慣靠左邊開車。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
280437901993935 2011-11-28 09:37 3 0 英語小天使說:V + V-ing =V + to be + p.p.
有些動詞如want, need, require, deserve等後面接動名詞時含有被動意義 The kitchen needs remodeling. 廚房需要整修。 The house needs painting. = The house needs to be painted. 房子需要油漆。 Your shoes need… 更多 shining/to be shined. 你的鞋該擦擦油了。 Your room needs cleaning up/to be cleaned up. 你的房間需要清理一下。 Your hair needs cutting. 你頭髮該剪了。 The baby’s diaper needs changing/to be changed. 寶寶的尿片該換了。 He deserved punishing/to be punished. 他應該受到處罰。 His speech deserved applauding/to be applauded. 他的演說該得到喝采。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
197400407009187 2011-11-25 09:25 2 0 英語小天使說:can not help + V-ing 不得不;忍不住
can not (help) but + V 不得不 The cat is so cute that I can’t help liking it.
= The cat is so cute that I can’t (help) but like it.
這隻貓太可愛了,我沒辦法不喜歡它。 After hearing their… 更多 story, I could not help laughing.
聽完他們的故事,我忍不住笑起來。 They sat so close to me that I could not help overhearing what they said.
他們坐在離我很近的地方,我不得已就聽到他們的談話了。 The rent was too high for him, so he could not but move to another place.
房租太高了,他不得不搬家。 He is my best friend, so I can not but help him.
他是我最好的朋友,我不得不幫他忙。 Jimmy was caught cheating on the scene, so he could not but admit he was wrong. Jimmy作弊當場被抓,只好承認他錯了。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
309780275717714 2011-11-24 11:02 17 0 歲末送暖,教育電臺的人事室發起的回收轉贈活動,正在募集二手物資,預備年底提供給偏鄉的機關團體。她們並不是在夜市挑衣服喔,而是在用心整理同仁捐贈的二手衣。
318137871534567 2011-11-23 09:16 3 0 英語小天使說:have trouble/difficulty/a hard time + V-ing (做某事有困難)
have fun/a good time + V-ing (做某事很開心) I had a hard time finding the restaurant.
我費了好大功夫才找到餐廳。 I had difficulty knitting a sweater.
我對編織毛衣有困難。 I have… 更多 little trouble identifying people.
我對認人幾乎沒什麼困難。 I had trouble reading English newspaper.
我看英文報紙有困難。 We had a good time singing Karaoke.
我們唱卡拉OK,玩得好開心。 I had a lot of fun going camping with Micheal.
跟Micheal一起露營,我非常愉快。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
247572395302728 2011-11-22 09:12 4 0 英語小天使說:do the/some/much/a lot of/a little/little/no + V-ing
do常與V-ing連用,談及一些需要時間來進行的活動。在V-ing之前通常要加限詞如the, my, some, much, a little等。 As a housewife and mother of two, I have to do the cooking every day.… 更多
身為家庭主婦和兩個孩子的媽,我必須每天做飯。 Who did the cooking in your home? 你們家當時誰做飯? Can you give me a ride to downtown to do the shopping?
你可不可以讓我搭個便車去市區購物? People did a lot of talking about him. 大家對他議論紛紛。 Though busy, I enjoy doing some walking in the nearby park every day.
雖然忙,我喜歡每天到附近公園走一走。 My parents used to do a little traveling every year when they were younger.
我父母年輕一點的時候每年都去旅遊。 Nowadays, many people do little thinking. 現今社會很多人不太用腦思考。 Jeff does no reading at all. Jeff從來不看書。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
245983422122668 2011-11-16 09:22 2 0 英語小天使說:go + V-ing (swimming, fishing, skating, shopping, camping, jogging…)大多與運動及體育娛樂有關 Rain or shine, I go jogging every day. 不論晴雨,我每天慢跑。 I often go mountain climbing on Sundays. 我常在禮拜天爬山。 Jerry suggested… 更多 going camping at the beach this weekend.
Jerry建議這個週末去海邊露營。 We had better not go swimming right after eating.
我們最好不要一吃完東西就游泳。 How about going shopping downtown this afternoon?
今天下午去市區逛街購物如何? We are going skating this afternoon. Would you like to join us?
我們下午要去溜冰,要不要加入? 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
219661318102472 2011-11-14 11:25 3 0 英語小天使說:V + V-ing 與 V + to V 意義不同
1. I remember meeting him somewhere.
2. Remember to dress decently for an interview.
3. I regret telling a lie to my mother.
4. I regret to tell you that I forgot to buy… 更多 you a tuna sandwich.
5. If you can’t open the door, try putting some oil in the lock.
6. You should stop driving if you feel sleepy.
If you are tired, you’d better stop to take a rest. 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
114537388659121 2011-11-11 09:17 3 0 英語小天使說:V + V-ing 與 V + to V 意義不同
1. 我記得在哪兒見過他。
2. 面試時,記穿著整齊適當。
3. 我很後悔對媽媽說了謊話。
4. 很抱歉跟你說我忘了給你買鮪魚三明治。
5. 如果你打不開門,在鎖裡放些油試試看。
6. 如果你想睡覺,就應該停止開車。
7. 如果你覺得累了,最好停下來休息一會兒。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
192870504126647 2011-11-10 09:17 5 0 英語小天使說:V + V-ing 與 V + to V 意義不同
try I tried holding my breath. 我試了憋氣。 I tried drinking a whole glass of water while I held my breath.
