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10153467265673407 時間:2015-07-19 13:00 大家都知道「用肥皂勤洗手」可以防腸病毒! 可是要怎麼洗才會乾淨呢? 除了家中小孩要洗手外,大人也別忘記~ |
Taiwan's CDC and Ministry of Health does not place adequate… 更多 emphasis on the use of soap when washing hands. A majority of the public still does not use soap when frequenting public restrooms, regardless of age or educational level. It is time to place signage in every public restroom, in MRT stations bathrooms, schools and universities, restaurants and hospitals, stating that the use of soap is necessary to remove bacteria from hands. It must be explicit in words and pictures. Rinsing hands with water is not washing them. Please change! |