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326639112313553 時間:2021-06-02 10:59 https://www.pinview.com.tw/news/7547 |
國民黨又來了,人家給我們疫苗,妳去講311... 新聞連結: https://tw.appledaily.co… 更多m/politics/20210603/JIWDRJ4EA5A3TNC7WUKA7ZOCNA/ |
510546747028089 時間:2021-06-08 07:07 英國衛報最新台灣報導讀來讓人痛心⋯ #AVictimOfItsOwnSuccess “Multiple health and social experts told the Guardian that as the virus spread in waves worldwide, authorities hadn’t kept up with new scientific knowledge around… 更多 virulent new strains, the importance of ventilation to combat aerosolised spread, the effectiveness of mass testing, or the examples set by some countries of locking down hard and early. Some felt Taiwan had become “a victim of its own success”, even complacent.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/jun/07/a-victim-of-its-own-success-how-taiwan-failed-to-plan-for-a-major-covid-outbreak?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other |
WHO打臉國民黨~國民黨買的到底是什麼疫苗? 1:WHO呼籲各國 #政府 向原廠採購! 2:原廠採購才會有授權證明! … 更多 新聞連結:👇👇👇 https://news.ltn.com.tw/news/world/breakingnews/3561785 |