Month: 2017-07

文章 留言
時間:2017-07-07 21:22
【Opening! 藝術節熱鬧開場!】 2017 NTSO X 屯區 國際藝術節在陳美安老師指揮國臺交演出歡樂無比的慶典序曲熱鬧開場!
霧峰演奏廳—我們排練的所在,也是我們將美好音樂帶出門到各地與大家分享的基地,今夏,我們再度敞開大門,歡迎大家到我們的家來走走唷! ------------------------------------
【2017 NTSO X 屯區 國際藝術節】 音樂X戲劇X舞蹈 霧峰X大里X太平
7/7~8/27共21場演出 全系列一覽表 #2017NTSOX屯區國際藝術節 #NTSO #國臺交
May 1924 issue of La Revue musicale was a commemorative… 更多 featuring a supplement of pieces composed in honor of one of France's greatest poets by Ravel, Honegger, Caplet, and Delage. To this occasion we also owe Dukas' single extant song, a setting of Ronsard's sonnet "Ha! Bel Acueil, que ta douce parole," and that startling anomaly, Roussel's setting of Rossignol, mon mignonne for medium voice and flute. Far from being the gimmick this suggests, the combination exactly renders the sense of Ronsard's poem, the nightingale's blithesome descant as the lover complains that his beloved stops her ears to avoid hearing his songs -- "We sigh alike: Your sweet voice attempts To tell the affection of… 更多