勞工退休金是強制雇主須依法給付退休金給勞工的制度。 💡依據勞工退休金條例(勞退新制)規定:
雇主應為適用勞基法的勞工(含本國籍、外籍配偶、陸港澳地區配偶、永久居留之外籍人士),自到職之日起至離職當日止,按月提繳不低於勞工每月工資6%退休金,儲存於勞保局設立的勞工退休金個人專戶。 因此適用勞退新制勞工轉換工作後,在不同公司提繳的退休金都可以合併計算。… 更多 當勞工年滿60歲時,不論是否在職工作,均可向勞保局請領新制退休金個人專戶的本金及累積收益(未滿60歲符合勞工退休金條例第24條之2規定喪失工作能力者,得提前請領)。 #勞退 The Labor Pension System refers to the system under which an employer is legally obligated to provide retirement pensions to a worker. According to the Labor Pension Act (New Labor Pension Systems), the employers shall contribute to the labor pension of workers to whom the Labor Standards Act applies (Taiwanese citizens; foreign spouses; spouses from mainland, Hong Kong, or Macau; and permanent resident foreigners) from the first… 更多