Month: 2021-11

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時間:2021-11-29 19:00
即將進入流感高峰季節,大家都打流感疫苗了嗎? 天氣越來越冷🌨,除了做好自身保暖,
尤其高危險族群,如65歲以上長者🧓👵、嬰幼兒👶、孕婦🤰等,要更加留意唷! 📢現在就告訴大家「預防流感併發重症」的四大撇步,請跟上唷‼️ #接種流感疫苗
疫情是造假的...KOVI is fake, lies, hoax and evil plan of world… 更多 population reduction conspiracy constructed by Bill Gates, Fauci, Obama, Clinton, Soros, Kissinger, Catholic Pope and many many more deep state families such as Rothschild who registered COVID 19 as his patent in 2015 and Rockefeller Playbook of SOP like movie script telling his subordinates, accessory, accomplice and puppets working under his deep state business to know Rockefeller Playbook searchable inside google and Telegram for more truth searching groups such as 地球正義聯盟Avengers, 🇹🇼台灣覺醒行動聯盟🌐Taiwan Waken🇹🇼 Chat, 台灣醫療人員疫苗真相論壇, 🇹🇼中華民國等等..... (我滅共我滅共我滅共我滅共我滅共我滅共),這個不是笑死人的假OMG病毒嗎...!