只要是在台灣設有戶籍,並且符合國民年金加保資格,不管目前是否在國內居住,依規定仍然必須參加國民年金保險。但如果您已經將戶籍主動辦理遷出國外,或者因為超過2年未持本國護照入境而被戶政機關將戶籍遷出國外,那麼在除籍期間就不屬於國民年金被保險人,勞保局會主動為您辦理退保。 更多資訊:https://www.bli.gov.tw/0104699.html
#國保 For nationals who have… 更多 household registration in the Republic of China and meet the qualifications for enrolling in National Pension Insurance, no matter whether they currently live in Taiwan or not, they should participate in National Pension Insurance according to regulations.If they have moved household registration out to a foreign country, or if your household registration has been moved out by the household registration authorities in the absence of an entry record in the last two years using a ROC passport, you will no longer be considered an insured person of the National Pension Insurance and the Bureau of Labor Insurance will voluntarily conduct the insurance coverage withdrawal for them. For more information: https://www.bli.gov.tw/en/0011764.html