在國民年金加保期間分娩或早產的女性被保險人,就可以向勞保局請領國民年金的生育給付,給付標準是按國民年金月投保金額(目前為18,282元)一次發給2個月生育給付。如果是生雙胞胎,發給4個月、3胎胞發給6個月,以此類推喔~ #國保 All female insured who have given birth or have had premature labor during the insured period… 更多 may claim maternity benefits under the National Pension Insurance Program. The benefits are paid based on the monthly insured amount (currently NTD18, 282). In other words, a lump sum maternity payment equal to the two-month monthly insured amount will be provided. In cases of more than one birth, the payment shall be increased proportionately.