私立幼兒園之性質為勞工保險條例所稱之公益事業,僱用員工5人以上,屬勞工保險強制投保單位;僱用員工1人以上,即為就業保險強制投保單位。另私立幼兒園適用勞動基準法,不論僱用員工幾人,雇主應依規定為所屬勞工(含本國籍、外籍配偶、陸港澳地區配偶、永久居留之外籍人士)提繳勞工退休金。 🔲更多資訊:
勞退:… 更多https://www.bli.gov.tw/0000007.html #勞保 #就保 #勞退 Private preschools are categorized as “Public-Interest Entities” under the Labor Insurance Act. Private preschools with five or more employees shall be subject to compulsory enrollment to the labor insurance. Private preschools with one employee or more shall be subject to compulsory enrollment to the employment insurance.
Besides, the employers of private preschools are required to deposit labor pension for the workers to whom the Labor Standards Act applies (Taiwanese citizens; foreign spouses; spouses from mainland, Hong Kong, or Macau; and permanent resident foreigners),no matter how many employees are hired. 🔲For more information:
Labor Insurance: https://www.bli.gov.tw/en/0014978.html
Labor Pension: https://www.bli.gov.tw/en/0010363.html