我試了憋氣喝整杯水。 If you want to lose weight, you can try eating less.… 更多
如果你想減肥,你可以試試看少吃一點。 I know I’m fat and I am trying to lose some weight.
我知道我很胖,而且我正在努力減肥。 Peggy tried to reach a book on the top shelf, but she couldn’t.
Peggy想要拿最上一層架子上的書,可是搆不到。 She tried standing on a stool, but she still couldn’t reach it.
她試著站在小板凳上去拿,可是還是沒辦法拿到。 She tried standing on chair, and finally she got it.
她試著站在椅子上,終於拿到了。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
300731196622622 2011-11-09 09:04 7 1 今天有一位身穿印度衣服的高中老師來電臺301播音室錄教育開講節目,
175744192517370 2011-11-09 09:03 6 0 英語小天使說:V + V-ing 與 V + to V 意義不同
regret Alice regrets speaking ill of her ex-boyfriend.
Alice很後悔說了前男友的壞話。 I regret telling Jill my secret. She reported it to Mom.
我後悔告訴Jill我的秘密,她跟我媽媽打小報告。 We regret giving him… 更多 the job he’s not qualified for.
我們後悔給了他不能勝任的工作。 We regret to inform you that we can not offer you the job.
很遺憾通知你我們不能提供你這份工作。 I regret to tell you that I can’t remember seeing you anywhere.
很抱歉跟你說我不記得在哪兒見過你。 She regretted leaving home and emigrating to Canada.
她後悔離開家園移民到加拿大。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
171168219644452 2011-11-08 09:28 6 0 英語小天使說:V + V-ing 與 V + to V 意義不同
stop As soon as I walked in, they stopped talking. 我一進去,他們就停止說話。 The doctor wanted my father to stop smoking. 醫生要我父親戒煙。 If you don’t stop crying, I’ll give you a beating. … 更多 你再繼續哭,我就打你。 I felt thirsty, so I stopped to buy a bottle of mineral water.
我渴了,因此停下來買一瓶礦泉水。 My legs were so sore that I stopped to take a rest.
我腿好酸,因此停下來休息一會兒。 Patty stopped reading the newspaper to turn on the television.
Patty放下正在看的報紙去開電視。 The taxi driver hit a girl, but he didn’t stop to take her to the hospital.
計程車駕駛撞上一個女孩,但他沒有停下來把她送到醫院去。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
197318883678319 2011-11-07 09:12 3 0 英語小天使說:V + V-ing 與 V + to V 意義不同
forget I’ll never forget seeing Lake Louise for the first time.
我永遠不會忘記第一次看見Louise湖的情形。 I forgot to tell Mabel that I would go to Canada.
我往了跟Mabel說我要去加拿大。 I forgot putting her… 更多 name card in my purse.
我忘了我已經把她的名片收到我皮包了。 Don’t forget to give Melissa my message. 不要忘記把我的話轉給Melissa。 Johnny often forgets to knock at the door before getting into my room.
Johnny常常忘記進我房間之前要先敲門。 I forgot to return the DVD I rented to the store, so I had to pay a fine.
我忘了把租來的DVD還給店家,因此罰了錢。 I promised I would not forget to meet Marina at ten.
我保證不會忘記十點跟Marina碰面。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
142821845819966 2011-11-04 09:23 2 0 英語小天使說:V + V-ing 與 V + to V 意義不同
I don’t remember borrowing the book from you. 我不記得跟你借過書。 I remember lending the book to you last May. 我記得去年五月借你那本書。 I remember seeing him somewhere before. 我記得在哪兒見過他。… 更多 Do you remember skipping classes with me when we were in college?
你還記得我們唸大學時一起翹過課嗎? Did you remember to take your medicine four times a day?
你記得一天要吃四次薬吧? Remember to wash your hands before the meal. 記得飯前要洗手。 Remember to turn off the light before going to bed. 記得睡覺前關燈。 Remember to knock at the door before you enter. 請記得進來前先敲門。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
297427773619631 2011-11-02 15:48 15 0 優質電台,金鐘肯定,誠意推薦,一定要聽。
296298503721331 2011-11-02 09:57 2 0 英語小天使說:V + V-ing = V + to V
like, dislike, love, hate, plan, begin, start, continue等動詞後面可接V-ing或to V,意義不變 I usually start working/to work at nine and continue working/to work until noon. 我通常9點開始工作,然後繼續工作到中午。… 更多 I started dozing off/to doze off because I was tired.
因為太累了,我打起瞌睡來。 It began raining. = It began to rain. 開始下雨了。 Children like going/to go to the zoo. 小朋友喜歡上動物園去。 I dislike being treated like a child. 我不喜歡被像小孩一樣的對待。 Gloria’s dog loves chasing/to chase postmen. Gloria的狗喜歡追郵差。 I hate seeing/to see children abused. 我不願看到孩子被虐待。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
212330932168810 2011-11-01 09:14 2 0 英語小天使說:動名詞可當介系詞的受詞-練習解答
1. Laughing is one of the ways of relaxing.
2. Getting up at five o’clock is easy for me.
3. The doctor suggested her moving to the countryside for a change.
4. I enjoy watching my… 更多 family happily eating the dishes I’ve made.
5. I don’t mind waiting for you. Go ahead and finish doing your work.
6. Jim is afraid of losing his job.
7. Some people enjoy listening to classical music, while others are interested in listening to rock n’ roll. 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~