無論是同時或先後符合國民年金各項年金給付條件,包括身心障礙年金、身心障礙基本保證年金、老年年金給付、老年基本保證年金或遺屬年金給付,都只能擇一請領。因此,如果您申請二種以上的年金給付,也都符合請領條件,則勞保局會在審查後,發給較高的給付金額。 #國保 If one meets the requirements for claiming more… 更多 than two pension under National Pension Insurance Program simultaneously, could he/she claim all of them? No. No matter one simultaneously or sequentially meets the requirements of various payment under National Pension Insurance Program such as disability pension payments, disability basic guaranteed pension payments, old-age pension payments, old-age basic guaranteed pension payments or survivor pension payments, he/she could only select one pension. The Bureau of Labor Insurance will automatically select the better one for the insured person and issue the better payment after examination.