補習班、診所、公寓大廈管理委員會等其他各業,雖非勞工保險強制加保單位,仍應依規定為員工申報參加就業保險。 另單位如有適用勞動基準法,雇主亦須依法為所僱用的勞工(含本國籍、外籍配偶、陸港澳地區配偶、永久居留之外籍人士)提繳勞工退休金。
勞退:https://www.bli.gov.tw/0000007.html #就保 #勞退… 更多 Business entities which are not subject to mandatory participation in the labor insurance program are still required to enroll their employees in the employment insurance.
Although other business entities such as cram schools, clinics and apartment management committees that are not mandatorily required to participate in labor insurance should still enroll their employees in the employment insurance according to the regulations.
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