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10159474788533407 時間:2021-12-01 14:24 #指揮中心快訊 #COVID19 #感謝參與疫苗接種計畫之所有工作人員 #提升國內疫苗涵蓋率 📺記者會影片-臉書:https://pse.is/3tqs2g 📺記者會影片-Youtube:https://youtu.be/COmKGnfPkmw 📺記者會影片-即時字幕:https://youtu.be/dCHm9Xsl07o 📺記者會客語口譯直播:https://youtu.be/d5McthLN3pA 🔔… 更多感謝地方政府及醫療院所通力合作,妥善運用疫苗資源,提升國人疫苗涵蓋率 📢#中央流行疫情指揮中心 今(1)日表示,今(2021)年11月6日晚間抵臺之AstraZeneca COVID-19疫苗第十三批59.4萬劑AstraZeneca COVID-19疫苗,經衛生福利部食品藥物管理署檢驗合格後封緘放行,於11月15日配送至各地方政府衛生局提供民眾接種,已於昨日用罄。指揮中心特別感謝地方政府及醫療院所通力合作,積極調度疫苗,提升國內疫苗涵蓋率。 🔎截至本年12月1日止,我國COVID-19疫苗第一劑涵蓋率為77.93%,第二劑涵蓋率為56.80%,劑次人口比為134.74 (劑/每百人)。指揮中心再次感謝參與疫苗接種計畫之所有工作人員,包括醫護人員、衛生工作人員、協助運送之航空機組員、疫苗倉儲物流人員等,以及願意前往接種疫苗之每一位民眾。指揮中心將持續推動COVID-19疫苗接種計畫,提升國人疫苗涵蓋率,確保國內防疫安全。 ⭐️今日新聞稿:http://at.cdc.tw/9s26g6 ⭐️疾管署嚴重特殊傳染性肺炎專區:http://at.cdc.tw/xP90P0 ⭐️有傳染病問題?就讓疾管家來幫忙:https://goo.gl/BUFT1r |
疫情是造假的...KOVI is fake, lies, hoax and evil plan of world… 更多 population reduction conspiracy constructed by Bill Gates, Fauci, Obama, Clinton, Soros, Kissinger, Catholic Pope and many many more deep state families such as Rothschild who registered COVID 19 as his patent in 2015 and Rockefeller Playbook of SOP like movie script telling his subordinates, accessory, accomplice and puppets working under his deep state business to follow.....you know Rockefeller Playbook searchable inside google and Telegram for more truth searching groups such as 地球正義聯盟Avengers, 🇹🇼台灣覺醒行動聯盟🌐Taiwan Waken🇹🇼 Chat, 台灣醫療人員疫苗真相論壇, 🇹🇼中華民國等等..... (我滅共我滅共我滅共我滅共我滅共我滅共),這個不是笑死人的假OMG病毒嗎...! |
651902379138953 時間:2021-12-02 12:35 |
疫情是造假的...KOVI is fake, lies, hoax and evil plan of world… 更多 population reduction conspiracy constructed by Bill Gates, Fauci, Obama, Clinton, Soros, Kissinger, Catholic Pope and many many more deep state families such as Rothschild who registered COVID 19 as his patent in 2015 and Rockefeller Playbook of SOP like movie script telling his subordinates, accessory, accomplice and puppets working under his deep state business to follow.....you know Rockefeller Playbook searchable inside google and Telegram for more truth searching groups such as 地球正義聯盟Avengers, 🇹🇼台灣覺醒行動聯盟🌐Taiwan Waken🇹🇼 Chat, 台灣醫療人員疫苗真相論壇, 🇹🇼中華民國等等..... (我滅共我滅共我滅共我滅共我滅共我滅共),這個不是笑死人的假OMG病毒嗎...! |
241200348072534 時間:2021-12-07 11:16 |
👌🤟👎👹 |
1271862693288819 時間:2021-12-09 11:02 |
不要臉造假 |