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2464549270269838 時間:2019-08-07 23:59 New forms of violence are spreading through social media, for example cyber-bullying. The internet is also a channel for spreading pornography and the exploitation of persons for sexual purposes or through… 更多 gambling”. It should not be forgotten that in the digital world “there are huge economic interests”, capable of creating “mechanisms for the manipulation of consciences and of the democratic process”. There are closed circuits that “facilitate the spread of fake news and false information, fomenting prejudice and hate… The reputation of individuals is put in jeopardy through summary trials conducted online. 「新形式的暴力正在透過社交媒體傳播,例如網路霸凌。網路同時也是一個散播色情以及以色情為目的或賭博來剝削個人的平台。我們不能忘記, 巨大經濟利益正在數位世界中運作,有能力行使各種形式掌控,精巧程度不輸其侵略性,創造操控良心和民主程序的機制。社群網路鼓勵想法相似的民眾接觸,阻礙他們辯論。這些封閉迴路助長假新聞和假資訊散播,煽動偏見與仇恨。」---天主教教宗方濟各(Pope Francis) #支持陳菊秘書長提告 #多一分查證小心觸法 #散布假新聞也犯法 |
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