
Month: 2012-01

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180646515375615 2012-01-31 09:21 13 0 雙語大擂臺:教育電臺每天早上八點整播出雙語文教新聞,為了更加提升雙語文教新聞的編譯品質,廣徵各界雙語好手一同來找碴、切磋,看看以下雙語新聞您是否有更好的編譯方法: “ 101學年度大學校院辦理單獨招收身心障礙學生簡章出爐,參與招生的學校數增加,從去年的22校增加為30校,招生名額從1191名增加為1811名,比去年增加620名,是96學年開辦以來招生人數最多的一次。各校統一在3月10號考試。
The… 更多 prospectus designed for students with disabilities of 101 academic year is available now. This year, the number of college involved in this program has increased from 22 schools last year to 30. And the number of students has also increased from 1,191 to 1,811. The total increased number of 620 students shows the most significant increase from 96 academic year, which is the first year for the program to be launched. The date of examination has been set on March.10.” 更多雙語新聞:
141384232647699 2012-01-30 09:10 10 0 英語小天使說:過完年了,要繼續鞭策大家充實自己的語言能力囉!
分詞(現在分詞V-ing ;過去分詞V-en)-2 Watch out for the boiling water! 小心開水! We drink boiled water instead of tap water in Taiwan.
在台灣我們喝開水,不生飲自來水。 Look at the falling leaves. They are… 更多 beautiful.
看那些正在飄落的葉子,好美哟。 My job is to sweep off the fallen leaves. 我的工作是掃落葉。 A lot of retired teachers are volunteers. 很多退休老師當志工。 Put the faded flowers in the garbage can. 把謝掉的花丟到垃圾桶。 Which do you like better, the rising sun or the setting sun?
你比較喜歡看日出還是日落? Mr. Liu is not only an interesting person but he also tells interesting stories. 劉先生不僅是個有趣的人,他還很會說有趣的故事。 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
348571355155338 2012-01-17 09:15 4 0 英語小天使說:分詞(現在分詞V-ing ;過去分詞V-en) V-ing(主動/進行)
a boring story = a story that bores you
a sleeping baby = a baby who is sleeping V-en(被動/完成)
fallen leaves = leaves which have fallen
a broken cup = a cup which is… 更多 broken boiling water 正在沸滾的水
boiled water 已經煮開的水 falling leaves 正在飄落的葉子
fallen leaves 落在地上的葉子 developing countries開發中的國家
developed countries已開發的國家 retired teachers退休的老師
faded flowers已經凋謝的花
the setting sun落日
interesting stories有趣的故事 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~
150078751771324 2012-01-12 09:12 7 0 雙語大擂臺:教育電臺每天早上八點整播出雙語文教新聞,為了更加提升雙語文教新聞的編譯品質,廣徵各界雙語好手一同來找碴、切磋,看看以下雙語新聞您是否有更好的編譯方法: “ 1.… 更多 100年教育基金會首度評鑑結果出爐,共有42家列為績優,其中特優有12家,優等16家,甲等14家。教育部長吳清基昨天(10)親自出席,頒獎表揚獲獎的42家績優教育基金會,肯定他們推展藝術、閱讀、品德等各方面的公益活動,彌補學校教育不足,是引導社會向上的重要力量。
The result for evaluation and accreditation for education foundations in 2011 has been released. Among the participants, forty-two of them are considered excellent. Twelve of them are considered specially excellent, sixteen of them are considered excellent and fourteen of them are scored as “A.” The minster of the Ministry of Education 吳清基 was presented at the awarding ceremony for praising the prizewinners’ promotion on arts, reading and morality which are important strength for leading the society forward. ” 更多雙語新聞:
332754063410140 2012-01-10 09:13 1 0 英語小天使說:to + V-ing
be devoted to (致力;奉獻) 、with an aim to (目的)、in addition to (除…之外)、when it comes to (提到) Karen devotes herself to helping the poor.
Karen奉獻自己幫助窮苦的人。 She devotes weekends to teaching orphanage… 更多 children English.
她奉獻週末教孤兒院的小朋友英文。 When it comes to helping others, she is second to none.
提到助人,她絕不輸任何人。 Gary rides a bike to work with a view to cutting down expenses.
Gary騎單車去工作是為了減少花費。 Whatever he does, he does it with an aim to saving more money.
不論他做什麼,他的目的就是多省一點錢。 In addition to being a good swimmer, he also runs very fast.
除了是個游泳好手之外,他跑得也很快。 In addition to running fast, he’s also a good swimmer.
除了跑得快,他也是個游泳好手。 More
283641811684713 2012-01-04 09:48 6 0 雙語大擂臺:教育電臺每天早上八點整播出雙語文教新聞,為了更加提升雙語文教新聞的編譯品質,廣徵各界雙語好手一同來找碴、切磋,看看以下雙語新聞您是否有更好的編譯方法: “… 更多 今年總統大選與立委選舉在1月14號投票,選後三天1月17號、18號就是大學學測登場,有考生擔心候選人謝票行程可能影響試場安寧,影響考生作答,而在社交網站臉書(Facebook)上面,發起了「懇請候選人不要在學測當天謝票」的連署活動;家長團體也呼籲候選人,盡量在學測考試舉行前完成相關活動,避免影響考生。
This year, the president and legislator election will be on 14 Jan. Three days later, on 17 and 18 Jan, it will be the university entrance exam. Some test takers have begun to rally a voting system on the social network, Facebook, asking the presidential and legislator candidates not to thank populations in their respective electorates on 17 and 18 Jan since these test takers fear there may be noise disturbing the tranquility of the test locations and influence test takers taking the exam. Groups formed by the students’ parents also advocate the political candidates to conduct the necessary activities before the exam so as not to disturb the test-takers.”
163682690406205 2012-01-03 09:12 5 0 英語小天使說:to + V-ing
be used/accustomed to (習慣)、look forward to (盼望)、object to(反對)、be opposed to (反對) I’m used/accustomed to staying up late. 我習慣熬夜。 I’m used/accustomed to getting up early. 我習慣早起。 I’m looking… 更多 forward to seeing you soon. 希望很快能再見到你。 Jeff is looking forward to visiting his cousin in the States.
Jeff期待去看住在美國的表妹。 I’m opposed to his going with us. 我反對他跟我們去。 Do you object to working on the weekend? 你反對週末工作嗎? 更多關於英文的用法,請多多利用教育電臺有聲資料庫查詢~