
Month: 2012-02

文章ID 時間 like comment 內容
380182438677497 2012-02-29 14:03 15 0 李家同教授說:任何升學方法都無法幫助弱勢孩子的
358464287508675 2012-02-22 13:54 7 0 由教育部指導,國立教育廣播電臺主辦的第9屆金聲獎-校園廣播節目競賽4月1日起開始收件報名!歡迎全國大學校院愛Show、敢Show的學生們發揮創意,用聲音帶領廣播創造新風潮!
256180161126230 2012-02-17 10:00 1 0 雙語大擂臺:教育電臺每天早上八點整播出雙語文教新聞,為了更加提升雙語文教新聞的編譯品質,廣徵各界雙語好手一同來找碴、切磋,看看以下雙語新聞您是否有更好的編譯方法: “ 1. 師培公費生的服務年限將有更明確規範,教育部部務會報修正通過「師資培育公費助學金及分發服務辦法」,明定公費生最低服務年限不得少於3年,也就是受領公費在3年以下,也要服務3年,避免偏鄉教師流動頻繁,保障學生受教權益。
The regulation… 更多 of the number of years fixed for teacher-cultivating program at public expense will be further confirmed. The Ministry of Education passes The scholarship for the program and the measure for the distribution service decide that the students who join the program should go into relevant service for three years at least. That means the students who are sponsored by the program should give service to the works even the period of being supported is below three years. It hopes to avoid the high turnover of teachers in remote districts and protect the students rights of being educated.” 更多雙語新聞:
349265675104209 2012-02-16 09:52 3 0 大選已結束,元宵雖已過,但是廉政理念與燈謎樂趣還持續發燒,臺北市政府舉辦「網路燈謎活動」以相關廉政措施、陽光法案與重大施政目標為題,跟大家一同猜燈謎反貪污!活動時間到2月29日為止,參加猜對一題以上還有基會抽中數位相機、折疊腳踏車、wii遊戲機等大獎唷!
333998916638795 2012-02-14 10:13 4 0 英語小天使說:with + 名詞 + V-ing/V-en I often sat on the sofa listening to music with my eyes closed.
我常坐在沙發上,閉著眼睛聽音樂。 Henry came out of the room with his eyes shining.
他走出房間,眼睛發光。 Henry left with his job unfinished.… 更多
Henry工作未完成就離開了。 All the morning Winnie studied with her room locked.
一整個早上Winnie房門鎖著在用功讀書。 Don’t just stand there with your arms crossed/folded.
不要只是兩手交叉站在那兒。 She rode a bike on the country path, with her long hair blowing in the wind.
她在鄉間小路上騎著腳踏車,長髪在微風中飄揚。 Two hours later, we came home with ourselves relaxed.
兩小時後我們回到家,身心都放鬆了。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~ MoreSee More
327190760655647 2012-02-10 09:10 8 0 雙語大擂臺:教育電臺每天早上八點整播出雙語文教新聞,為了更加提升雙語文教新聞的編譯品質,廣徵各界雙語好手一同來找碴、切磋,看看以下雙語新聞您是否有更好的編譯方法: “ 101年國中基本學力測驗簡章明天(10)起發售。國中基測全國試務委員會表示,今年國中基測只考一次,在6月9號、10號兩天舉行考試,考生報名時,必須先選擇登記分發區;另外,今年基測考場全面開放冷氣,考生如果不想在冷氣房內考試,可以另外提出申請。
The… 更多 policies and rules for the Basic Competence Test for Junior High School Students will be on sale from tomorrow. The committee for the testing affairs indicates that the test will be held once on Jane 9th and 10th this year, The test takers should select the districts of distribution registered first when applying for it. Additionally, the air conditioning service will be offered. Those who don’t want to take exam in the rooms with air conditioning can apply for others.” 更多雙語新聞:
364909026871505 2012-02-09 16:25 47 4 李家同教授:......令我大吃一驚的是,整整半個小時,電視台的新聞只有一個,就是Makiyo新聞。是不是我國已經天下太平,所以沒有值得大家注意的新聞呢?請看下面的一則新聞,勞斯萊斯將在新加坡設立引擎工廠,.......
182609905176705 2012-02-07 09:14 5 0 英語小天使說:N + V-ing/V-en
The language spoken in Australia is English. 澳洲講的語言是英文。 The little girl playing with a Barbie doll is my niece.
