勞保年金及一次性給付均可設立專戶,保障被保險人權益! To safeguard the rights and interests of the insured persons, claimants for labor insurance pension and lump-sum benefit can both apply for a designated account.… 更多 為使被保險人或受益人受領勞保給付的權益保障更為周全,勞工保險條例第29條業已修正,將請領一次性保險給付者亦納為得開立專戶的對象。 自110年4月30日起,不論是勞工保險年金給付或一次性給付的請領者,均可開立專戶存入給付,專戶內存款不得作為抵銷、扣押、供擔保或強制執行之標的。 🔲更多資訊: https://www.bli.gov.tw/0105332.html #勞保 To further strengthen the protective measures for the insured persons and his/her beneficiary (beneficiaries) when claiming labor insurance benefits, the government has revised Article 29 of the Labor Insurance Act and lump-sum benefits have been allowed to establish designated accounts for depositing the benefit payments. With effect from April 30, 2021, individuals claiming labor insurance pension and lump-sum benefits are both allowed to establish designated accounts for depositing the benefit payments. Deposits in the designated account shall not be the objects of offset, seizure, mortgage or compulsory execution. 🔲For more information: https://www.bli.gov.tw/en/0012859.html