
Month: 2017-08

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
1449291715106919 2017-08-28 11:08 21 0 歡迎夏威夷民防局貴賓來訪,SOS英文解說為氣象資訊中心 洪景山 (Jing-Shan Hong)簡任技正,雙方交流愉快,常有會心一笑!
1440695329299891 2017-08-17 14:49 2 0 新增資料[Clouds with Precipitation - Real-time]:

Clouds with Precipitation - Real-time Dataset | Science On a Sphere

In this new layered version of two existing SOS datasets, we've combined Clouds - Real-time with Precipitation - Real-time to give a uniquely meaningful glimpse of global weather over the last month. Where you see bright colors over the clouds, there has been precipitation measured by satellites. Wa...
1433665850002839 2017-08-09 09:11 8 1 雖然是2D平面展示,但有豐富資料集與優質互動UI加持,粉吸引人喔!
1429100097126081 2017-08-04 11:26 1 1 新增資料[Solar Eclipse Simulation (NOAA) - August 21, 2017]:

Solar Eclipse Simulation (NOAA) - August 21, 2017 Dataset | Science On a Sphere

A total solar eclipse happens when the disk of the moon appears to completely cover the disk of the sun in the sky as it passes between earth and the sun and can only happen during a new moon. The last time a total solar eclipse was seen from anywhere in the continental United States (CONUS), howeve...