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10153579628108407 時間:2015-09-03 19:09 今天讓專業五樓來教大家洗手好時機, 偷偷告訴你~有時候小編太餓吃東西前會忘了洗手(反省中) |
Taiwan's CDC and MOH does not place adequate emphasis on the… 更多 use of soap when washing hands. A majority of the public still does not use soap when frequenting public restrooms, regardless of age or educational level. It is time to place signage in every public restroom, in MRT stations bathrooms, schools and universities, restaurants and hospitals, stating that the use of soap is necessary to remove bacteria from hands. It must be explicit in words and pictures. Rinsing hands with water is not washing them. Please change! |
10153593264788407 時間:2015-09-09 19:00 下班回家就急著抱家中寶貝嗎? 記得抱小孩前,不要忘了換乾淨衣服、洗手! 這很重要! |
And wash them with SOAP each and every time. No exceptions. If… 更多 you merely use water only, then you have not washed hands. CDC Taiwan, you must emphasize soap usage far more than you do. 90%–95% of visitors to public restrooms throughout Taiwan do not use soap, and thus have not washed their hands. This seems to be the case regardless of age or educational level. It's the CDC and Ministry of Health's responsibility to effect a much-needed change on this issue. |
10153615498828407 時間:2015-09-17 19:43 你家也有隱藏在黑暗角落裡的五芒星嗎? 這些可都是防疫登革熱時容易忽略的死角喔, 趕快一起把這些地方清乾淨、刷一刷吧!!! |
Interesting – a satanic pentagram. Conveys danger/evil. |
10153617457178407 時間:2015-09-20 13:00 用肥皂洗手時,你真的有洗乾淨嗎? |
The 1st challenge is getting citizens to stop avoiding soap in… 更多 public. A vast majority (90–95%) currently do not touch soap when frequenting public restrooms, regardless of age or educational level. The Taiwan CDC and Ministry of Health should place 1 sign in every public restroom, in bathrooms in MRT stations, schools, universities, restaurants, and hospitals, stating the use of soap is necessary to wash hands. It must be explicit in words and pictures. Everyone must remember: if you have not used soap to wash hands, then you have not washed them at all! facebook.com/handhygienetw/videos/vb.788592757902109/892276360867081/?type=2&theater |
10153631375043407 時間:2015-09-26 19:00 應該有不少人今天已經開始中秋烤肉~ 烤肉時,千萬要注意飲食衛生啊~ |
For the holiday's festivities, washing vegetables at home… 更多 before taking to a barbeque is a must. Use a hand sanitizer in a convenient small size when on the go. Basic steps everyone should follow to protect public health. |
10153631377573407 時間:2015-09-27 18:00 【中秋節快樂】! 超實用的烤肉小知識, 讓你吃得飽又沒煩惱唷~~ |
For the holiday's festivities, washing vegetables at home… 更多 before taking to a barbeque is a must. Use a hand sanitizer in a convenient small size when on the go. Basic steps everyone should follow to protect public health. |