
Month: 2011-09

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
198088423595604 2011-09-30 09:04 1 2 英語小天使說:to V = in order to V = so as to V (表示目的) He decided to quit smoking to please his girlfriend.
他決心戒菸以取悅女朋友。 We eat (in order) to live, but we don’t live (in order) to eat.
我們吃東西是為了活,而不是活著是為了吃。 We climbed… 更多 to the top of the hill (in order) to see the view.
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254032701308615 2011-09-29 09:20 2 0 英語小天使說:too…to V 與 not enough to V You’re too young to understand it. 你太小了,不會懂的。 You’re not old enough to understand it. (年齡不夠大) The little boy is too short to touch the button. 小男孩太矮了,碰不到按鈕。 The little boy is not tall enough to touch the button. (不夠高)
280513261977749 2011-09-28 18:02 5 0 教育電台好康道相報!在100年10月5日重陽節當天,本臺將舉辦「懷舊老歌音樂會─樂齡好young演唱會」,地點於國家圖書館B1演講廳,13:30-14:00開放入場,當天將請重量級資深歌手─謝雷、張琪、鄭日清以及紀露霞現場演唱,本臺銀髮族節目主持人念洛(NONO)、嘉惠、白天也將與現場來賓互動,並舉辦有獎徵答活動。歡迎喜歡老歌的聽眾朋友踴躍參加,報名專線02-23880600分機153。座位有限額滿為止,趕快一起來共襄盛舉唷!
161339050619968 2011-09-28 08:58 1 0 英語小天使說:adj./adv. enough + to V Mary is old enough to take care of her little brother.
Mary夠大可以照顧他的弟弟了。 He is strong enough to carry the heavy box.
他夠壯,可以提那個重盒子。 She is stupid enough to believe John’s nonsense.… 更多
她蠢得相信John的胡扯。 My voice is not good enough to be a singer.
277796865578198 2011-09-27 09:05 0 0 英語小天使說:too adj./adv + to V (too暗示否定的結果)-2 I’m too old to ride a bike around the island.
我太老了,無法騎單車環島旅行。 The suitcase is too heavy to carry.
行李箱太重提不動。 The diamond ring is too expensive for me to buy.
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215330421864621 2011-09-26 09:09 2 0 英語小天使說:too adj./adv + to V (too暗示否定的結果) The tea is too hot to drink.(=so hot that I can’t drink it)
茶太燙了,沒法喝。 I’m too busy to watch TV now. 我太忙了,現在沒時間看電視。 My son is too young to play basketball. … 更多 我兒子太小,還不會打籃球。 The story is too good to be true. 這件事聽起來太美好,難以置信。 Jack ran too fast for me to catch up with. Jack跑太快了,我追不上。
223003811088823 2011-09-22 09:13 0 0 英語小天使說:不定詞的否定 not + to V I decide not to buy anything from him anymore.
我決定再不跟他買東西了。 Andrew told me not to wait for him.
Andrew叫我不要等他。 I pretend not to know the answer to the question.
215013805230261 2011-09-21 09:09 0 0 英語小天使說:It is +adj. + (of sb) + to V -2 It was impolite of him to leave without saying goodbye.
他沒說再見就離開,真沒禮貌。 It was careless of me to leave my wallet on the bus.
我真粗心,把皮夾留在公車上了。 It was foolish of her to turn down such a good job.
282855155074724 2011-09-20 08:48 1 0 英語小天使說:It is +adj. + (of sb) + to V
kind honest clever smart wise foolish stupid polite impolite rude generous stingy thoughtful considerate selfish … 更多 cruel careful careless brave cowardly It’s kind of you to give me a ride.
你真好心讓我搭便車 It was nice of Maria to give me a present on my birthday.
110049965769044 2011-09-19 09:31 2 0 英語小天使說:It is +adj. + (for sb) + to ... It is dangerous to ride with a drunk driver.
搭乘酒醉者的便車是很危險的。 It is dangerous for your daughter to ride with a drunk driver.
It is boring to do the same thing over and over again.
177024435707420 2011-09-16 09:07 3 0 英語小天使說:It is +adj. + (for sb) + to V
easy hard important necessary possible impossible dangerous difficult convenient good
bad boring interesting fun It’s bad… 更多 to smoke.(=To smoke is bad.) 抽煙不好。
It is bad for you to smoke. 抽煙對你不好。
It’s very bad to take drugs. 吸毒非常不好。
231605040220218 2011-09-15 08:58 1 0 英語小天使說:人 + be + adj. + to V I’m happy to see you again.
