
Month: 2017-10

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
1498728420163248 2017-10-27 13:45 11 0 本月初(10/2)臺中科博館科教組SOS解說志工團來局交流,從操作實務面到解說甘苦談,雙方獲益良多!互相激勵、互相打氣讓SOS講解人員可以更熱愛這份挑戰!也建立美好的情誼!
1484799241556166 2017-10-11 13:56 4 0 新增資料[Exploring the Unknown Ocean]:

Exploring the Unknown Ocean Dataset | Science On a Sphere

The global ocean encompasses 75% of our blue planet, yet less than 10% of the waters below its rippling surface have been explored. It was once thought that the ocean depths were devoid of life, the seafloor, a barren, empty plain. However, advances in ocean science technologies are taking humans to...