國立故宮博物院 National Palace Museum 新增了 1 張相片。2015年8月5日上午4:14 · 「玉匣初開鏡,輕風拂去塵。光如一片水,影照兩邊人。」
Current Exhibit: Reflections of the Emperor: The Collection and Culture of Mirrors at the Qing… 更多 Court (Gallery: 303)
【"Yuxia" Bronze Mirror Decorated with Ginkgo Leaves】
Sui to early Tang period, 7th century, Diameter: 15.2 cm
這面圓形鏡的鏡背紋飾為放射狀分佈的銀杏八枝,樹枝交叉處構成了鏡鈕。銀杏葉末端為細微的水波紋,若清風吹撫,銀杏臨水而動,畫面極為雅致。內外區以細弦紋為界,圓鏡的外區鑄有北周詩人庾信(513-581)的駢體詠鏡詩句:「玉匣初開鏡,輕風拂去塵。光如一片水,影照兩邊人。」 音韻和諧的詩句、工整的楷體銘文與宜人的鏡背紋飾相互呼應,予人清爽感受。
The back of this round mirror is decorated with eight evenly arranged gingko patterns radiating from the center, where they intertwine to form a knob. The… 更多