You are fortunate to have a lot of good friends.
Betty is lucky to be alive after the serious car accident.
The children are eager to go to the zoo.
273724479323294 2011-09-14 16:03 5 3 有夢想,就有希望,許孩子一個適性發展的未來,十二年國教需要您的參與! 9月16日起每週五傍晚5:20~6:00歡迎收聽「十二年國教Easy Go」。
264075110280560 2011-09-14 16:01 3 1 「十二年國教Easy Go」9月16日開播囉!十二年國教聽這裏就對了
125272727572644 2011-09-14 10:20 1 0 英語小天使說:該是來練習的時候囉!不定詞可當形容詞練習~
1. 集郵是我的嗜好。
2. 要Eric早起很難,因為他是個夜貓子。
3. 我需要在銀行開個帳戶。
4. 他沒能打破紀錄,但還是設法第一個完成。
5. 醫生建議我阿姨立刻動手術。
6. 他很趕,因為要趕著搭飛機。
7. 他給我一張表格要填。


114303538674032 2011-09-13 09:19 2 0 英語小天使說:不定詞可當形容詞
N + (for 人) + to V (N是to V意義上的受詞) I have some letters to write. 我有幾封信要寫。 I have lots of things to do today. 我今天有好多事情要做。 I don’t have any suitable dress to wear. 我沒有合適的衣服穿。
193111807424597 2011-09-09 09:16 2 0 英語小天使說:不定詞可當補語-2 I know him to be honest(= that he is honest).
我知道他是誠實的。 I believe him to have confidence in himself(=that he has confidence in himself). 我相信他對自己有信心。 We consider Peter to be the leader of our group.
172004392877224 2011-09-08 08:42 2 0 英語小天使說:不定詞可當補語 To see is to believe. 百聞不如一見。 He appeared to be happy to see us. 他看到我們似乎很高興。 He seemed to be embarrassed to meet his ex-girlfriend there.
在那裡碰到他的前女友,他似乎有點尷尬。 My aim in life was to become a teacher. 我的志向就是當老師。
245100548860346 2011-09-07 09:08 3 0 英語小天使說:不定詞可當受詞 S + V + O + to V….
Mason invited me to attend his wedding in the church.
Mason邀請我參加他在教堂舉行的婚禮。 He asked me to go there ten minutes early.
他要我早十分鐘到會場。 I told Yvonne to meet me there at nine.
我跟Yvonne說9點跟我在那裡碰面。 想了解更多文法問題,請上教育電台有聲資料庫查詢喔~
171407439600736 2011-09-06 09:00 0 0 英語小天使說:不定詞可當受詞 S + V + to V
ask, advise, afford, agree, decide, expect, force, hope, manage, need, promise, refuse, tell, try, want等動詞後接不定詞(to V) I feel a little tired. I need to take a (coffee/tea)… 更多 break/rest now.
我有點累,我需要休息一會兒。 I hope to see you again soon. 希望很快能再見到你。 I can’t afford to take a trip to Europe now.
我現在還負擔不起到歐洲旅遊。 想了解更多文法問題,請上教育電台有聲資料庫查詢喔~
197111593687747 2011-09-05 10:28 0 0 英語小天使說:不定詞可當主詞 S(To V) + V…
To be polite to others is important.
To be on time for the interview is essential.
For everybody to be polite to others is important.
For an… 更多 applicant to be on time for the interview is essential.
應徵者準時去面試是必要的。 想了解更多文法問題,請上教育電台有聲資料庫查詢喔~
145054175586047 2011-09-02 09:17 1 0 英語小天使說:不定詞可當主詞 S(To V) + V…. To argue with my father is a waste of time. = It’s a waste of time to argue with my father. 跟我父親爭辯是浪費時間。 To keep early hours is good for health. = It’s good for health to keep early hours. 早睡早起有益健康。
241236845911550 2011-09-01 09:20 1 0 英語小天使說:不定詞 to + V I am a teacher. → to be a teacher
Jean wants to be a teacher in the future. Jean想要將來當老師。 I went to a movie. → to go to a movie
I decided to go to a movie with Jason. 我決定跟Jason去看電影。 I am… 更多 sitting with you. → to be sitting with you
It’s nice to be sitting with you. 跟你坐在一起真好。 想了解更多文法問題,請上教育電台有聲資料庫查詢喔~