正在玩芭比娃娃的小女孩是我的姪女。 Do you know the girl nodding to us?
你認識那個跟我們點頭的女孩嗎?… 更多 They live in a castle built 400 years ago.
他們住在一棟400年前建造的城堡裡。 We live in an apartment building overlooking Da-an Park.
我們住在可以俯視大安公園的公寓大廈。 The couple living on the third floor are both college professors.
住在三樓的夫妻倆都是大學教授。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~ MoreSee More
243121292434902 2012-02-04 09:26 8 0 雙語大擂臺:教育電臺每天早上八點整播出雙語文教新聞,為了更加提升雙語文教新聞的編譯品質,廣徵各界雙語好手一同來找碴、切磋,看看以下雙語新聞您是否有更好的編譯方法: “ 準教育部長蔣偉寧昨天(1)上午拜會教育部長吳清基,吳清基稱讚蔣偉寧有執行力、有教育理念,對未來教育的無縫接軌他有信心;蔣偉寧則強調,十二年國教的推動時程維持不變,將在民國103年如期上路。
The minister of the Ministry of… 更多 Education newly appointed 蔣偉寧 visited the minister of MOE 吳清基 yesterday. 吳 praised his executive capability and conception toward education. He also felt confident of the connection of future education. 蔣 emphasized that the schedule for 12-year compulsory education will remain the same which will be put into practice in 2014 on time.” 更多雙語新聞:
147011095416456 2012-02-03 09:08 7 0 英語小天使說:V-en + N
My lost wallet was found. 我遺失的皮夾找回來了。 Boiled water is not necessarily hot. 開水不一定是滾燙的。 Throw away the broken plates. 把打破的盤子丟掉。 The retired professor is suffering from a decayed tooth.… 更多
那位退休的教授罹患蛀牙。 Chinese, English, and math are required subjects in high school.
國、英、數在中學裡都是必修課。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~ More
359257614103313 2012-02-02 16:31 8 0 雄中雄女大傳社俊男美女與「花young星空下」主持人璘璘,歡樂可愛的雄中雄女學生與璘璘姐要帶給大家好聽的青少年節目,歡迎收聽FM101.7每週一至週五,晚上11點10分的花young星空下~
359256034103471 2012-02-02 16:27 11 0 雄中雄女聯合寒訓昨天一塊兒來教育電臺參觀,除了看到平常看不到的專業錄音設備、一窺主持人風采外,還有機會能夠上節目!今天幾位雄中雄女的俊男美女就再次來到教育電臺錄製由本臺永遠不老氣質主持人洪璘璘的「花YOUNG星空下」。歡迎大家揪團一塊來教育電臺媒體參訪唷!
346149158753229 2012-02-02 11:07 3 0 雙語大擂臺:教育電臺每天早上八點整播出雙語文教新聞,為了更加提升雙語文教新聞的編譯品質,廣徵各界雙語好手一同來找碴、切磋,看看以下雙語新聞您是否有更好的編譯方法: “ 101學年度大學校院辦理單獨招收身心障礙學生簡章出爐,參與招生的學校數增加,從去年的22校增加為30校,招生名額從1191名增加為1811名,比去年增加620名,是96學年開辦以來招生人數最多的一次。各校統一在3月10號考試。
The… 更多 prospectus designed for students with disabilities of 101 academic year is available now. This year, the number of college involved in this program has increased from 22 schools last year to 30. And the number of students has also increased from 1,191 to 1,811. The total increased number of 620 students shows the most significant increase from 96 academic year, which is the first year for the program to be launched. The date of examination has been set on March.10.” 更多雙語新聞: More
320333668010205 2012-02-01 10:44 3 0 英語小天使說:V-ing + N
That’s a boring TV program.
那是一個很無聊的電視節目。 Last Saturday, my husband and I went to Mt. Ali to see the rising sun.
上個禮拜六,我和我先生到阿里山看日出。 I enjoy watching the setting sun at tamsui. 我喜歡在淡水看日落。 Last… 更多 night I saw a shooting star. 昨晚我看到一顆流星。 The missing mountain climber was finally found.
迷路的登山客終於被尋獲。 Can you stop the barking dog? It might wake up the sleeping child.
你能讓那隻一直在叫的狗不要叫嗎?他會把正在睡覺的孩子吵醒。 A barking dog seldom bites. 會叫的狗很少咬人。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~ More