已領取勞保老年給付的退休族重返職場工作,雇主可申報其參加職業災害保險及依法為其提繳勞工退休金,以保障權益! 臺灣已邁向高齡化社會,有越來越多已經領取勞工保險老年給付的退休族,重新投入職場。勞保局表示,這樣的員工雖然不能再參加勞保的普通事故保險,但雇主仍可以申報這些員工參加勞保的職業災害保險。另如是類人員為適用勞基法之勞工(含本國籍、外籍配偶、陸港澳地區配偶、永久居留的外籍人士),雇主仍須依法為其提繳勞工退休金。 #… 更多勞保 #勞退 Employers may enroll retirees who have received labor insurance old-age benefit and rejoining the workforce in occupational accident insurance under the labor insurance program, and they are required to deposit labor pension into an individual labor pension account to ensure their rights and interests. As Taiwan has become an aging society, more and more retirees who are already receiving or have received labor insurance old-age benefits are choosing to rejoin the workforce.… 更多