雇主依法應為所屬員工按月提繳不低於工資6%的退休金,儲存至勞保局設立之勞工退休金個人專戶,並應由雇主全額負擔,不能從勞工的薪水扣除。如果雇主從您的薪水扣繳,造成工資不完全給付,已經違反勞基法規定,你可向公司所在地的地方勞工行政主管機關(https://www.bli.gov.tw/0103340.html) 申訴。 #勞退 In accordance with the Labor Pension Act,… 更多 employers are required to contribute labor pension which is no less than 6% of employee's wages into individual labor pension accounts managed by the Bureau of Labor Insurance on a monthly basis. The contribution should be paid totally by employers ,shouldn’t be deducted from employee's wages. If the employer deducts the contribution from your wages, it already constitutes incomplete performance of wage payment and violates the Labor Standards Act. Then you may prepare related information and data and report the situation directly to the labor affair administrative competent authorities located at the place where the service unit locates.