Month: 2014-07

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時間:2014-07-13 21:30
【2014 NTSO國際青少年音樂營】實況報導之宗緒嫻老師個別課 國立臺北藝術大學音樂系宗緒嫻老師,長年培育臺灣的優秀小提琴學子,她對臺灣學生所會面臨的學習困境都很清楚,經過她的細心指導,一定會有長足的進步。
RAMEAU: Hippolyte et Aricie
spacer Karg, de Negri, Watson,… 更多 Quintans, Connolly; Lyon, Boden, Degout, Lis; Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment and Glyndebourne Chorus, Christie. Production: Kent. Opus Arte BD7150D (Blu-ray) or 1143D (DVD), 186 mins. (opera), 15 mins. (bonus), subtitled

Conductor William Christie, in video extras to this live performance of Rameau’s Hippolyte et Aricie, mentions Anthony Lewis’s landmark 1966 recording with Janet Baker and John Shirley-Quirk as a life-changing musical experience. What a pity, then, that Christie’s splendid musical take for the 2013 Glyndebourne Festival was undermined by Jonathan Kent’s comically superficial staging.… 更多