🙋:我總共在3家不同的速食店打工,是只要其中一家老闆幫我提繳勞工退休金就好嗎?還是每一個店都要幫我提繳呢? 無論是打工或正職,只要是適用勞基法的勞工(含本國籍、外籍配偶、陸港澳地區配偶、永久居留之外籍人士),都是勞退新制的強制提繳對象,老闆都應為其提繳勞工退休金。 因此,如勞工同時在3家不同的速食店打工,每位雇主都須依規定為其提繳勞工退休金喔! #勞退 I am working at three different… 更多 fast food restaurants. Is it ok for just one of the employers contributes to my pension, or all of the employers contribute to my pension?
Regardless if you work part-time or full-time, as long as you are a laborer applicable to the Labor Standards Act (Taiwanese citizen, foreign spouse, spouse of Chinese, Hong Kong, Macau nationality or permanent resident foreigners), you are a target of compulsory contribution in the new labor pension system, and your employer should contribute labor pension for you.